Zombie World: Sign in to Become Stronger

Chapter 425: Wooden Pile Dafa

Xu Ce's figure was like a cannonball fired from its chamber. Under the surge of mana, he rushed straight down, using the ruler as a sword, and at the same time, the thunder in his palm flashed and attached to the blade.


The light of thunder flickered endlessly, especially in the dark night, it was extremely dazzling.

Looking at it suddenly, it was just a ball of dazzling thunder light, colliding towards the ground.

Previously, Xu Ce hadn't used the ability of palm thunder, because Shi Jian still had a physical body, and the damage that Xuanpin's spells could cause was limited.

However, at this time, Shi Jian is the body of the soul, and Thunder's restraint effect on him will be greatly increased.

The ground grade is more powerful than the sky, the mysterious magic spell is thunder in the palm, and the magic power of the three-turn Jindan realm, with the superposition of the three, once Shi Jian touches it, it will definitely be sour.

After seeing this, Shi Jian sensed the terrifying coercion falling from the sky, and his complexion changed drastically on the spot, and the incomparably evil fluctuations suddenly became more concentrated.

However, Shi Jian didn't want to directly fight against the condensed evil spirit with his soul body.

Rather! With a loud shout, he said:

"Pile Dafa!"

Shi Jian knows magic, but what he is really good at is Maoshan Taoism.

Shi Jian has two best Maoshan Taoism, one is palm thunder.

Palm Thunder is definitely useless, at least until he completely converts the Yuanyang thunder energy into evil energy, this spell is useless.

The second is the method of wooden piles.

However, the method of wooden stakes consumes a lot of energy. On weekdays, Shi Jian seldom uses this method except for routine practice to refine this method.

Originally, Shi Jian didn't intend to use this method today, but after watching Xu Ce use the terrifying power of thunder, this method is the only way to keep himself safe.

The thunder is extremely masculine and fierce, and he is now the body of the soul, who is most afraid of the power of thunder.

The method of wooden stakes uses the summoning of wooden stakes as a means to deal with the enemy, and the wood of the five elements itself has a restraining effect on thunder, so you can be worry-free!

Accompanied by Shi Jian's loud shout, the thick evil spirit suddenly formed a terrifying tornado of evil spirit. The evil spirit was raging. On the ground, thick trees rose up one after another. Form thick long wooden stakes.


Shi Jian shouted again, and dozens of wooden stakes gathered in front of him, forming a wooden stake protection.

At this time, Xu Ce, who fell from the sky, had already arrived.

"Small tricks! Broken!"

Xu Ce stabbed straight out, and Bi Tianchi hit the wooden stake.

The two mana fluctuations collided together, and a loud bang suddenly appeared.


The evil aura of thunder, silver light, and black purple formed two huge shock waves, and the strong wind raged, causing the ground to sink in an instant.

Even Yizhuang, which was two to three hundred meters away, almost collapsed under such shock waves.

The wooden piles were torn apart and exploded, and sawdust flew wildly.

It was the first time for Uncle Jiu and others to watch the full-strength attack of the Jindan realm at such a close distance, and everyone's expressions were bleak. changed rhythm.

Moreover, it seems that even if they try to protect them, it will be useless. Uncle Jiu said:

"Leave Yizhuang first, stay away from here, the power of the Jindan realm is too terrifying!"

No one objected, it was indeed appalling, sincerely, being affected would be a fart.

On Xu Ce's side, after smashing a few wooden stakes, he didn't stop, his momentum was still like a rainbow, and the thick mana was crazily drawn from the rotation of the three-turn golden elixir, and it was continuously replenished on the Bitian ruler. And continue to increase the mana conversion of this palm thunder.


There was an even more ear-piercing sound of thunder, and the silver thunder light seemed to never stop, under Bi Tianchi's slashing, it continued to shatter the evil energy.

"Old dog, this is what you said to kill me!"

Xu Ce roared wildly, smashing the last wooden stake blocking Shi Jian's body with one foot.

"Little thief! Pindao is fighting with you!"

Shi Jian was burning with anger, and at the same time he was even more horrified. His current soul body was definitely equivalent to the strength of the Jindan realm, but it was still not enough for Xu Ce.

What kind of cultivation is Xu Ce?

Shi Jian was shocked.

However, waiting to be beheaded without a fight is absolutely impossible.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, the tree of the five elements, listen to my orders..."

Shi Jian shouted loudly, the method he could use at this time was Maoshan Daoist method, full of strong evil spirit, the big devil who everyone could get and punish, but he used Maoshan Daomen's magic so smoothly, Undoubtedly, great irony.

After all the wooden stakes were chopped up by Xu Ce, Shi Jian condensed dozens of new wooden stakes again, even though he knew that the final result would still be all smashed, but at least he could delay for a certain period of time, time is the key.

Shi Jian's eyes swept around, as if he was looking for something. In order to resist Xu Ce's terrifying attack, his evil energy was consumed a lot, and he urgently needed to replenish it, and urgently needed to devour other souls to strengthen himself.

Xu Ce curled his lips in disdain, and said with contempt:

"Hehe, your aura has decayed, and you want to find a new soul body to replenish? Old dog, do you think I will give you this chance?"

Shi Jian gritted his teeth, extremely annoyed, this Xu Ce is too difficult, if it is another time, another place, who would dare to do this to him, who would be able to do this to him!

"Little thief, Hugh is so rampant!"

Shi Jian said angrily.

"Arrogance, hehe, for trash like you, I want to show you what real arrogance is!"

Xu Ce gritted his teeth, and his whole body was surging with energy. The thunder force from Bi Tian Chi Jian's body suddenly broke away and turned into a silver snake, biting towards Shi Jian's dark purple evil energy.


Wherever the silver snake passed, no matter how strong the dark purple evil energy was, it turned into green smoke and was directly purified.

The battle was extremely ferocious, and the sound was earth-shattering.

But Shi Jian couldn't find the soul body to swallow to replenish the evil energy, and his breath gradually became weaker.

Xu Ce, on the other hand, became more courageous as he fought more and more, as if he had endless strength. As the two ebbed and flowed, the gap gradually became more obvious.

"Old dog, you can die now!"

With a loud roar, Xu Ce twisted his body, and holding the Bitian ruler, he cut across Shi Jian's soul body directly.


On the cross-section of the broken soul body, there were continuous crackling sounds, constantly consuming evil energy.

Shi Jian gritted his teeth suddenly, and directly discarded the part where the soul body and the power of thunder were attached. Only in this way could the power of thunder be prevented from eroding other parts, and then the soul body was reassembled not far away.

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