Sunset moonrise.

In Yizhuang, Qiu Sheng Wencai was not there, and Cane Gu personally cooked.

Freshly slaughtered chickens, ducks, fish and geese, dried mountain game, made a large table full of them.

Lin Jiu even took out the hidden wine hidden under the offering table, and Gu Qianqiu and Si Mu were reluctant to take it out to drink on weekdays.

But Gu Qianqiu and the four eyes are close together, and they can get together from three to five, but Qianhe is the same.

The town of Zhongjia, guarded by Qianhe, is on the west side of Xiang, next to the Guangdong side, and is five or six hundred miles away from Shangsha.

There are also a lot of chores in the town on weekdays, so Chizuru rarely returns since he went there.

Therefore, Lin Jiu was rare and generous, and did not go outside to buy wine, but took out his treasures.

"Come, Senior Brother Lin, Senior Sister Cane, I toast two of you with a drink!"

"Chiaki, come, drink one with your brother!"

"Southeast, Northwest..."


After a few bowls of wine, Qianhe, who was originally a little restrained, also relaxed, constantly toasting, and confided to Gu Qianqiu, Lin Jiu, and Cane Gu about the difficulties on the side of Zhongjiazhen, the grievances they had suffered over the years, and so on.

The southeast, southwest, and northwest waited on the sidelines, eating meat and drinking wine.

"Alas, in fact, I didn't want to take this job.

But this Wang Ye is in Zhongjia Town, and his power is too great.

I can't get out of the job, and I definitely won't be able to mix in that area in the future.

If there is no division gate to guard the task, then the place will not be able to mix, go to other places to beg for food.

After all, living people can't let urine suffocate to death, can't they?

But that was the territory that the division gave me, and I had to hold it.

Moreover, their homes in the southeast, southwest and northwest are all around Zhongjia Town.

I can walk away, but they can't..."

Qianzuru chattered and said his bitterness.



On the side, the southeast, southwest, and northwest all listened to their hearts.

They originally only felt that Qianzuru was in trouble, and even they were affected by it, and they had always had resentment in their hearts.

Now that I heard Chizuru's words, I suddenly felt panicked.

It turned out that the master had been good for them, but they had never appreciated it.

"Qianhe, the eldest husband can flex and stretch, and the senior brother can understand!"

Lin Jiu patted Qianhe's shoulder to comfort him, while helping him fill the wine.

"The eldest husband can flex and stretch....

Senior brother, that's what I said, but it's really hard to do it! "

Qianhe sighed and looked at Gu Qianqiu, "Qianqiu, thank you for today's matter."

If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have had the opportunity to drink Senior Brother Lin's wine." "

"Senior Brother Chizuru, if you want me to say, you just have a soft personality.

You can't get used to it.

The more you get used to him, the more he thinks you are a bully.

It's like that shit out there.

What shit royal steward?

Daqing is gone, what shit is the royal mansion?

And even when the former dynasty was still there, according to the rules, people like us were invited to send the corpse home, and on this road, when to go, when to stop, which way to go, it was up to us to decide, and where it was their turn to dictate.

You have repeatedly tolerated it like this, which not only makes the road a lot more risky, but also makes these guys lose their awe of my Maoshan. "

Gu Qianqiu took advantage of the wine, completely ignoring the southeast, northwest and southeast, waiting on the side, without giving Qianhe the slightest face.

Chizuru bowed his head and was silent.

The face of the southeast, northwest also changed.

If it weren't for Gu Qianqiu being their elder.

In other words, other outsiders, dare to say so Chizuru, they have definitely drawn their swords.

"Qianqiu, you drank too much!"

Lin Jiu glared at Gu Qianqiu and signaled him to shut up.

Cane Gu also squeezed her eyebrows, gave Gu Qianqiu a look, and asked him to save some face for Qianhe.

"Senior Brother Chizuru, look at this sword!"

Gu Qianqiu ignored Lin Jiu and Cane Gu, and pulled out the Xuantie sword placed behind him from the scabbard that was not worthy of it.

Under the moonlight, there was a cold light on the blade, and a sharp aura spread out, making the eyes feel cold.

"What a sword!" Qianhe raised his head, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes, "Qianqiu, your talent in refining is indeed amazing, and I admire my brother." "

As a mage from Maoshan who is also proficient in swordsmanship, although he has not yet started, he can also see at a glance that this is a high-level magic sword.

"Senior Brother Chizuru, I'm not showing off to you that I have created a high-grade magic sword.

Instead, I want you to see how this high-level magic sword is different from those low-level magic swords? "

Gu Qianqiu got up and danced his sword in the courtyard.

He only knows some swordsmanship and knows some of the most basic movements.

Thorn, split, point, provoke, pick, chip, cut, chop, erase, chip, cloud, hang...

The Xuan Iron Sword in his hand, in his hand, is soft when he is just and soft, soft in the middle, soft in the middle, rigid and soft.


The Xuan Tiejian was inserted by Gu Qianqiu's side at Qianhe's side.

"Senior Brother Chizuru, this magic sword was specially created by me for you.

I hope you can be like it, but rigid and soft, rigid and soft, instead of blindly accepting all rivers and treating people softly. "

"But Gang Kerou!

Rigidity and softness! "

Qianzuru looked at the Xuantie sword that was inserted in front of him, and the sword body swayed, and fell into deep thought.

In his mind, what the master had said when he was a child, when he was first learning kendo on the mountain.

All kinds of past sword practice emerged in the bottom of my heart.

The mana in Chizuru's body instinctively runs and exudes from the body.

From ordinary mana, it evolved to some unknown form.



Seeing that Qianzuru's state was not right, the southeast, northwest and southwest were a little panicked.

"It's okay, he realized!"

Lin Jiu was well-informed, but he could see Qianhe's current situation at a glance.

"Quick, lift the table to the side, otherwise this good wine and food will be destroyed by your master."

Immediately, everyone struck together, moved the table away, and left Chizuru alone, sitting there alone, looking at the magic sword stuck in the ground, motionless.

"You kid just deliberately stimulated Chizuru, right?"

Cane Gu leaned in front of Gu Qianqiu.

"What intentionally?

It's just a feeling! "

Gu Qianqiu shook his head and denied it.

He just felt that a kendo master should have his own edge, and should not be a promise.

Qianhe on swordsmanship, in Maoshan can also be regarded as the number one.

But there is still some distance from the real kendo.


When are you, too, feel for me.

Let me also find an opportunity to break through? "

The mage realm, refining the gods and turning the void, and the manifestation of mana, can condense into various forms such as thunder and lightning, moonlight, smoke, and fog in the later stage.

The cultivation of Cane Gu and Qianzuru is both in the middle of the mage.

The middle mage to the late mage is a hurdle.

If you want to cross this hurdle, you must understand your own way.

After realizing one's own Dao, the mana in the body can transform into the form of its own "Dao", which greatly increases its power.

For example, Shi Jian practiced the lightning and thunder fist, and realized the thunder path, so his mana can be directly displayed in the form of thunder and lightning, attacking matchless.

For example, Lin Jiu takes the path of Tai Chi, so his mana can be displayed in the form of Yin and Yang Tai Chi, but it can be rigid and soft.

Chizuru is walking the path of kendo, and if he steps into the late stage of the mage, his mana will transform into sword qi.

"Senior sister, I think, your way of ghosts and gods is a little off, ask Mi to ask God, it is not very in line with your character, you should use "domineering" to suppress and drive ghosts and gods, instead of communicating with them. "

Gu Qianqiu raised his eyebrows, and really said his suggestion.

"Repression drivens, not communication!"

Cane Gu's eyes lit up, and she also fell into deep thought.

"You boy, there are two strokes!"

Lin Jiu gave a thumbs up on the side.

But he also felt that what Gu Qianqiu said made sense.


"Swordsman, kill weapon too!

Just kill!

Soft too

Rigidity and softness are combined, and Fang is the true kendo..."

On the side, the light in Chizuru's eyes became brighter and brighter.

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