
Wen Cai thought for a long time, and finally his gaze fell on Qiu Sheng's waist.

"I also want a gilt ruyi!"

"Okay! Wait until I'm in a good mood that day to get it for you. "

Gu Qianqiu nodded.

"Thank you, Little Uncle!"

Wen Cai's face squeezed out a little smile.

Laughing, because if he is lucky, in a few days, he will also be able to have a magic weapon of his own.

And the reason why this laugh needs to be squeezed out.

It's because Yi Hong Courtyard can't go tonight.

What kind of virtue is the sister there, although he has only been in contact for a few days, he has already figured it out.

When you have money, you are the uncle, and you can play as you want.

If you don't have money, no one else has to look you in the eye.

"Don't be embarrassed, do you know why I took your money?

I'm for your good!

The wine hurts your body, and you still fly double, three fly, and if you play again, your body will collapse.

Okay, I'll go back first.

It's okay to come and play, don't think about drinking flower wine, want to eat something else, I can take you there. "

Gu Qianqiu got up and went out.

Of course, he won't say that because he didn't succeed, he wanted Qiu Sheng Wencai to have no money to play.

Of course, just those goods in Yi Hong's courtyard, pouring money to let him play he will not go.

Just out of the courtyard door and not walking a few steps, Lin Jiu chased after him.

"Chiaki, wait a minute."

"Senior Brother?"

Gu Qianqiu turned around.

"The ghost cultivation method you want has arrived. I almost forgot. "

Lin Jiu handed over a book.

On the cover of the book, there are three big characters written - Jade Bone Method!

"Okay!" Gu Qianqiu took the book and put it away: "By the way, senior brother, when will the materials I want arrive?" "

Although the refining methods of the Nine Dragon Zi and the Cultivation Furnace have not yet been deduced, it does not prevent Gu Qianqiu from processing some materials first.

"You want a lot of money, you have to wait a few more days."


Back in the courtyard, Gu Qianqiu took out the jade bone method and studied it carefully.

This is a method of visualizing ice muscles and jade bones.

Ghost cultivation can create something out of nothing, first forging crystal clear jade bones, and then creating jade muscles that can be broken by blowing bombs.

It is a top-level method that leads directly to the Ghost Immortal Avenue.

Although it is not as good as the Shangqing Great Cave True Sutra, it is definitely worth a lot.

How much it cost, Gu Qianqiu didn't ask much, and directly let Lin Jiu deduct in the 50,000 oceans.

After determining that there was no problem with the method, Gu Qianqiu turned out the wine jar where Liu Yuting was hiding from under the bed, lifted the lid, stuffed the book directly in, and then covered it.

"Brother Qiu, what is this?"

The wine altar shook, and Liu Yuting's voice came from inside.

"Practice the Dharma.

You write it all down first.

After reciting it backwards, I will teach you how to cultivate!" "

Gu Qianqiu explained.

Practicing is not a simple matter, and it is not something that can be directly practiced by catching a single exercise.

Someone needs to lead the way.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will not be able to get started for the rest of your life.

Even if you get started, you may practice at the beginning and go crooked.


The wine jar shook a little.

As a singer, Liu Yuting is literate, which saves a lot of trouble.


In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.


A throwing knife swirled around Gu Qianqiu like a swimming fish.

Gu Qianqiu ran a hundred refinements, his hands pinched the seal, and one after another divine light came out, and he did not enter these flying knives.

Suddenly, the originally scattered streamers in a throwing knife condensed together, twisted into one, and no longer wandered aimlessly in the blade body, but began to run along a fixed trajectory.


The throwing knife trembled lightly, the body of the knife was shining, and at the already sharp blade, there was a cold knife that swallowed uncertainly, which was the knife qi that came with the throwing knife body.

"It's done!

These twelve throwing knives were practiced together.

One of them is done, and the other fires should be about the same.

Today, I will make a big splash and train all the remaining eleven throwing knives into high-level magic weapons. "

Gu Qianqiu's eyes lit up, and he was more motivated.

In the past two days, except for spending a little time to create a gilded ruyi rough blank for Wen Cai, all his other free time was spent on these twelve throwing knives and the flying knife immortal slashing technique.

The crippled flying knife slashing immortal technique had already been mastered by him.

Now, just wait for all of these twelve throwing knives to transform into high-level magic weapons.

In this way, his combat effectiveness can be improved by leaps and bounds.

And just when Gu Qianqiu was working hard to refine the vessel, Yizhuang a few miles away also welcomed guests.

"Brother Huang, long time no see, Qiu Sheng Wencai, make tea quickly!"

Lin Jiu was taking Qiu Sheng Wencai to practice martial arts in the courtyard, and Huang Maosheng Huang Daoist of the Meishan Water Master next door broke in.

Meishan Water Master, is a small sect on the edge of the sand in the provincial capital, there are only two or three cats in the door, the disciples of the door do not add up to ten fingers, and they are good at "water" to save people, although the influence is far from comparable to Maoshan, but it is also quite famous near Shangsha City.

And this Huang Maosheng is the master brother of the younger generation of Meishan Water Master, with the cultivation of the early stage of the mage, and he can be regarded as a good hand in the rivers and lakes.

"Brother Dao, I came this time to ask for something!"

After a few pleasantries, Huang Maosheng said what he meant.

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