“Oh? Now, that means it will be in the future!”

Yotsuya Miko’s mother immediately looked teasing.


Yotsugu stomped his feet, and was about to be shy, but the next moment he looked terrified and stopped abruptly.

“”Jianzi, what’s wrong with you?”

Jianzi’s mother looked back in confusion.

“Can you see me? Can you see me?”

Many female demons were jumping around in Yotsuya Miko’s house.

It seemed that they all wanted to eat Miko’s yin-yang eyes and her supernatural physique.

“Luo, Luo Chen!”

Under the gaze of so many demons, Yotsugu Jianzi shrank to Luo Chen’s side, looking terrified.

“Hey, Jianzi, you said you’re not your boyfriend, but look, you’re so close!”

Jianzi’s mother smiled, but was puzzled,”Jianzi, what’s with that expression on your face? Is there a cockroach?

Oh, there is a cockroach, I have to dodge!”

She looked dazed and walked aside.


“Don’t worry, it’s not possessed by a demon, I’m controlling it!”

Luo Chen patted her shoulder, signaling her to stay calm.

“”Eight Gates Star-fixing Technique!”

He shouted again.

The Gengjin Qi turned into countless tiny stars, wandering throughout the room.

The tiny stars were everywhere, and then many chains extended from them, overlapping each other.

All the demons that were touched by the chains were bound and screamed and turned into ashes.

In just a moment, all the female demons in the room were hunted down and turned into ashes.

“Okay, they’ve all been killed.”

Luo Chen looked at Jianzi, signaling her not to worry anymore.

“Great, Luo Chen, you are amazing!”

Yotsuya Jianzi came out from behind him, her pretty face full of happiness.

“By the way, why were you so scared just now? You should have gotten used to these monsters in the past few days!”

“Well, because today, the number of these ghosts has increased, several times more than usual!”

“So that’s how it is!”

Luo Chen frowned slightly, feeling that things were not simple.

“This is over, I want to go back”

“Ah, Luo Chen, you are leaving now. Why don’t you stay for dinner at my house? I haven’t thanked you yet!”

Yotsuya Miko invited shyly.

“No, no, I have something else to do. See you later.”

Luo Chen looked indifferent, just waved his hand, and left without looking back.

“”Kacha” the door was closed, and Yotsuya Miko looked at the direction where Luo Chen disappeared, her beautiful eyes were stunned, and she didn’t move for a long time.

“Can you see it?”

Suddenly, a shadow covered her from behind and a voice


I thought the demons were all destroyed, but Yotsuya Miko was caught off guard and screamed.

“Ah, you stupid daughter, what’s your name?”

“”Hey, it’s you, mom!”

Turning around, Yotsuya Miko breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her mother.

“Of course it’s me, who else could it be!”

“Then why did you ask me if I could see it just now?”

Yoshitani Jianzi breathed a sigh of relief. She believed in Luo Chen’s strength.

So this mother must not be a demon pretending to be a demon.

“Oh, I was asking you, can you see the cockroach medicine I just bought? It was just here, how come it disappeared!”

“Mom, you didn’t buy any cockroach medicine at all!” Yotsugu Jianzi looked helpless.

It turned out that Luo Chen’s spiritual confusion spell was too powerful.

Luo Chen walked out of Jianzi’s house and looked up at the sky.

“Something seems to be wrong. Could this space curtain be a teleportation device from another world?

Specially used to teleport monsters to invade here?”

Luo Chen flew into the sky and came to a space curtain.

He opened his spiritual sense to scan it, but all he detected was a void without any living creatures.

“It doesn’t look like a big threat, but I’m not good at space. I got it, I’ll ask Zi Ma and I’ll know!”

Opening the”Ten Thousand Worlds Older Single Women Exchange Group”, Luo Chen spoke directly in it

【Luo Chen】:”Is Zimei here? Zimei! I think I really miss you too!”

【Yokai Sage】:”Oh, Luo Chen, you are really naughty, and you are also right, do you think I have never read Kong Yiji?”

Yakumo Yukari seemed to be in a very good mood.

She was in Gensokyo, and she had actually read many literary works from the outside world.

【Luo Chen】:”Sister Zi, I have something I need to ask you!”

【Yokai Sage】:”What’s going on? If it’s Hentai, that’s not okay!

After all, I’m just a 17-year-old beautiful girl, and I’d be shy even if I heard about that kind of thing!”

“This Yakumo Yukari is shamelessly pretending to be young again!”

Scathach, who had just finished her meditation, saw the comments of Yukari Mama in the group and couldn’t help cursing.

She was arrogant and cold by nature, but she and Yakumo Yukari had been bickering and mocking each other in the group for 60 years, so she was a little excited.

【Queen of Shadow Kingdom】:”Luo Chen, don’t believe him. This old guy is an old driver. Although he is still a virgin, he knows more than you and me!”

【Yokai Sage】:”Hehe! Who are you calling old? Don’t think I don’t know that you have been staying at home in the Kingdom of Shadows for so long! You old queen!”

【Queen of Shadow Kingdom】:”Humph, I think you really want to fight with me!”

【Yokai Sage】:”I see, someone wants to be swallowed by the gap!”

【Luo Chen】:”Stop, stop, stop arguing. I want to ask both of you for advice at the same time.”

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Luo Chen quickly interrupted them.

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