Chapter 55: The Gods Come Down to Earth, Save the PeopleIt is enough that Wen Cai is greedy for life and fear of death.

Ren Tingting stood in front of Master Ren: “Dad, you go first.”

Master Ren pushed Ren Tingting away: “Tingting, you are still young, you go first, if something happens to your father…”

The words are not finished yet.


next moment!

The green-haired stiff that Mrs Ren turned into jumped over directly.

With one hand, he grabbed Mr. Ren’s neck fiercely.

Smelling the smell of the blood of his close relatives, Lu Maozong screamed again in excitement!

It seems to say.

Humble people come, wait!

Wait until I have a full drink, then tear it up! !

The old man who turned into a zombie at this moment has already completely turned into a zombie, and there is no humanity to play!

“Father, father, I’m Ren Fa, your son!”

Master Ren still had luck.

Ren Tingting used both hands and feet, but the old zombie didn’t look at her at all.

Another big hand.

Violently strangled Ren Tingting’s neck.

Suddenly, the father and daughter were like lining up to give blood!


Green-haired stiffly showed his sharp fangs in excitement, and an unpleasant, rancid, disgusting breath emanated from his mouth.

According to Master Ren’s neck, he bit down hard!


next moment!


The sound of a crisp, sharp object hitting it sounded out of thin air!

The green hair sucked fiercely!

All the broken teeth in his mouth fell into his belly! ! !

After you have sucked the blood of powerful relatives and improved your strength.

snort! !

Humble humans, wait!


Take a breath, suck a loneliness! ! !

Green Hair Stiff: “…”

Master Ren also closed his eyes tightly, he felt that he was finished today!

But after waiting for a long time, there is no pain in the neck.

Slowly opened his eyes.

Entering his eyes, standing in front of him is Su Yang with a cold face.

Although he used the black bear skin to hide just now, it blocked the green hair’s stiff mouth.

So the stealth function is broken.

Now what Master Ren sees is that Su Yang stretches out a big hand, which is placed between his neck and his stiff green mouth.

It is conceivable that if he hadn’t sacrificed himself just now.

Now, I have been sucked into a human by the zombie that my father turned into!

Just thinking about it is a chill.

Thanks to this young man.

Fortunately, his existence prevented his own tragedy.

But his arms…

For a time, Master Ren admired Su Yang, and he was almost in awe.

He never imagined that the youngest apprentice of the ninth uncle, so young, had such a broad mind, that in order to save himself, he would not hesitate to feed zombies with his body! !

Master Ren looked at Su Yang’s eyes.


Admiration! !

Before Lu Maozong could react, Su Yang raised his fist.


A fist hit Lu Maozong’s arm pinching Ren Tingting.


Suddenly, the entire arm was blasted!

Ren Tingting’s face that had already been pinched turned red.

I almost thought I couldn’t survive.

As a result, Su Yang descended like a god.

Save yourself!

And so fierce!

One fist will blow the green hair stiff! !

Simply handsome! ! !

Ren Tingting looked at Su Yang’s eyes.

More is hot! !

Su Yang looked a little uncomfortable with this look.

Wen Cai stood where he was and didn’t dare to move. He thought he had already delivered the food.

As a result, I saw the junior apprentice suddenly appear in front of me.

And the means are fierce.

As soon as he shot, he blew up one of Green Hair’s stiff arms.

“Junior brother, fortunately you are here.”

When Lu Maozong reacted, one of his hands had been blown up.

And sadly, he was full of copper teeth, biting on the arm of this human, and was shattered alive!

Now he has only two fangs that are about to collapse in his mouth!

He suffered two big losses in the hands of this human in a row.

Lv Mao Zong didn’t even think about it, screaming in the sky!

Immediately, many controlled villagers gathered around Su Yang.

The leader is Captain Awei.

The rest of the people just drank water with corpse poison before they became zombies.

Captain Awei was poked with two big holes in his butt.The corpse poison is even worse.

At this moment, his nails are three inches long, and his fangs have grown out again.

Being ordered by Lumao stiffly, and looking at Su Yang seemed extremely unpleasant.


He opened his mouth wide and bit Su Yang frantically.

Swallowing the Sun! ! !

Su Yang ran the Sun-Swallowing Judgment, and a chilling aura emerged from his body!

As soon as this momentum came out, it was madly suppressed.

The air seems to be compressed, suppressing everything around you.

Awei seems to be suppressed by his blood, and trembles all over!

Su Yang raised his leg.

A kick!


Captain Awei’s mouth was immediately stenciled with a large sole!


He now has the Dayang Jiuyan Divine Body, the power of one kick.

Directly kicked the two fangs of Captain Awei!

Captain Awei’s body flew out backwards, lying on the ground not daring to move, watching Su Yang with awe.

This human being is very dangerous!

Lu Maozong took the opportunity to escape.

Su Yang stepped forward and kicked three or five villagers away.

“Want to run!?”

Su Yang sneered.

With a move of the right hand, a flaming talisman appeared out of thin air, and hit it against the stiff back of the green hair.



The flames burn.

But Lu Maozong didn’t even care about those, and wanted to run away without looking back.

“Leave me!”

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