: Zombies will knock on the door
? Three Geomaster-level enemies! ! (4/10)
Xiaobao rushed over excitedly after seeing Mao Shanming.
However, Mao Shanming directly stretched out his hand to block Little Treasure who was about to hug him.
“What happened to Uncle Ming!”
Dabao seemed to sense something was wrong, and spoke to Mao Shanming anxiously.
Mao Shanming looked at Dabao and Xiaobao, whom he regarded as sons, and then thought about what Uncle Ninth said, and his eyes were firm.
“Ninth Uncle is right, water and fire are incompatible, north and south are opposed, black and white! Loyalty and filial piety are hard to survive, and people and ghosts have different paths!!”
Mao Shanming took a deep breath and said calmly,
“What does it mean for people and ghosts to have different paths!”
Xiaobao asked curiously.
“It means that from today onwards, we will go our separate ways and have our own places! If we are on the same road, we will be dead ends, if we want to live together, we will be miserable. If we are together, there will be no good results.
, As long as we stay together, we will be unlucky for as long as possible!”
Mao Shanming said helplessly.
“Uncle Ming, then you don’t want Xiaobao!”
However, Xiaobao at this time also heard what Mao Shanming meant.
And Dabao also looked at Mao Shanming with a look of hope.
Looking at the two brothers Mao ShanmingHis eyes were slightly red, but he knew that now was not the time to be soft-hearted, otherwise, both sides would not be better off.
Mao Shanming walked up to Xiaobao and touched his little head.
“Uncle Ming doesn’t want you, Xiaobao, you follow Dabao obediently, go back to your hometown first, and when Uncle Ming saves enough money, he will come back to you, and then ask a master to save you!”
After Mao Shanming finished speaking, he sighed directly, stood up, turned around and left.
But Dabao and Xiaobao reluctantly followed behind him.
“You two don’t follow me!!”
Mao Shanming felt the breath of the two and immediately clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.
But Big Treasure and Little Treasure still followed after looking at each other.
It’s a pity that Mao Shanming put a talisman paper on the door immediately after walking into the inn, and Dabao and Xiaobao didn’t dare to chase after him.
“Dabao, Uncle Ming really doesn’t want us anymore!!”
After seeing this, Xiaobao immediately burst into tears with red eyes.
“Don’t worry, it’s alright, I’m here!”
Dabao could only hold Xiaobao in his arms.
However, the two of them didn’t realize it. In the darkness not far away, two dark figures were sneaking at the two brothers.
“It’s not good, it’s not good, something big happened, that…horse thief appeared!!”
After a stick of incense, a scream instantly spread throughout the Yizhuang. Jiu Shu, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up from the bed the next moment.
It seemed that Uncle Ninth was ready from the beginning. He didn’t even take off his clothes. After jumping up from the bed, he rushed out of the room.
“What happened!”
: When the ninth uncle came to the living room, he found that Mo Bai also came to the living room, but I don’t know why, after seeing Mo Bai this time, the ninth uncle clearly felt that the Mo Bai in front of him seemed to be the same as before. what a difference.
Although he didn’t know what the difference was, Ninth Uncle didn’t bother, but looked at the two figures in the living room, and this person was Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng who was covered in pitch black.
Two senior brothers, why did you two go to dig coal in the middle of the night?”
, Mo Bai looked at Qiusheng, the literary talent in front of him, and immediately opened his mouth in doubt.
Hearing the teasing of the edging, the two were immediately a little embarrassed.
“Tell me, what’s the matter with the two of you!”
Ninth Uncle snorted coldly and then said directly and solemnly, something was wrong. If the warlock really came, the strength of these two boys would have died long ago.
“Master, this is what happened!!”
Wen Cai lowered his head and glanced at Ninth Uncle, and then quickly told the story of himself and Qiusheng going to trick Dabao and Xiaobao. The two wiped the pot ashes to trick Dabao and Xiaobao. Unexpectedly, when they were having a good time, they were caught by Mao Shanming. When they found out, the two could only catch Dabao and Xiaobao and run away.
The plot behind is similar to the original, that is, Dabao and Xiaobao are directly caught by the sudden appearance of the warlock.
“Master, you don’t know that if it wasn’t for us running fast and your boy’s urine protecting his body, he would have been killed by that warlock long ago!”
Qiu Sheng hurriedly complained.
“Humph! It’s very unfortunate for someone to die at a young age and become a wandering ghost. You two are going to trick people to be careful and then die and go to hell!”
Unfortunately, after hearing the words of the two, Uncle Ninth started scolding again.
The two were immediately scolded by the ninth uncle and lowered their heads and dared not speak.
“Master, if the warlock caught Dabao and Xiaobao, it must be useful. I think it’s better to search them quickly!”
At this moment, Mo Bai spoke up.
“Well, these warlocks are not weak. It seems that there should be a complete cultivation method. If there is a complete cultivation method, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be some powerful sorcery. We should go and search around the town to see if you can find any traces of it. A clue, right!”
After hearing this, Uncle Jiu nodded seriously.
Afterwards, Mo Bai asked Wen Cai Qiusheng to call everyone in the town, and then began to search around the town.
Sure enough, soon, they found out that two ancient tombs had been stolen in the tombs of Renjia Town.
After coming to the two ancient tombs, Ninth Uncle frowned slightly.
“Ninth Uncle, you guys are finally here, what should we do!”
The mayor has long been guarding here with a group of people, and Mao Shanming is also nearby, because the place where Dabao and Xiaobao were arrested is nearby.
“Brother Dao, these two ancient tomb eras, what… what is the horse thief going to do! Dabao and Xiaobao will be all right!”
Mao Shanming spoke excitedly after seeing his ninth uncle.
“For now, it should be fine. By the way, what year are these two tombs!”
Uncle Ninth comforted Mao Shanming and spoke to the mayor solemnly.
“I don’t know the exact year, but I know that these two tombs are our ancestral tombs in Renjia Town, and they are at least over a hundred years old!”
The mayor spoke hastily.
“It’s been more than a hundred years! It hasn’t been corroded for more than a hundred years. Master, isn’t that two zombies!”
And Mo Bai, who was beside him, was stunned when he heard it.
“Well, it should be two zombies that haven’t recovered. If they don’t dig out and don’t come into contact with the sunlight or moonlight, they may never recover for the rest of their lives, but now it should be troublesome! If these two zombies recover, they will definitely be better than what Mrs. Ren has become. Zombies are much stronger.”
Uncle Ninth frowned. If a zombie for more than 100 years is revived, at least it will be green.Stiff.
The two green zombies are definitely not weak.
“It seems that because of my intervention, the plot has changed a bit. There is only one zombie in the original book, and only Dabao has been caught. Now both Dabao and Xiaobao have been caught, but the more zombies, the better, isn’t it Green Stress? This time If you kill two green zombies, you will definitely get a lot of attribute points.
It would be great if I could get another silver treasure chest.”
Just when Ninth Uncle and the others were anxious, Mo Bai was very happy at this moment.
Because, he knew that the reason why the other party took so much trouble was to leave his eldest brother. As long as he guarded the leader of the horse thief, everything would be easy.
“How about two zombies!”
On this side, Master Ren became anxious when he heard that the zombies that might appear were stronger than his… the old man who turned to ashes.
You must know that Mr. Ren’s combat power was in his eyes at the beginning. With a slap, the walls were shattered. Ordinary people would die if they sprayed this kind of power.
“Mayor, Mr. Ren, you go to prepare black dog blood and rooster blood first. The more the better, can Mo Bai set up a formation within an hour!”
Uncle Ninth began to set up seriously.
At the same time, he asked Mo Bai curiously.
“One formation, if it has enough blood, it should be enough!” Mo Bai thought for a while, then nodded.
“Blood of living beings? Well, let’s go back and prepare as much as we want!”
When they heard that they wanted blood, Master Ren and the mayor immediately patted their chests excitedly and promised. One of them is the most powerful in Renjiazhen, the other is the richest, and they still can’t believe that they can’t find enough blood.
“Okay, please also tell the townspeople not to go out tonight, and if there is blood, they will be sent back to Yizhuang as soon as possible!”
Ninth Uncle said solemnly, and after he finished speaking, he hurriedly walked towards Yizhuang with Mo Bai and others, knowing that although many people in Yizhuang were guarding the injured horse thief, if the three leaders of the woman came If so, these people are not opponents at all.
Fortunately, the other party seemed to be very vigilant and didn’t come to rescue when Ninth Uncle and the others were away.
Soon, the four masters and apprentices returned to the Yizhuang, and an hour later, the entire Yizhuang was brightly lit and ready to look for the enemy’s arrival.
“Alas! All the attacks have been slaughtered, and the hen can’t find her husband now!!”
Wen Cai sighed when he saw that Mao Shan Ming raised his knife and dropped chickens all over his neck.
“Why don’t you keep one or two roosters if you want so many!”
Mao Shanming said something indifferent.
“Wow, doesn’t that live rooster die?”
Wen Cai was suddenly startled.
“What are you talking about, hurry up and help your junior brother create a formation!”
But at this moment, Ninth Uncle came over with a small bowl.
“Uncle Ming, give me some blood!!”
Uncle Jiu stretched out a small bowl and opened his mouth to Mao Shanming.
“Ninth Uncle, is such a small bowl enough! The little Taoist priest has taken several pots!” Mao Shanming asked curiously while slaughtering a chicken and putting the blood into the ninth uncle’s bowl.
“I only use it to draw talismans, and I don’t need much blood. Besides, the mountains are not high, and there are immortals, and there is not much blood. It’s fine if you have information!”
Ninth Uncle smiled and then picked up the small bowl of blood and took it away.
After coming to the center of the yard, Uncle Jiu looked at the celestial phenomena, and then combined with Mao Shanming’s statement that the warlock seemed to have robbed Mao Shanming’s Taoist robe, Nine Uncle guessed a rough idea, and then prepared to take off the Taoist robe.
“Ninth Uncle, are you not wearing this robe! If you don’t wear it, give it to me, just as my robe was robbed,”
Mao Shanming came over excitedly when he saw that the ninth uncle didn’t want clothes.
“Take it if you want!!”
Ninth Uncle glanced at Mao Shanming and then handed over the Taoist robe, but after turning around, he smiled darkly.
“I hope you don’t regret it!”
After speaking, he took the bowl and sat directly in the center of the yard, and Mao Shanming quickly put all the slaughtered chickens on the side after seeing it, and then sat like Ninth Uncle. Not far from the gate.
“Ta Ta!!!”
At this moment, Mo Bai jumped off the roof and landed directly on the armrest of Ninth Uncle’s stool.
“Everything is ready!”
Ninth Uncle asked seriously.
“That’s of course, after everything is done, just wait for the zombies to come and be beaten!!”
Mo Bai immediately smiled confidently.
“Well, be careful, don’t accidentally hurt, this time is equivalent to having three masters in the realm of 3 earth divisions, all be careful!!”
Ninth Uncle also nodded solemnly.
“Don’t worry, master, the opponent’s strength is not that strong! Ben Bao can kill one with a slap!”
Mo Bai said rudely, wagging his little tail.
“You kid, be careful when you get beaten, don’t cry!”
Uncle Jiu smiled helplessly.
“Dong Dong Dong!!!”
However, at this moment, a knock on the door suddenly reached the ears of everyone present.
In an instant, Mao Shan Ming Jiu Shu, as well as seven or eight, all the members of the Bandit Suppression Brigade who came here to help all became nervous.
Mao Shanming directly picked up the chicken blood and walked cautiously towards the door, planning to give the other party a chicken blood as soon as the door opened.
Even Ninth Uncle clenched the peach wood sword in his hand and slowly stood up.
What are you afraid of, do you think zombies will knock on doors!”
However, seeing so many people so careful, Mo BaiImmediately speechless.
When his words came out, everyone was stunned.
“Oh, by the way, the master asked me to go to Niu Ji to order the white porridge. It should be the white porridge delivered!”
And Wen Cai only remembered the white porridge at this time.
“It made us so nervous if we didn’t say it sooner! Open the door first!”
Mao Shanming said speechlessly.
Several members of the Bandit Suppression Brigade hurried up and opened the door.
With the sound of wood creaking, the door was slowly opened.
However, after the door was opened, everyone present was instantly stunned by the scene in front of them, only to see two zombies in zombie suits staring at everyone with their fangs in their mouths.
A scream instantly spread throughout the Yizhuang.
“go to hell!!!”
And Mao Shanming was so frightened that he hurriedly poured out the pot of chicken blood in his hand.
However, because of the sudden shock and a mistake, his entire body was unstable and fell to the ground.
A pot of rooster blood was spilled on the ground.
“The rooster’s blood is gone, run away!!”
Seeing this scene, the members of the Bandit Suppression Team, who were originally fearful in their hearts, suddenly screamed and climbed out towards the wall not far away, all of them ran away.
At this time, the zombie also moved, and after a roar.
The two zombies immediately jumped up at their feet, and instantly crossed the pool of blood that Mao Shanming sprinkled on the ground, and landed firmly in front of Ninth Uncle and Mo Bai.
“I’ll go, master, zombies really knock on doors!”
At this time, Mo Bai was stunned when he looked at the two zombies.
“Let’s talk about this later, kill these two zombies first!!”
Ninth Uncle said in a low voice, and then he stepped directly on his feet and rushed forward in an instant.
The speed was so fast that he came to one of the zombies in an instant.
With Ninth Uncle’s kick out.
This slightly stronger zombie flew upside down, and Ninth Uncle also caught up in the next moment.
The strength of these two zombies is one in the late green stage, and the other is also in the middle stage.
Equivalent to the combat power of the two of them, they have reached the combat power of the third and fourth heaven of the earth division.
“Then leave this to Uncle Ming!!”
Mo Bai waved his small paw directly at Mao Shanming, who was behind the remaining zombie, and then looked at the remaining green zombie. From his yin and yang eyes, he could already see that this strength There is a soul in the body of the weaker zombie, which is Xiaobao’s soul. After the soul is injected into the zombie’s body, it can be controlled by some evil cultivators using secret methods.
Although Mo Bai was on the opposite side of the zombie, the zombie turned around as if not seeing Mo Bai and charged towards Mao Shanming who had just climbed up from the ground.
“Cha, why are you chasing me, chasing others, help!!”
From the novel group 9.8.02, 05; 8′ 5.6 (98025856) i remind you: the three things in reading are collected, recommended, and shared!,

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