“I must agree with the king’s idea.

O King, access to the spiritual network of my tribe, and all the people of the clan will act according to the king’s instructions.

Let it go, my child. ”

The queen decided to give control of the ant clan to the king now.

The king who can predict the future will definitely not be wrong in his decision on the future development of the ant clan.

Even if she does not have the ability to understand the future, the queen will not hesitate to support the ant king.

Because that’s the king of the entire chimeric ant family.

The queen ant’s voice just fell

Meluem felt a spiritual force touching his soul.

He knew that this was the spiritual network of the ant tribe, so he accepted this spirit.

There were 8 spiritual contact points in Meluem’s mind

One of them is located on the side

A trace of intimacy keeps coming, it should be the queen ant.

Surrounded by himself and the queen ant, there are 3 soldiers’ contact points.

He also felt that he had the greatest authority over this spiritual network

Can block anyone’s communication, even the once core queen.

“It seems that the queen ant has transferred all the permissions to herself.”

Meluem was touched by the queen’s trust or maternal love at the moment

The mustard that used to have the appearance of the queen ant due to the memories of the past life has also disappeared.

To add, Meluem was also a traverser in his previous life before he was reborn

(From Earth to parallel world, parallel world does not have those anime on Earth).

Through the contact point, Meluem’s words can directly sound in the heart of the other party.

As the largest authority, Meruem can also limit the scope of communication for each point of contact.

Not only that, but he can also know what these communication points communicate with each other

And directly understand the ideas expressed by these chimeric ants.

He tried to give an order to a soldier:

“Pick up the bones in the ground.”

The ordered crab-looking soldier immediately picked up the bones on the ground without the slightest doubt

Wait quietly for the next step.

After the actual operation,

Meluem learned that the true role of this spiritual network was to determine the class of the individual chimeric ants.

The king with the greatest authority is undoubtedly the true king of the ant clan.

Even if there is a soldier ant that is strong enough to rival the division commander

If he hadn’t been given the status of division commander by Meluem in the spirit network, he would always be a soldier ant in the hearts of other chimeric ants.

Without the approval of the king, no matter how powerful the strength is, it will not be recognized by other chimeric ant classes.

Inside the cave, the remaining 3 soldiers have also hatched and been born, and they are waiting for the king’s instructions.

“Soldiers, go and bring enough food for the queen ants, and it is strictly forbidden to hunt this erect creature.”

Along with the order, Meluem transmitted the human appearance to the soldier’s mind.

This is to prevent chimeric ants from being discovered by humans, and chimeric ants that are still developing need a stable environment.




The soldiers raised their voices, responded to the king’s orders, and set out on hunt.

The loyalty engraved in the flesh allows the soldier ants who go out to hunt not to disobey the king’s orders even if their lives are in danger.

The remaining two chimeric ants remain in the cave to protect the queen and the unborn king.

“The primary goal now is to have enough soldiers

Able to protect the queen and bring enough food.

In the wild now, although chimeric ants have no natural enemies, they are not many in number, and wild animals are still a threat to the queen. ”

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