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On a huge rock at the back of the battlefield, stood two dark elves exuding an epic atmosphere, namely Leopard Girl and Cat Demon. Leopard Girl and Cat

Demon stood together, but their momentum was completely different.

At first glance, the cat demon was almost the same as a real dark elf, with wheat-colored skin, a gray-based gold-rimmed armor, a war knife on her waist, a blue-based red-heart cloak fluttering, and long blue-purple hair fluttering in the wind.

At this moment, her golden vertical pupils were slightly narrowed, and she was looking at the battlefield, giving people a sense of rationality and coldness.

She was the leader of the cat demon tribe, one of the three pillars of the dark elf Andadak, and the so-called [General] Dierba!

"This is the first time I have seen a legendary peak. He is not an elf or a human. It seems that he is most likely the guard of the legendary savior."

【General] Dierba looked at Lulu, who was invincible on the battlefield, and analyzed it softly. Then he said to another leopard girl beside her who was also carrying a huge axe:"Aida, the legend is very powerful. Ordinary legends are no match for her. I leave it to you."

"After knocking her down, go and chop the Elf Princess Nina"

"Leave it to me!"

Cheetah showed an excited smile. She was eager to try when she saw Lulu's hand! Now that Dierba opened her mouth, she immediately got excited! Without saying a word, she rushed out with the battle axe!

Compared with Dierba's calmness, this cheetah with short hair from gold to orange, wearing sky blue half-body armor, and emerald green pupils is full of wildness! She exudes a wild breath all over her body, and with the battle axe that is only one size smaller than the giant battle axe in Lulu's hand, she is a complete battle maniac at first glance! At the same time, she also perfectly interprets her title [Fighting General] Ada! The epic cheetah leader!

"After Ada made her move, you all followed suit and defeated all the elves in one fell swoop, directly killed the elven princess Nina, and captured the savior alive."

As Ada made her move, Dierba gave orders directly to the five legendary leopard women and cat demons who were waiting behind her.

The reason why Dierba was called"General" was because she was in charge of commanding every time in the battles of the dark elves in the past few years. She was the number one think tank and military advisor of the entire dark elf kingdom.

And this time her action goal was also very clear, that is, to kill Princess Nina and destroy the marriage between the Elf Royal Court and the Human Empire.

Then capture the savior sent by the Elf Goddess from another world!

Although Andadak is a dark elf, most of its members are not dark elves, but are bred by the Tree of Life. Other fairy creatures that appeared all originally believed in the Tree of Life. However, as the white elf Christine became the god of the elves who guarded the Tree of Life, the elves also rose to prominence and became the noblest race in the elf world.

The main reason why the fairies in Andadak are called dark elves is that they do not believe in Christine.

Fairies like flower fairies and water fairies are all recognized as elves because they believe in Christine. To put it bluntly, this is a battle of faith. If you believe in me, you are an elf, and if you don’t believe in me, you are a dark elf!

Although the dark elves do not believe in Christine, they also rely on the Tree of Life to survive. Now that the Tree of Life has died, their people have begun to decrease.

But they had felt the fluctuations of Christine's divine power and the revival of the Tree of Life before, and based on the information they got from other fairies, they learned about the existence of the Savior, and also learned that the Savior has the ability to make the elves reproduce!

That's why Dierba took this opportunity to capture Mu Feng alive! And then bring him back to strengthen the Andadak Kingdom!

This is the power of inaccurate intelligence and rumors...

Because there was a little error in the intelligence, the dark elves focused on Mu Feng's ability.

However, in fact, the dark elves can't be blamed. The information of the spirits was because Mu Feng had actually sown seeds in the temple for seven days, and Phyllis had indeed bred new life in her belly after that!

Not only Phyllis, but many people in the sacrificial group also successfully took root and sprouted!

It was confirmed that demons can reproduce with the elves, and everyone could feel that the children sown by Mu Feng had great potential, especially the child in Phyllis's belly, which had amazing potential. Phyllis's abdomen even had a magic pattern representing the demon king!

After getting this information, the dark elves became more concerned!

"Explosive Flame Slash!"

"Thunder Axe!"

With a raging flame and a crazy look, Aida turned into a meteor and smashed straight at Lulu.

Lulu was not afraid at all. The giant battle axe in her hand was wrapped with violent lightning and chopped from bottom to top!


The most explosive fire-type and the most violent thunder-type axe skills roared together, shocking everyone! The raging air wave directly flattened everything within a few dozen meters around the two people! The warriors of the two tribes were even swept away!

"Hahaha! Come again!"

【Fighting General] Ada was obviously not a person who liked to use her brain. When she found that her epic strength did not kill the legend Lulu in one blow, or even seriously injured her, she suddenly became extremely excited and crazy! She picked up the heavy axe burning with fire and chopped it down fiercely again!

"Come on! Who's afraid of who?"

Even though Lulu found out that the opponent was epic, he didn't launch a sneak attack, but used a head-on confrontation. In addition, he used the same battle axe as her, but the axe was not as big as hers!

In Lulu's opinion, the size of the axe determines the strength. Even though the previous blow had made her hands numb and injured, would she, who was so stubborn, give in at this moment? It was impossible.

Therefore, there was an angry roar, and he also swung the axe and chose to chop!

As Ada entered the field to contain Lulu, the five legends on Andadak's side also quickly rushed into the battlefield, but the goals of these five legendary strongmen were very clear. They did not choose to waste time killing ordinary elves, but rushed straight to Nina's position._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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