“Insect repellent scattering is useless to these centipedes…”

Seeing this, the expressions on the faces of the three partridges suddenly became extremely difficult to see.

You must know that they went south and north, and the insect repellent powder they configured had a certain restraining effect on most of the poisonous insects and poisons in the tombs.

But I never expected that this time it would lose its effect!

They also don’t want to think about the underground palace under this bottle of mountain.

This is the place where those warlocks used to refine pills for the Yellow Emperor.

The poison that breeds here absorbs the substances left behind by alchemy all year round.

It can’t help but be extremely toxic, and the anthelmintic powder for general herbal configuration has long been completely immune!

Unless you find it, like an angry chicken, the kind of existence that specifically restrains these poisons!

“Mr. Lin, or let’s withdraw first…”

Seeing that Lin Bufan did not make any movement, facing the approaching poison step by step, the partridge looked at Lin Bufan.

Secretly hesitated, but finally gritted his teeth and said.

“Don’t worry, poisonous centipede, you can’t help me…”

Lin Bufan smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Then he didn’t hesitate anything, but he waved and took out a bag of things.

It was this morning, just signed in to get the deworming scatter!

System production, are all boutique!

It is also a medicinal powder that repels all kinds of poisonous insects and poisons, and the partridge and others are useless.

But the insect repellent scatter in Lin Bufan’s hands, dealing with these poisonous centipedes in front of him, there is absolutely no problem!


Just when those poisonous centipedes gradually approached Lin Bufan and the others, a few meters away.

Only then did Lin Bufan wave his hand and spill a handful of insect repellents.

A faint fragrance instantly permeated….

But when those poisonous centipedes that surrounded them smelled this smell, it was as if they had encountered natural predators.

The densely packed figures that surrounded them suddenly stopped directly, and they didn’t dare to take another step forward at all.

“This, this, this

…” “Is this (aici) the means of cultivators…”

A handful of medicinal powder spilled out, and countless poisonous centipedes did not dare to move forward.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the three brothers and sisters of the partridge suddenly widened their eyes.

Although Lin Bufan was sure in his heart, seeing this scene in front of him, his originally calm face was secretly relieved.

Then Lin Bufan didn’t talk nonsense, waved his hand on everyone’s body, and directly sprinkled some medicinal powder.

“Let’s go…”

As Lin Bufan raised his foot and stepped out, he only saw those martial arts around him who were stagnant, and they all began to retreat back.

Every time everyone took a step forward, these centipedes took a step back, and they didn’t dare to step forward at all!

At the same time, Lin Bufan and the others entered the position of the underground palace, and there was also a movement at this time.

It was obviously the people who unloaded the mountains, as well as the people of the Huo family, who had already entered the underground palace.

And as the movement over there came, countless centipedes were confronting Lin Bufan’s group of five.

At this time, he also directly bypassed their figures, like a tidal surge, rushing straight to the place where the movement came from.

“The people of Shiling and the Huo family are probably going to suffer a big loss…”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Lin Bufan’s mouth couldn’t help but flash a sneer.

These poisonous centipedes are not only abundant, but also highly poisonous.

Even centipede blood has a strong and incomparable corrosive ability.

Once contaminated, I am afraid that in an instant, it can turn an ordinary person into a stream of blood.

Sure enough, those martial arts did not leave for long.

In the underground palace behind, there was a miserable scream at this time.

Those who had just stepped into the underground palace, and even the people of the Huo family, faced these poisonous centipedes that surrounded them, and they were killed and injured in an instant!

In particular, the most people unloaded the ridge, and the losses were the most under the siege of those centipedes.

In just a few breaths, more than ten people were killed and injured.

Even those people in the Huo family are all elite, because if they don’t check for a while, there are two figures in one photo, and they are directly corroded and turned into blood.

“Retreat, get out

…” “Lime, scatter lime quickly…” ”

Torches, torches… Although these poisonous centipedes are highly poisonous, they are also an instinctive source of fear and fire…”

Just when these people from the Lingling and Huo families scattered and suffered heavy losses.

The figure of Lin Bufan’s group of five people did not have any loss at this time, and had already left the underground palace directly.

Through a passage, the figure of Lin Bufan and his party had already arrived in the belly of the mountain at this time.

The bottom of the entire bottle mountain has long been directly hollowed out and turned into a huge internal underground space!

Chapter 80: The Terrifying Six-Winged Centipede

Baking, baking, baking

followed Lin Bufan and the others all the way to the belly space of Bottle Mountain.

At this time, only a muffled snort was heard, and I only saw the long lights on both sides of the passage, and immediately spontaneously combusted.

Under the illumination of this light, the surrounding dim environment finally became transparent.

Eyes swept around, the entire underground space looked as if it was a spontaneous combustion cave.

But there are also obvious traces of artificial excavation.

On the surrounding stone walls, there are some exquisite carvings.

There are also some valuable antique items such as glass cups….

Everyone glanced around, and their eyes were instantly attracted by the situation in front of them, tens of meters away.

Twenty or thirty meters in front of them, there was a deep crack.

The crack is several meters wide and is connected by three stone bridges to the opposite side.

After stepping over these three stone bridges, there is a huge square.

The entire square is paved with white jade.

At the end of the square, there is a magnificent palace, directly embedded in the stone wall.

His eyes fell on this hall, and he saw that above the door plaque of the hall, there were three ancient seal characters written on the immeasurable hall!

“Immeasurable Hall

…” “I hope to find clues about Yun Dust Pearl here…”

The eyes of the three partridges fell on this immeasurable hall, and they couldn’t help but show a look of expectation.

But this time, I’m afraid I’ll disappoint them after all!

Although this bottle of mountain has some words of Yun Chenzhu, Yun Chenzhu is not here at all.

“Go, let’s go over and see…”

I saw Lin Bufan greet, and first raised his foot and went straight to the stone bridge.

But as soon as he took a step, his figure suddenly stopped at this time.

A solemn color immediately appeared on Lin Bufan’s face.

This sudden change, looking at the solemnity on Lin Bufan’s face, the hearts of the three partridges couldn’t help but mention it secretly.

Just as the partridge was about to ask.

Only a burst of movement was heard, and it suddenly came from the bottomless crack in front of the five people.

“There is movement…” As

soon as the partridge’s words came out, he instantly became wary.

At the same time, Lin Bufan’s voice also sounded: “There is a big guy coming out…”

With a sonorous vibration, I saw a behemoth, which immediately crawled out of the crack.

A giant centipede nearly three feet long, with three pairs of transparent wings on its back, and full of hideous horror, suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

A pair of sharp claws with cold light flashing, dark and shiny armor, looking at it made people’s hearts feel cold.

“I didn’t expect that there was such a terrifying fierce beast hidden in this bottle of mountain…”

“This, this, this is a centipede…” Looking at the giant centipede

that suddenly appeared in front of them, the three partridges suddenly widened their eyes.

Don’t say it’s them, even if Lin Bufan has already prepared in his heart.

When I really faced this six-winged centipede, I couldn’t help but flash a retreat in my heart!

This terrifying beast is really an existence that can be subdued by itself….

Hiss, hiss, hiss….


Just when Lin Bufan and the others were stunned, this six-winged centipede did not hesitate in the slightest.

The figure suddenly came with a roar and vibration, and rushed straight to the figures of Lin Bufan and others.

“Young Master Lin… Junior Brother, retreat quickly…” ”

Bang, bang, bang….

As the six-winged centipede figure moved, the partridge also came to its senses at this time.

I saw him open his mouth with a sigh, pull out the pistol at his waist, and shoot wildly at the six-winged centipede.

But what people never expected.

When the bullets poured out and shot at the six-winged centipede.

I only heard a sonorous and crisp sound, and sparks splashed around!

Bullet after bullet shot at the six-winged centipede, not to mention causing damage, not even a trace was left.

It was directly resisted by the dark and shiny, hard as iron armor.

And at this time of breathing, the figure of the six-winged centipede had rushed to the front of the partridge.

Just when he had nowhere to retreat, he saw a flash of golden light.

Instantly wrapped around partridge’s waist, it directly pulled his figure back.


At the same time, I only saw Lin Bufan raise his hand and wave, and a talisman instantly shot out from his hand.

As the talisman came out, its power was instantly stimulated by Lin Bufan.

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