"How is Doctor Sun?"

Tai Hospital, since the eldest Sun Yu gave Sun Simiao the fetal grass, he hasn't seen him for many days. I heard that he has been in retreat in the Tai Hospital, and even the doctors don't know what he is doing.

On this day, the eldest Sun Yu was bored, so he went to the Tai Hospital and found Sun Simiao.

"Your Highness, I've studied it almost, I really don't know how His Highness created these herbs, it's just amazing. "

"If this placental grass is born, then I will lose thousands of babies every year. "

Sun Simiao said with a sigh that as a doctor, this kind of medicine that can save all people is their highest pursuit.

But I never thought that I could fulfill this dream just by coming to Chang'an.

Changsun Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Sun Simiao continued.

"It's just a formula made by the poor road, which can maximize the effect of the placenta. Of course, it's just a little embellishment, mainly because the fetal grass given by His Highness is too powerful. "

Sun Simiao said this, and he also felt a sense of loss. The medicine that I have studied all my life is not comparable to a medicinal herb.

Eldest Sun Yu looked at Sun Simiao, who was a little lost, and comforted him at the moment.

"Divine doctor, you're thinking too much. Naturally, healers are inseparable from medicine! If Shennong hadn't tasted all the herbs at the beginning, how would the world have known about the existence of medicine?"

"If it weren't for you healers, who traveled all over the world and saw countless herbs, how could there be all kinds of prescriptions for healing?"

Changsun Yu said.

Sun Simiao suddenly realized at the moment, what Changsun Yu said was right, although the fetal grass is powerful, but it is still them who can find it and use it.

"Thank you, Your Highness, Lao Daobai has lived such a lifetime, and he has not yet seen it yet. "

Changsun Yu smiled slightly.

According to the systematic scanning and analysis, according to this formula, it can indeed maximize the medicinal effect of the placenth.

Originally, if you take the placenta directly, it can only exert 80% of the medicinal effect.

But with the addition of this prescription, it can exert 100% efficacy. It is enough to see that the combination of various drugs is the essence of medicine.

This is what fascinates Chinese medicine.

"Your Highness, this is the finished product. "

Sun Simiao really deserves to be the king of medicine, how many days have it been, even the finished product has been made even after researching the pharmacy.

Eldest Sun Yu took the small box in Sun Simiao's hand, and opened it gently, only to see that there were actually two pills lying inside. When the box is opened, a fresh fragrance wafts out.

In fact, this can be regarded as a sign of Changsun Yu.

The herbs he produces, as long as they are made into medicines, will have a refreshing fragrance. Just like the hundred poisonous herbs at that time, after being boiled into medicinal soup, there is a fresh fragrance.

"This, can men eat it?"

Changsun Yu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Fetal grass, men can't get pregnant, can they eat this thing?"

Sun Simiao smiled and nodded.

"Strictly speaking, this fetal herb is a kind of herb that strengthens the foundation and cultivates the yuan, but it is just said that it is dedicated to the fetus. "

"It is harmless to the human body, of course, it will not be useful for men to take it, but it can satisfy the appetite. "

Sun Simiao said.

Changsun Yu was curious at the moment, his appetite was delicious, could this thing be delicious?

With curiosity, Changsun Yu took out a pill from the box, then put it in his mouth and chewed it gently.


Changsun Yu frowned, sour, it was actually sour! However, it was not very sour, it was sweet and sour, it felt like eating gummies. ,

I have to say, it's really delicious!

But it's for pregnant women, and it's funny if a big man eats it as a snack.

"Your Highness, because of the consideration of the taste of pregnant women, Lao Dao deliberately made this fetal pill into sweet and sour. In this way, when a pregnant woman takes it, it will not be like taking medicine. "

"As for this fetal pill, you can take one pill every ten days. "

"As for the cost, the materials and herbs used here by Lao Dao are all very expensive materials, and the cost still depends on His Highness's Fetal Grass. "

After Sun Simiao finished speaking, he immediately looked at the eldest Sun Yu.

The pricing of this thing is too important, and if it is too expensive, it will undoubtedly become a good thing that only the wealthy and nobles can enjoy.

But obviously, Changsun Yu is not that kind of person.

"Well, the cost I have here is not very high. If this thing is grown in batches, it can grow like a weed. "

"So the cost, at most, will only include labor costs and so on. "

Hearing the eldest Sun Yu say this, Sun Simiao immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Changsun Yu looked at the small box in his hand and couldn't help but sigh at the moment.

I actually made health care products in Datang. In fact, this thing, let alone put it in the Tang Dynasty, even if it is placed in the future generations, it is also an unprecedented invention.

Now that the pharmacy has been determined, Changsun Yu is ready to start operating.

He can do it alone, but he is the person who hates trouble the most. Therefore, Changsun Yu thought about it, and still wanted to find a few people to help him do it together.

And there aren't many people he can trust.

The eldest grandson's family, the Gao family, is one of them.

As for that, the eldest grandson queen is also one. But Empress Changsun's imperial village is an asset belonging to the royal family, and Changsun Yucai doesn't want to use his own things to make money for Li Shimin.

At that moment, the eldest grandson Yu, who returned to the Hou Mansion, sent people to invite the eldest grandson Wuji and Gao Shilian to come to the Hou Mansion to discuss.

In the evening, just after dark, the two arrived. Because they were busy in the court, they went home and changed their clothes, so they rushed over.

After all, every time the year is closed, it is the busiest time for Datang.

"Yu'er, I've seen my uncle, my uncle. "

Changsun Yu said to the two of them.

Although the two of them follow the rules, they want to call Changsun Yu His Royal Highness. But Changsun Yu obviously didn't like it, so they still called Changsun Yuyu Yu'er as before.

"Yu'er, do you have anything to do with us today?"

The two asked curiously.

Eldest Sun Yu smiled slightly, and then told the two of them about the fetal grass and the fetal pills.

When the two of them listened, they all looked at Changsun Yu in amazement.

"Hey, there is still such a magical herb in the world?"

Although they were shocked, they didn't doubt it when they thought of how different Changsun Yu had been for a long time. After all, there are still fewer magical things that Changsun Yu took out?

"My uncle and uncle also know that I am a little lazy on weekdays, and instead of going out to do business, it is better to tinker with those flowers and plants at home. "

"So I want to hand this matter over to my uncle and uncle, with the strength of your two families, it is very simple to spread this thing to all parts of Datang. "

Changsun Yu said.

Both of them smiled bitterly, but they knew the character of Changsun Yu, this thing! Although there is a profit, it will definitely not be a big profit, maybe the profit is not as much as some of their farms.

Because the pricing of Changsun Yu is basically around the cost price. Earn and won't earn much.

It seems that Changsun Yu simply wants them to be strong men. However, these things are good things for Datang. Naturally, they won't refuse.

ps:Ask for automatic subscription.,Thank you for your support.,The first update !!_

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