Outside the town, Yizhuang.

When Gu Qianqiu and Cane Gu returned with their things, Qianhe and his party had not yet arrived.

Looking at the crude scabbard that Gu Qianqiu was carrying in his hand, Lin Jiuhe glanced at Gu Gu's former cane aunt, and his face showed doubt.

"Chiaki, what are you holding here?"

"A gift for Senior Brother Chizuru!" Gu Qianqiu grinned.

"A gift?

You're a sword, right? "

Lin Jiu said with some uncertainty.


A high-level magic sword! Gu Qianqiu nodded.

"Good boy, your senior brother Qianhe hasn't arrived, so you have prepared the gift.

When did you get so close to him? Lin Jiu's face showed a look of doubt.

In his memory, among their group of junior brothers, the one who had the best relationship with Gu Qianqiu should be Bai Rourou.

As for the others, it is normal brotherhood.

However, in the normal relationship between master and brother, Gu Qianqiu will definitely not see each other, so he will help create the magic weapon in advance.

He said that the ancestor gave him a dream, saying that Chizuru had difficulties in this trip, and asked him to build a high-level magic sword to solve it.

Last time I heard you say that Chizuru escorted a zombie that had already been transformed this time.

Do you say that Chizuru's calamity should be on that zombie? "

Aunt Cane couldn't help but frown.

Along the way, she was pondering what Gu Qianqiu had just said, Qianhe's so-called calamity.

Qianhe is the true legend of Maoshan, proficient in swordsmanship, and his cultivation is not weak.

The ordinary demons and monsters on the rivers and lakes can't hurt him at all.

Naturally, it is impossible to become his "robbery".


Lin Jiuyi's eyebrows furrowed, and then stretched out: "This has not happened yet, who can say it accurately?"

Since the ancestor has already made arrangements, then we can go with the flow.

However, the so-called calamity, don't mention it to Chizuru later, lest he be suspicious along the way, but fall behind.

Also, Chiaki, your scabbard is also too ugly, right? "


I think it's pretty!

And the scabbard, just practical, don't be so demanding. "



In the middle of the afternoon, in the distant forest, the croaking noise of crows came from afar.

"It's arrived!"

In Yizhuang, Lin Jiu's eyes lit up and stood up.

But among the crows, there is his eyeliner.

That noisy call was a crow reminding him.

Immediately, the three went out and saw that at the end of the official road at the door, a team with a carriage was approaching.

In the ranks, many people wore the uniforms of the officers and soldiers of the former dynasty, and at a glance, they knew that they were the remnants of the former dynasty.

This is very common at this time, after all, although Daqing is gone, it has ruled this land for so many years.

The impact is beyond imagination.

Many remote places are still ruled by the remnants of the previous dynasty.

"Senior Brother, what price do you say these guys set for Senior Brother Qianzuru, so that he is willing to travel thousands of miles to escort a zombie who has defrauded the corpse?"

Looking at the slowly approaching team, Gu Qianqiu couldn't help but ask.

Qianhe, like Lin Jiu and Cane Gu, is a disciple of Maoshan's town guard, responsible for the town guard, and basically does not do the business of driving corpses on weekdays.

But this time, it went against common sense and took over the business of driving corpses.

And it's not an ordinary walking corpse, but a zombie that has already been scammed.

In Gu Qianqiu's opinion, this is very strange and does not conform to the rules.

But the last time he ate with Shimoku, he didn't expect so much, so he didn't ask.

"He can't help it!

This royal zombie is powerful in the town of Zhongjia, which he guards.

Those guys carry a gun in their left hand and a small yellow fish in their right, let Chizuru choose.

If it were you, would you choose a gun or a small yellow fish? "

Lin Jiu knew the cause and effect of this matter, and did not hide it.

"It turned out to be coerced!

Hey, Senior Brother Chizuru is just too honest.

If it were me, I would also choose the little yellow fish.

But that night, the royal zombies will be corpsed..."

Gu Qianqiu's eyes flashed a sharp color.

No matter how high the kung fu is, I am afraid of kitchen knives.

If the cultivators under the earth master do not have talismans or magic weapons that can protect themselves, they are no different from ordinary people in front of firearms, and they dare to resist, they will be beaten into a sieve.

But if you can't resist head-on, and secretly play yin, for a mage who can understand ghosts and gods, it is not easy to kill dozens or hundreds of unsuspecting sergeants, but it is definitely not difficult.

"Not too honest, but good-tempered, and well-behaved.

Take people's money and eliminate disasters for others.

This little yellow fish took it, the contract was signed, and if it came in chaos, wouldn't it ruin my reputation in Maoshan? "

Lin Jiu glared at Gu Qianqiu and defended Qianhe.

Soon, the escort team came to the front of Yizhuang and stopped on the side of the road.

Chizuru took his apprentice southeast, northwest, and came towards Yizhuang.

Gu Qianqiu and Lin Jiucane also greeted them.

"Senior Brother Chizuru!"

"Qianqiu, good boy, they have grown into adults."

"Senior Brother Lin, Senior Sister Cane, congratulations."

"Southeast, Northwest, come and meet your Senior Uncle Lin and Senior Uncle Cane and your little uncle."


When they met at the same door, there was a pleasantries, and Lin Jiu opened his mouth and invited: "Qianhe, there are still nearly a thousand miles to go to Beijing, and I am not in a hurry at this time."

Now it's getting late, so I'll camp on the edge of my Yizhuang tonight, stay overnight, and then hurry tomorrow at dawn.

It is rare for our brothers to get together, and we have to have a few drinks tonight. "


Chizuru's face showed hesitation, but he still nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll go over and explain it to the main family." "

Soon, on the other side of the main road, there was a faint noise of shouting.

"It's not going to be camped so early.

At your speed, can we get to Shangjing on time?

I tell you, the time for Wang Ye to enter the imperial tomb has already been set, and if he misses the hour, he will lose his head..."

"Senior Brother Chizuru seems to have encountered some trouble over there, I'll go over and take a look."

Gu Qianqiu's brows frowned slightly, and he strode up.

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