Looking at Lin Bufan’s fleeing figure, until he disappeared from view, Lin retracted his gaze.

But what Lin Bufan didn’t expect was.

I saw Lin Ye retract his gaze, but secretly couldn’t help muttering:

“This kid seems to be reasonable, the Lin family wants to grow, there are few people

…” “With the five bird plays taught by this kid, plus the help of health soup, it is not a big problem to live for another one or two hundred years…” ”

I was only over forty years old first, and I am still very young…”

Only then did Lin Ye instantly come to his senses, and couldn’t help but smile and scolded:

“Almost calculated by this kid

…” “This kid is also married now, it seems that he has to put a burden on him…”

Between speaking, Lin Ye secretly thought for a moment, and suddenly had a decision in his heart.

As for Lin Bufan, who had left at this time, he couldn’t help but sneeze.

I saw that after he returned to the room, his mind moved, and he directly ordered: “System, extract the family tree for me…”

As soon as Lin Bufan’s voice fell, a genealogy made of mutton fat white jade appeared directly in his hand.

The cover of the genealogy is like a piece of mutton fat white jade.

On it are written the four big characters of the Lin family tree.

Turning the cover, the material of the pages inside is obviously not ordinary paper.

It looks as if it is made of silk, but it is as bright as jade, and there is no content!

Seeing this, Lin Bufan couldn’t help but ask:

“System, how should this family tree be used…” ”

Lin family tree, people who have the blood of the Lin family, write their names in their own blood in order to leave their names on the family tree…”

In the face of Lin Bufan’s inquiry, the system explained directly in his mind.

After systematic explanation, Lin Bufan finally figured out how to use this Lin family tree!

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Chapter 55: The Mysterious Lin Family Tree (Seeking Collection)

Only the Lin family’s bloodline relatives use their own blood as a guide.

After being recognized by the genealogy, you can leave your name on the genealogy!

That is to say, this Lin family tree can be identified by itself, who can be regarded as the direct family bloodline of the Lin family.

After figuring out the role of this family tree, Lin Bufan did not hesitate anything.

I saw that his heart moved, and he directly took out a small knife from the storage bag.

With a wave of his hand, he cut a wound in his fingertips.

Then he wrote his name in his own blood, directly on the family tree.


Lin Bufan used his own blood, he wrote his name crookedly.

At that moment, I saw that above the family tree, a flash of essence flashed in an instant.

Then I saw that above the family tree, there was information about Lin Bufan.

Name: Lin Bufan Lin

family founder.

The owner of the direct bloodline of the Lin family….

His eyes fell on the family tree, and he saw that there was general information about Lin Bufan, and it suddenly appeared on the family tree.

As long as it is information related to the Lin family, what is recorded on the genealogy can be described as clear.

“This is the family tree, the root of the Lin family…” “With the existence of this family tree, the Lin family can be regarded as having a root

…” “After tens or hundreds of years, the Lin family will grow into a towering tree…” Lin

Bufan said this, only to see him stand up and step directly out of the room.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he greeted and said, “Come on…”

Hearing Lin Bufan’s greeting, Uncle Fu didn’t take long to come to him immediately.

“Big Young Master, what are your orders

…” His gaze fell on Uncle Fu, Lin Bufan didn’t talk nonsense, and directly said: “Uncle Fu

, please inform your father and them, all gathered in the

ancestral hall…” After finishing speaking, Lin Bufan walked directly towards the Lin family ancestral hall.

At this time, Uncle Fu also followed Lin Bufan’s orders and went to inform Lin Ye and others to gather in the ancestral hall.

The location of this Lin family ancestral hall is actually a separate courtyard specially separated by the Lin family.

The existence of the offerings stored inside are all the ancestors of the Lin family who have died.

In the past, almost no one would come to this Lin family ancestral hall.

Only during the New Year’s Festival, the people of the Lin family will come to worship one or two.

In addition, every other month, someone comes to clean up.

Pushing open the door of the ancestral hall, a smell of incense and sandalwood instantly escaped.

His eyes swept through the ancestral hall, and he saw tablets one by one, directly enshrined on the dedicated offering platform.

Before and after, there were no less than ten tablets, which were enshrined on the altar one by one.

Not long after he stepped into the ancestral hall, Lin Bufan heard a sound of footsteps.

Looking over, I saw Lin Ye and his wife, and immediately took the two little guys and Ren Tingting’s figure and went straight to the location of the ancestral hall.

The crowd gathered in the courtyard without waiting for them to speak.

At this time, Lin Bufan directly stretched out his hand and signaled to Uncle Fu.

Seeing Lin Bufan’s gesture, he didn’t even need to say anything.

At this time, after nodding slightly, Uncle Fu turned around and retreated directly, while not forgetting to close the door of the ancestral hall.

“You kid is so solemn, gathering everyone in the ancestral hall, what is the matter…”

This is the first time Lin Bufan is so solemn!

“Summoning everyone to the ancestral hall today is mainly about the future of my

Lin family…” Between speaking, Lin Bufan didn’t talk nonsense, and took out the Lin family tree with a wave of his hand.

“This is…”

Looking at the family tree in Lin Bufan’s hand, it was obviously very extraordinary.

At that moment, Lin Ye couldn’t help but ask.

But before he could finish speaking, Lin Bufan spoke at this time:

“This is my Lin family tree, a special magic weapon…”

While speaking, I saw Lin Bufan’s heart move, and he directly took out a sharp knife from the storage bag.

“Only my Lin family’s immediate family can leave a name on the family

tree with their own blood…” “Come, everyone first write their names with blood…”

After taking out the sharp knife, Lin Bufan immediately beckoned everyone and asked them to write their names on the family tree with their own blood.

I saw that everyone secretly glanced at each other at this time.

Although I didn’t know what Lin Bufan’s plan was, but just a moment later

, Lin Ye first stepped forward and said: “I want to see what you kid is going to do, you Laozi, I’ll come first…”

After finishing speaking, Lin Ye picked up a knife and cut his fingers, and wrote his name directly on the family tree that Lin Bufan handed over.


The moment Lin Ye wrote his name on the Lin family tree.

I saw a red light flash from above the family tree.

Names written in blood seem to be integrated into the family tree.

There was basic information about Lin Ye, and it instantly appeared on the family tree.

Name: Lin Ye, wife: Li Shan.

The contemporary head of the Lin family.

The owner of the direct bloodline of the Lin family….

At the same time, I saw that above the family tree, a ray of spiritual light burst out from it, instantly merging with Lin Ye.

“This, this, this…”

Looking at the sudden scene in front of him, Lin Ye instinctively took a step back.

His face suddenly showed a look full of disbelief.

For a moment, I saw his eyes widened, not knowing what to say.

On the contrary, Lin Bufan did not have any abnormalities on his face.

He had already experienced a similar scene before, so instead of the slightest abnormality, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

According to Lin Bufan’s guess, the aura that shot out from the genealogy.

Although it seems to have no effect, it is actually the Lin family’s luck!

One of the functions of this Lin family tree is to condense the Lin family’s family luck!

The luck that was integrated into Lin Ye’s body seemed to have no effect.

But in fact, in the subtle, he has the ability to affect Lin Ye’s luck.

That is, the Lin family is not strong enough now, and the luck is too thin, and it does not play a big role.

As the Lin family continues to transform and upgrade, this seemingly useless luck will play an incredible role.

At that time, as long as they are the clansmen above the family tree, they will be blessed by the luck of the Lin family.

One by one, the luck will get better and better.

Not to mention that the Heavenly Dao is favored, but when it is fierce and auspicious, it is not impossible to go out and pick up a magic weapon!

As long as the Lin family is strong enough and luck is strong enough, maybe if you go out casually, you can get all kinds of mysterious opportunities!

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Chapter 56: Imparting Exercises, I Ching Washing the Heart!

After Lin Ye left his name on the family tree, Lin Bufan’s eyes turned, and then fell on Lin Mu and the others.

Facing Lin Bufan’s gaze, the two little guys shrunk.

Then he said:

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