Zombie World: Sign in to Become Stronger

Chapter 441 Must be an expert outsider Fang


Qian Kai coughed dryly twice, another mouthful of old blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, the Taoist hurriedly handed him a cup of hot tea, Qian Kai gulped it down, and he recovered after a while.

At this time, Qian Kai's complexion was pale. Just now, his condition was indeed exactly as Mr. Tan said in the teahouse, he suffered backlash and suffered internal injuries.

However, Qian Kai's backlash was a bit funny, after all, Xu Ce didn't make a move, otherwise, he wouldn't have been allowed to live.

Qian Kai had consumed too much mana, and his mental power had a certain pull with the zombies in Yizhuang, so he was dizzy directly. When the mana was about to be exhausted, his mind was dizzy, and it was too late to restrain his mana, which resulted in mana overdraft.

And Qian Kai's Taoism is also in the realm of Qi Refining Dzogchen, and the master who taught them the spells died early, and in the later stage they relied on their own learning to thrive, and many experiences that needed to be passed on word of mouth, but they didn't know it. tragedy.

It is not that Qian Kai has never dealt with demons and ghosts before, but this guy is lucky, and all he encounters are weak chickens, but it is also because of this that he can survive until now.

This time, Qian Kai suffered a big loss due to lack of experience.

Qian Kai slowed down for a moment, his face recovered a little color, took a few breaths, and then said:

"Master Tan, I'm afraid that today's poor man will not be able to deal with that piece of boldness for the time being, so I hope Master Tan will not be surprised.

However, since Pindao has accepted Master Tan's money, what he promised will definitely be done.

I also hope that Mr. Tan will give Pindao some time, and there will be a satisfactory answer. "

Maoshan Taoism is very complicated, many of them can be used righteously, and evil can be used if used evilly. If one plan fails, then change it!

Zhang Bold is just an ordinary person, so what can he do if he knows some punches, as long as he deliberately targets Zhang Bold, within three days, his life will definitely be killed!

As for refunding the money, hehe, Daoist Qian, who has an open eye for money, has ever had the reason to return the money after collecting it!

Master Tan frowned. He already felt that the money was not worth the money. Although he had seen some mysterious techniques when he cast the spell just now, he couldn't even solve such a big battle. Drop it, it looks good and has a fart.

At this time, the housekeeper smiled and said:

"Master, I think Daoist Qian also intends to do things for the master. This time, there may be some accidents. Why don't you give Daoist Qian another chance."

Master Tan looked at the steward, thought about it again, and it would be troublesome to find another person now, and kill Zhang Bold without anyone noticing, so he nodded and said:

"Well, Daoist Qian, I'll give you another chance, but you have to say a time limit, so I won't make me wait indefinitely."

After hearing this, Daoist Qian was overjoyed, and secretly gave the butler a grateful look, then stood up, cupped his hands, and said:

"Three days, no more than three days, Pindao will definitely take Zhang Bold's life!"

"Three days... Well, then I will give you three days! I hope Daoist Qian will not disappoint Tan."

"Master Tan, you can rest assured that this time it was an accident. I didn't expect that piece of boldness to be so cunning. With this experience, it's easy to get ready for the poor!"


In Yizhuang.

At the same time that Qian Kai vomited blood and fell to the ground, the two zombies chasing and biting Zhang Bold stopped suddenly, as if they had crashed, fell to the ground with a click, and there was no more Little movement.

Zhang Boldly panted, his mind was still spinning, but fortunately Xu Ce didn't carry him around anymore.

Xu Ce still stood where he was, back and forth, he didn't even move his footsteps, and threw Zhang Bold on the ground.

The reminder to complete the system sign-in task in my mind has not yet appeared, so I have to wait.

It is estimated that it will not be over until dawn at five o'clock.

After Zhang Boldly paused for a while, he looked up at Xu Ce, then got up and knelt in front of him, kowtowed three times, and said:

"Thank you benefactor for saving my life. I don't know my benefactor Gao's name yet. If I become prosperous in the future, I will surely repay you."

The corners of Xu Ce's mouth twitched, you're the only one who's so stupid, and still so successful? Reciprocate from the spring? forget it……

Xu Ce himself didn't want to talk to Zhang Bold, but seeing him like this, he couldn't ignore him, so he waved his hand and said:

"Get up."

"Yes, benefactor."

Hearing Xu Ce's indifferent voice and gentle tone, Zhang Bold was even more curious about who the benefactor who saved him was, but after carrying him around for so long, he didn't show signs of fatigue at all. You are worthy of being an expert.

The Yizhuang fell into silence again. Zhang boldly glanced at Xu Ce furtively. Even in the dim moonlight, he still felt that the benefactor in front of him was extraordinary, full of immortality, and he didn't change his expression when facing zombies...

Then Zhang Bold thought of the Taoist priest he met on the way to Yizhuang. Could this benefactor also be a Taoist priest?

But Zhang Bold was not sure, after all, Xu Ce was wearing casual clothes.

Xu Ce didn't speak, and Zhang Bold had a lot of questions in his mind, he was a bit afraid to ask, but in the end curiosity prevailed.

Talking also needs to be skillful. Zhang Boldly drove the carriage for Master Tan for several years, and still learned a little bit, that is, talking about topics that the other party is interested in can often have good results.

Zhang boldly mustered up his courage and asked in a low voice:

"Your benefactor is a member of the Taoist sect?"

Xu Ce raised his eyebrows slightly, what does this kid want to do? Take his word for it? Thinking that there is nothing to do, it doesn't matter to say a few words about how to play time, so he nodded.

Seeing Xu Ce's response, Zhang Boldly felt overjoyed. He thought of his friends who were captured by the female ghost in the mirror, and said:

"Engong, there are zombies in this Yizhuang. In fact, I have seen a ghost, a scary female ghost, and I even fought with that female ghost. I even cut off one of the female ghost's hands...

Even that female ghost is also very powerful, and captured all my friends, and I was almost finished..."

Zhang Boldly recounted the experience of a female ghost appearing after he bet with his fox friends to peel apples in front of the mirror at night.

Xu Ce moved slightly, frowned and said:


Then Xu Ce had no other reaction.

Xu Ce knew about what Zhang boldly said, but he had no interest in helping, and he didn't have any rewards for signing in.

Moreover, Zhang Bold's friends were also idlers, and their livelihood was stealthy, and they were captured by the female ghost, and the female ghost was considered a meritorious deed.

"Engong, do you think my friends can still be saved?"

Zhang boldly said tentatively.

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