“This is my junior brother Lao foreigner and junior sister Hua Ling…”

Since Lin Bufan had already recognized their identities, this mountain mover did not hide anything, and directly blew himself up.

“I’ve heard that you moved mountains

…” “Going to the tomb is not for stealing treasures, but only to find Yun Dust Beads

…” “Meeting is fate, I see that you are full of yin qi, these three talismans are fate…”

Between words, I saw Lin Bufan’s heart move, reaching out and directly taking out three talismans!

The talisman that Lin Bufan took out was not drawn by Lingmo.

But as long as the three people wear it closely, it won’t take a few days to remove the yin qi on the three people.

Not only that, with this blue talisman level talisman on their bodies, they can even save their lives at critical moments!

Looking at the talisman handed over by Lin Bufan, the heart of the leader who moved the mountain secretly hesitated at this time.

He really couldn’t understand what Lin Bufan was doing this for!

Although the three of them do not practice Taoism, they dress as Taoists all year round.

There is also some understanding of things in the Dao Gate and even in the cultivation world!

The talisman that Lin Bufan took out, the head of the moving mountain could see at a glance that this was the legendary blue talisman.

The blue rune, even if it is placed in the cultivation world, it is an extremely precious spiritual rune.

They were only meeting for the first time, and they had not had any friendship before.

Lin Bufan’s shot was a blue charm, which made the heart of the leader of the mountain moving in front of him a little confused for a while, what Lin Bufan meant.

Seeing the hesitant appearance of the three, Lin Bufan couldn’t help but smile on his face.

Then he directly smiled at the corner of his mouth: “You are afraid that I will calculate

you…” “Don’t worry, just three talismans, for me is not in my heart…”

“But for you, at the critical moment, it may be able to save your life

…” “Don’t worry, this may really be fate…”

After finishing the words, Lin Bufan did not have the slightest wave on his face, and he always looked like a smile at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, in the heart of the leader of the moving mountain, he secretly hesitated for a moment, and then reached out to take the amulet.

Just as Lin Bufan said, there is really nothing on them, something worthy of Lin Bufan’s calculation.

The only thing that can interest Lin Bufan may be the legendary Aici.

This thing is known as phoenix gall, and it has the title of four divine beads.

Lin Bufan was very interested!

Seeing the three people take the things, a smile appeared at the corner of Li Bufan’s mouth.

And at this time, the three of them turned out to be Lin Bufan’s talisman.

Secretly, I can’t help but feel that my body seems to have become warm at this time.

A trace of Yin Qi that was invisible to ordinary people suddenly gradually escaped from them.

The three of them looked at each other, and in the depths of their eyes, at that moment, they couldn’t help but flash a color of surprise.

Although the three of them had some understanding of the cultivators, they only had some understanding.

The identities of the three were special, and the cultivators knew their identities at a glance.

Therefore, in the past, when the three of them encountered cultivators, their attitude towards them was not very good.

It can even be said that it is a little despised!

I don’t want to have too much contact with them at all.

This is also why, after learning that Lin Bufan is a cultivator.

The meeting also gave them such a big surprise, for a while, the reason for the hesitation in their hearts.

Then, before the three of them could speak, Lin Bufan turned his words around: “Where are the three of them going…”

After knowing the identities of the three people, Lin Bufan’s gift of a talisman was just a temporary idea.

It is precisely knowing that this mountain mover went to the tomb just to find Yun Dust Pearl.

They don’t need that money, but Lin Bufan does!

If you want to upgrade the Lin family to the fourth product, it is enough to need five million oceans.

Now that the Lin family’s business has reached a bottleneck, it is almost impossible to get rich overnight like before in a short period of time.

If you want to increase your wealth quickly, these mountain movers in front of you may not be an opportunity!

And Lin Bufan clearly knew where the Yun Dust Pearl that the mountain movers were looking for was.

If you want to pinch these people, it is not an easy task!

Facing Lin Bufan’s gaze, the three of them looked at each other.

He only hesitated for a moment, and then did not hide anything, and directly said:

“We heard that there may be news of Yun Chenzhu in Bottle Mountain not far ahead

…” “Since you know our identity, you should also know that our tribe is cursed…” “The curse

of moving mountains, to be precise, it should be the curse of Zagrama, I have indeed heard of it, but I have never seen it with my own eyes…”

“I don’t know if the three of you can let me see it with my own eyes…”

Hearing this, Lin Bufan couldn’t help but be a little interested in the red spot curse of moving mountains at this time

Chapter 70: The Strange Curse (Subscription)

Hearing Lin Bufan’s words, I saw the three people in front of me, and one by one they were suddenly stunned there.

“If the three of you are inconvenient, then when I don’t say anything…”

Just as the three of them were stunned, Lin Bufan’s voice sounded again.

At this time, I saw that the leader of the moving mountain hesitated slightly, and then nodded at Lin Bufan.

After thinking about it, I saw that his gaze turned and fell on his junior brother and said, “Junior brother, let this prince see the curse on you…”

Hearing his words, his junior brother’s face at this time couldn’t help but be stunned.

I saw him open his mouth to say something.

But seeing the gaze of the leader of the mountain, the old sheep man came to his mouth, and he was stunned and swallowed again.

In the end, there was no way, so he could only show the curse mark on his shoulder to Lin Bufan according to what the head of the moving mountain said.

Looking at it, I saw a red spot like an eyeball, which suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

“Is this what kind of curse…” Without

waiting for Lin Bufan to speak, Ren Tingting on the side frowned secretly.

This eyeball-like red spot mark does not look too unusual except for a little awkwardness.

On the contrary, Lin Bufan, when his gaze fell on this red spot mark, he couldn’t help frowning slightly.

Ren Tingting couldn’t see anything abnormal.

But Lin Bufan could feel a trace of foreboding!

“Come, let me take a closer look…”

Between speaking, without waiting for the old sheep man to have any reaction, Lin Bufan reached out and grabbed his wrist directly.

Just when he was about to resist, the leader of the moving mountain on the side immediately said: “Don’t…”

Hearing his senior brother’s greeting, the old sheep man did not dare to make any more changes.

In fact, this mountain mover also wanted to see if Lin Bufan, a cultivator, could see anything abnormal.

The means of cultivators are definitely beyond their imagination!

Perhaps, there is really a way to lift the curse on them.

At this time, I saw Lin Bufan’s heart move, and a trace of mana directly poured into the old sheep’s body.

Through the meridians of his whole body, hundreds of limbs and bones checked the abnormalities in his body.

The more he looked, the more solemn Lin Bufan’s face became.

In the end, he seemed to feel something, and even the trace of mana that was infused into the old sheepman’s body did not take back, and directly cut off the connection.

“Gongzi can see something abnormal…”

Seeing Lin Bufan’s retracted hand, his face was solemn at this time.

The head of the moving mountain immediately couldn’t help but ask.

Although Lin Bufan didn’t understand what the situation was with this curse of moving mountains.

But after just investigation, it was found that there was a poisonous power in the bloodline of this old sheepman, like a maggot of tarsal bones.

It is precisely because of the continuous corrosion of this force that the internal organs of this moving mountain are constantly increasing the burden all the time.

Therefore, people who move mountains will live to be forty or fifty years old at most, and their blood will turn golden yellow, and they will be tortured to death.

This force can’t help but be very weird, but also has a strong ability to assimilate and devour.

Lin Bufan’s trace of mana was finally assimilated and swallowed by that power!

Just in case, Lin Bufan decisively cut it off directly and did not take it back.

“In your junior brother’s body, there is indeed a very strange power, like a maggot of tarsal bones, that has been integrated into the bloodline

…” “I think this power should be the curse that caused your vein…”

Facing the gazes cast by the three people, Lin Bufan secretly fixed his mind, and only then regained a calm face and replied.

“As a cultivator, Gongzi has a way

to lift the curse on us…” “If Gongzi can lift the curse of our vein, I can represent the mountain moving vein and devote myself to Gongzi’s subordinates…”

Speaking of the end, this mountain mover partridge secretly couldn’t help gritting his teeth and made up a lot of determination.

Hearing his words, Lin Bufan hadn’t spoken yet, but saw the old sheepman and Hua Ling.

At this time, they couldn’t help but speak: “Senior brother, you

…” “No need to say more

…” “If Gongzi can lift the curse of our lineage, why not work for Gongzi…”

Without waiting for the two to speak, Partridge interrupted the two.

Although subduing this person who moved the mountain could make the Lin family’s speed of accumulating wealth soar several times in an instant.

If you want to upgrade the Sipin family, you only need to go to the tomb a few times, and you may be full of wealth requirements.

0 ········ Ask for flowers·· ········

Unfortunately, Lin Bufan couldn’t do anything about the curse on the body of moving the mountain!

That strange power that was like a maggot of tarsal bones that had been completely integrated into the bloodline.

Constantly eroding the internal organs and devouring the life force.

If you want to get rid of it, you can only use your powerful mana to directly strip this power from their bodies.

Unfortunately, Lin Bufan can’t do this!

The second way is to look for the Yun Dust Bead, and in this Yun Dust Bead, you may be able to restrain this force.

The third method is to forcibly refine one’s body with a thick and incomparable vitality, and may be able to completely eliminate this force.

These three methods, no matter what they are, are not things that Lin Bufan can do right now.

0 ……. 0

was just when Lin Bufan was about to shake his head and sigh secretly.

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