Speaking of the development of the Lin family, Lin Ye secretly flashed a solemnity in his eyes at this time.

Lin Bufan was right at all.

After the Lin family annexed the Ren family, although it became the top family power in Ren Family Town in one fell swoop.

But with the continuous development of the Lin family, it also fell into a bottleneck state again.

If you want to develop rapidly again, it is difficult, difficult, difficult!

Even if Lin Ye was there for a while, there was no way.

After all, the cake is so big.

If you want to eat more, someone will eat less.

No matter who it is placed on, it will not be easy to give up!

“Our Lin family can develop to such a point in such a short period of time…” “It is still thanks to the wealth and connections left by the Ren

family…” “The future development can only be steady

…” “Instead of thinking about these things, it is better to think about how to consolidate these things

that the Lin family has obtained in front of their eyes…” In the eyes of outsiders, the Lin family

has reached such a point in a short period of time, It’s just picking up a big bargain.

Even the various forces in Ren Jia Town are all staring at each other!

This time it was the Ren family’s accident, maybe next time it will be the Lin family’s turn.

Hearing Lin Ye’s emotion, Lin Bufan seemed to have thought of something, and a flash of essence suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Lin Ye was right about one thing.

Instead of tangling, how to make the Lin family develop rapidly.

It’s better to build your own nest first!

The entire Ren Family Town is firmly controlled in the hands first.

At that time, its own foundation will be unbreakable, and it will not be too late to think about developing outward.

Anyway, if the Lin family wants to upgrade to the four-pin family, it is obviously not something that can be completed in a short time!

After making a decision in his heart, I saw Lin Bufan’s eyes roll slightly, and he had an idea in his heart.

I saw that his eyes fell on Lin Ye, and he directly asked: “Dad, what do you think of the security team in the town…”

As soon as Lin Bufan’s words came out, Lin Ye guessed in his heart that Lin Bufan wanted to do 0 …….

I saw that he thought slightly in his heart for a moment, and then nodded and said:

“Those people in the security team, although they are all a group of wine bags and rice bags

…” “But if it can be controlled in the hands of the Lin family and cultivated well, it is a force that cannot be ignored…”

Although Ren Jiazhen has not been affected by the war.

But what is the situation outside, Lin Bufan and Lin Ye are very clear.

Warlords on all sides are fighting chaos, and almost every day there will be the destruction of forces, and there are also forces rising.

In this troubled world, there is only wealth, that is, a fat sheep that may be slaughtered at any time.

If you want to make others jealous, it is to have a strong enough strength.

Facing guns, not to mention Lin Bufan now, he is just a cultivator of the Qi Realm.

Even if Uncle Jiu’s existence of the Foundation Building Realm can avoid ordinary firearms attacks.

But in the face of a large number of artillery attacks, the existence of the foundation realm can only wait for death!

Without waiting for Lin Bufan to speak, I saw Lin Ye at this time, and then said: “Although the security team is a group of wine bags and rice bags, it is nothing in the eyes of those big people

…” “But if you want to control the security team, you must have a formal appointment

…” Hearing Lin Ye’s words, Lin Bufan smiled at the corner of his mouth and said: “It’s just a matter of spending 2.8 to spend a little money…”

“Dad, you get ready, I’ll personally go to the provincial capital…” The

security team of a Ren family town in the district, more than ten broken guns, can not do anything, Lin Bufan is really a little unsightly!

If you want to do it, then do a big one!

At least a security corps would have to be created.

Hearing Lin Bufan’s plan, Lin Ye wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his mouth, Lin Ye secretly thought about it in his heart, but finally swallowed it raw.

After thinking about it, he said directly: “Since you have a decision in your heart, then feel free to do it boldly

…” “Then I will ask Lao Fu to prepare the money…”

PS: Kneel down and beg the big guy to subscribe to support a wave of !!!.

Chapter 67: Get ready, set off for the provincial city! (subscription required)

Three days pass in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Lin Bufan’s cultivation that had just broken through to the fifth layer of qi cultivation could be regarded as completely stable.

At the same time, under Lin Bufan’s guidance.

Coupled with the help of spirit stones, Ren Tingting’s cultivation can be regarded as a natural progression, and she has officially broken through to the first level of qi training.

And Lin Bufan in addition to cultivating, to stabilize his newly broken through cultivation.

He used to kill those yellow skins and consume all kinds of talismans.

Lin Bufan not only made up for it, but even stored dozens of sheets in the storage bag.

And all of them are, Lin Bufan’s superb blue runes drawn with spiritual ink!

The power is far stronger than the blue charm of the same level.

During this period, Lin Bufan naturally did not forget to check in on time every day.

Lin Bufan signed in these three times, and received a bottle of detoxification pill, a storage bag, and a book of exercises called Hercules Bull Magic Fist.

There are ten detoxification pills in one bottle, which can solve most of the poisons in the world.

The space of the storage bag also reached three cubic meters, which was several times larger than the storage bag that Lin Bufan had obtained before.

As for that Mighty Bull Demon Fist, it is a true martial arts technique!

Refining skin, forging bones, and the power of blood exchange is not

to be underestimated!

Cultivating to Dacheng, a strong body of qi and blood, directly turned into a qi and blood oven, enough to tear apart ordinary unjust ghosts.

Three days passed, and Uncle Fu’s figure came to the door at this time.

Directly in Lin Bufan’s ear, he whispered, “Big Young Master, everything you want is ready…”

Go, take me to see…”

Lin Bufan nodded with satisfaction, and then immediately opened his mouth to say hello.

Just as he turned to leave the yard, something seemed to come to mind.

Turning around, he ordered Ren Tingting: “Tingting, you can clean up now and follow me to the provincial city to play…”

I’ll go clean up now…” Hearing

that Lin Bufan was going to take her to the provincial capital, Ren Tingting didn’t say a word, and immediately went to pack up her things with a surprised face.

Then Lin Bufan withdrew his gaze, and then followed Uncle Fu’s figure and went straight to the Lin family’s treasury.

This is a basement, and the passage is in Lin Ye’s study, which is very secret.

“Big Young Master, these are the silver

that the Lin family has urgently raised in the past three days…” “I have exchanged it all for gold bars…”

Looking at it, what was placed in front of Lin Bufan was three large wooden boxes containing gold bricks one by one.

Each gold brick weighs a catty, and three boxes are hundreds of catties!

In three days, you can get so many gold bricks.

Basically, it is already considered to be at least one-third of the cash that the Lin family can mobilize in their hands!

Glancing at these gold bricks, Lin Bufan did not hesitate anything, and put them directly into the storage bag with a wave of his hand.

At this time, Lin Bufan’s storage bag had long been replaced with the latest storage bag, which was enough to have three cubic meters of space.

Fitting these three boxes of gold bricks is a breeze!

When leaving, Lin Bufan glanced at this basement.

There were also more than a dozen large boxes piled up at the site, all of which were fresh oceans and some silver ingots.

Guarding his gaze, Lin Bufan didn’t stop much, and directly turned around and retreated.

For ordinary people, the wealth here may be unimaginable for them all their lives.

But for Lin Bufan, these oceans and gold are a pile of useless metals.

Not even those century-old herbs are attractive!

If it weren’t for the family’s upgrading needs, the current planning needed to use these things, Lin Bufan wouldn’t take a look at it!

After leaving the basement, Lin Bufan did not hurry and returned directly to the small courtyard where he and Ren Tingting lived.

Instead, he turned around and went straight to the backyard where his father and mother lived!

At this time, Lin Ye, not long after returning from the medicine shop, was drinking tea and chatting with Lin Mu in the gazebo.

As for Lin Yu and Lin Xin, the two little guys.

One is cultivating the Five Bird Opera, and the other is cultivating the Purple Xia True Scripture!

These two little guys, since they officially started cultivating, have worked very hard.

Because Lin Ye and his wife had the help of spirit stones, they barely cultivated a trace of mana in their bodies.

But these two little guys are now about to officially step into the first level of qi training!

The five bird plays are in the hands of the two, and they can be regarded as cultivating well, and they have already entered the door.

Seeing Lin Bufan’s figure appear in the backyard, Lin Ye, who was drinking tea, also put down the tea cup at this time.

He had basically guessed in his heart what Lin Bufan had appeared in the backyard.

Wait for Lin Bufan’s figure to come to the pavilion and sit down.

Only then did Lin Ye put his gaze on him and said, “How, are the ones that Ah Fu prepared enough

…” “If it’s not enough, then wait a few more days, and it should be able to add one of three minutes

…” Meeting Lin Ye’s gaze, he said: “Three boxes, hundreds of kilograms, it’s enough

…” “I’m here, mainly to say hello to you, I’m going to go to the provincial capital later…”

I saw Lin Bufan wave his hand and directly take out a stack of talismans from the storage bag.

At a cursory glance, there are at least no less than thirty talismans.

And all of them are drawn with spiritual ink, all of them are the best blue runes that Lin Bufan has redrawn in the past three days.

“You put these things away, if you encounter any situation 057, everything is important to protect your own safety

…” “If you encounter something that cannot be solved, then go to Yizhuang for help…”

Looking at the talisman handed over by Lin Bufan, Lin Ye was not polite, and reached out to take it directly.

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