In the face of his reminder, Lin Bufan seemed to have not heard, and there was no dodge at all.

What Uncle Nine didn’t notice was that at the moment he spoke.

I saw Lin Bufan’s heart move, and a palm blue talisman level talisman was taken out by him directly from the storage bag.

At the same time, Lin Bufan raised his hand and directly performed the Five Bird Show!


bird plays, tiger shape…” “Roar…”

With Lin Bufan’s cultivation of the three layers of qi, he urged the tiger shape attack in the five bird plays.

At that moment, I saw a tiger roar.

A fierce tiger shadow instantly appeared on Lin Bufan’s body.


As Lin Bufan opened his mouth, he raised his hand to meet the demon who rushed up.

At the same time, the amulet in Lin Bufan’s hand.

At the moment when he made a move, he was silently directly stimulated by his mana.

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Chapter 37: One Blow, Uncle Nine Shocked (Asking for Flower Evaluation)

Although Lin Bufan only has the cultivation of the third layer of qi cultivation.

However, the Purple Xia True Scripture he cultivated, every breakthrough, needed to absorb a trace of innate purple qi to make his mana constantly transform.

Therefore, his mana at this time can’t help but contain a trace of precursor breath.

Moreover, because of the absorption of innate purple qi, it has a trace of the aura of rigidity and yang.

For these demons, it is already a certain restraint.

Plus the blue talisman in your hand.

The five birds and tiger shapes urged by mana, the tiger shadow condensed on the body, already has a trace of magic.

Under the combination of the two, with Lin Bufan’s punch burst out.

I saw the demon who came straight to him, and the pupils in his eyes flashed an incredible fear at that moment.


followed Lin Bufan’s punch.

I saw the surrounding air, and at this moment, there was a roar and explosion all of a sudden.

Along with the action of his punch, I saw the tiger phantom on his body, and at this time, he also roared and rushed straight to the demon.


A roar came from the tiger, and I saw the shadow of the tiger directly penetrating through Qiu Sheng’s body.

His figure also seemed to be frozen in the air at that moment.


With a muffled snort, Qiu Sheng, who had originally rushed straight to Lin Bufan and was possessed by that demon, fell heavily to the ground.

As for the demon possessed by Qiu Sheng, he was actually hit by Lin Bufan, and Sheng Sheng flew out of Qiu Sheng’s body.

“Obstacle, give me death…”

Taking advantage of the fact that the demon was hit by Lin Bufan, he blasted out directly from Qiu Sheng’s body.

I saw Uncle Jiu’s figure move, and a money sword had appeared in his hand at some time.

I saw that he instantly bit his finger, forced out a drop of essence blood, and directly wiped it on the money sword.

“Go…” Uncle

Jiu stretched out his hand and pointed like a sword, raising his hand and waving it gently.


At that moment, I saw that the money sword instantly turned into a golden light and shot out, heading straight for the figure of the demon.

In the absence of any reaction from the demon, the golden light of the money sword turned into.

At this time, from this demon and fierce mouth, it penetrated in an instant!

At this time, his eyes fell on the demon.

I saw the figure of this evil beast, as if it was frozen in the air.

After several breaths, she looked down at her fierce mouth that had been penetrated by the money sword.

When she raised her head again, her gaze fell on Lin Bufan and the others.

The resentful and violent look in his eyes disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The gaze that turned to Lin Bufan and the others was faintly relieved.

“Thank you…” The

two of them whispered in their ears, as if they heard this demon and opened their mouths to thank them.

Then the figure of this demon turned into a stream of flying ash in the air, and its soul flew away directly!

Until it completely dissipated, both Lin Bufan and Ninth Uncle couldn’t help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

“Finally dead…”

Lin Bufan’s ability to build merit with one blow was completely unexpected.

No one expected that Lin Bufan, who only practiced three layers of qi, would be so stunning with the blow just now.

However, the blow that broke out also instantly drained nearly half of the mana in Lin Bufan’s body.

If it doesn’t work, he can at most burst out again!

This still secretly inspired one, and the blue rune-level talisman had such an effect.

If it was just an attack in the shape of a tiger with five birds, let alone blast that demon directly out of Qiu Sheng, and hit it hard in one fell swoop.

If you can stop that demon, I’m afraid it’s already good!

At this time, I saw Uncle Jiu cast his gaze on Lin Bufan.

Secretly, I can’t help but have a change!

An incredible look flashed from his eyes in an instant.

“This Lin Bufan, is it the apprentice handed over by that old monster

…” “The cultivation of the third layer of qi cultivation can actually break out such a terrifying blow

…” After a secret sigh in his heart, Uncle Nine then spoke: “Thank you for the little friend of Bufan

just now…” “If you don’t make a timely move, I’m afraid it will be troublesome this time…”

Once you let that demon get rid of it, I am afraid it will be difficult to clean her up.

Unless it is to directly remove the entire plantain forest.

But this plantain forest happens to be the only source of livelihood for this mountain village.

Once this plantain forest is eradicated, although the demons can be removed, these villagers have no source of livelihood, and I am afraid that they will not be able to live.

Fortunately, Lin Bufan broke out, which allowed Uncle Nine to find an opportunity to kill that demon in one fell swoop!

“Extraordinary little friend, how are you Wen Cai…” In the face of Uncle Jiu’s inquiry, Lin Bufan shook his head

and said, “It’s okay, it’s just that the mana in the body is almost exhausted…” At this time, Wen Cai also struggled to stand up from the ground and said:

“Master don’t worry, it’s just a little internal injury, and he can’t die for the time being…” “Let’s

see how Qiu Sheng is…”

Wen Cai’s

voice fell, Uncle Jiu’s gaze also fell on Qiu Sheng’s body at this time.

The demon that possessed Qiu Sheng’s body had been killed.

Lin Bufan’s blow just now, most of its power, although it was also aimed at that demon.

But after the possession of the demon, coupled with Lin Bufan’s attack.

At this time, Qiu Sheng was not only severely injured and fainted directly, but also exuded a trace of ghost aura on his body.

Coming to Qiu Sheng, Uncle Nine first took action to wipe out all the remaining Yin and Ghost Qi in his body.

Only then did he begin to check his injuries.

“How is the master…” Looking

at Uncle Jiu’s slightly frowning appearance, Wen Cai on the side couldn’t help but ask.

“Mental injury, there are also some injuries to the internal organs

…” “But fortunately, the blow just hit by Extraordinary Xiaoyou was basically an attack on that demon, or it would be unimaginable…”

Speaking of this, Uncle Nine couldn’t help but exhale a cloudy breath.

Only then did he stand up and say: “I can’t die for the time being, but this kid’s situation, in a few months, I’m afraid it will be a recovery of cultivation

…” “You guys recover here, I went to

the ancestral hall just now…” After giving a few orders, Uncle Jiu remembered the villagers who had gathered in the ancestral hall.

Now that the demon has been solved, some follow-up finishing work needs to be dealt with by Uncle Nine.

For example, the century-old plantain tree must be destroyed.

Otherwise, in a few years, or decades, this plantain tree will be the culprit again!

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Chapter 38: Soaring Prestige, Juice Like Blood (Seeking Collection)

Watching Uncle Jiu’s figure leave, look at the comatose Qiu Sheng, and the seriously injured Wen Cai on the side.

Lin Bufan didn’t talk nonsense at this time, and directly found a place to sit down in the courtyard.

Between the operation of the Purple Xia True Sutra, the mana consumed by Lin Bufan suddenly began to recover gradually.

And Wen Cai on the side looked at Qiu Sheng, who was in a coma.

It was to carry him back into the house first, and then sit cross-legged on the ground and secretly start the injuries on his body.

However, although he was not seriously injured, he was not very comfortable.

Without ten days and a half months, I am afraid it will be difficult to fully recover.

On the contrary, Lin Bufan, except for consuming a little mana, there is no fart on his body!

Even after the battle just now, Lin Bufan’s cultivation of the three layers of qi cultivation has improved again.

But if you want to break through to the fourth layer of qi training, I am afraid that it will take a period of time to accumulate.

At the same time, the figure of Ninth Uncle also came to the ancestral hall at this time.

“Uncle Nine… How is the situation

…” “Dao Chief, has the demon solved…”

Seeing the figure of Ninth Uncle appear, those villagers gathered in the ancestral hall.

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