As the Supreme Council's resolution on the Servant Kingdom spread throughout the alliance, night fell quietly.

The sky tonight was full of dark clouds, and the moonlight was almost invisible, but the entire alliance was emitting a faint light under the invisible barrier of the Seven Shields Alliance.

People felt a little warmth in the deep night.

In this warm and soft light, dark figures were slowly approaching the First Fortress!

"Go ahead, vent your nature. Go kill, destroy, and plunder!"

Mu Feng stood behind the demons and announced with an expectant smile.

As Mu Feng announced, an inaudible black-red halo emanated from his body, and the gentle light of the Seven Shield Alliance was suppressed!

The demons that were originally in the barrier could only exert 60% of their strength at most, but with the halo of Mu Feng covering them, the eyes of these demons suddenly emitted a dazzling red light, and their strength instantly recovered to their heyday, and they even seemed more violent!

This is Mu Feng's���The dragon's might can double the combat power of the demons within its range, but it will also make them lose their minds and become terrifying beings dominated by instinct.


Along with the roar, a dark mass of demons rushed towards the First Fortress like a black tide!

"Enemy attack! Demons are coming!"

"Let all people evacuate the outer city and close all city gates!"

"Don't panic! The demons can't get in! All soldiers, go up to the city walls for defense!"

Suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded above the First Fortress. After the initial panic, the First Fortress quickly entered an orderly defense state.

A large amount of magic, rolling stones, and bows and arrows continued to pour down from the towering city walls like a rainstorm.

A large number of demons died every moment, but those demons seemed to have not seen the death of their own kind.

They still rushed towards the city gates and walls frantically with red eyes.

The demons charging on the front line were huge demons like ogres, cyclops, and kodo beasts, so after their deaths, a ladder made of flesh and blood quickly formed, which kept shortening the distance between the city wall and the ground.

"Walter! What on earth do you want to do!"

At this time, Alicia had received the news and rushed to the city wall as soon as possible. She saw Mu Feng from a distance and shouted at him loudly.

"Since you have betrayed us and are unwilling to give us what we deserve, then I can only take it myself. The first fortress is just the beginning. I want the whole continent!"

Mu Feng said his goal loudly with a somewhat ostentatious smile, which immediately made the demons more aggressive and attacked more frantically!

"You are crazy!"

Alicia's pupils shrank. It was not until this moment that she realized that Mu Feng really wanted to fight against the entire Seven Shield Alliance! He wanted to conquer the entire plane!

However, Mu Feng no longer spoke, but just stood there quietly, looking directly at Alicia.

""Knights of Saint Iris, listen to my orders! Charge with me! Kill!"

Alicia saw the pile of corpses two or three meters high, and the still high morale of the demons.

She didn't care about so much.

She gritted her teeth, jumped directly from the city wall into the city, climbed on her horse, raised her sword and shouted!

The two hundred Knights of Saint Iris who had been in place for a long time raised their swords and shouted.

Then the city gate opened, and Alicia rushed out first, killing the demons who rushed up head-on!

The entire Knights of Saint Iris was like a sharp sword, piercing all the demons directly.

When the city gate closed, a cleared path had appeared in the black demon tide!

The cone-shaped charge formation with Alicia as the arrowhead allowed the Knights of Saint Iris to kill through the entire demon tide! The target was directly at Mu Feng who was standing behind!

"As expected of a legendary war knight, he controls a legendary combat skill that combines recovery, and with 200 sets of magic armor and magic swords, he adds the power of the entire knight group to himself, giving him powerful attack power while spreading the damage to the entire knight group. It's really a good configuration."

Mu Feng squinted at Alicia and quickly understood why the Saint Iris Knights were so powerful.

As a legendary strongman, the biggest difference from others is the legendary skills.

Before level 60, they are all mortals, but once they break through to level 61, they will comprehend a legendary skill.

And Alicia's legendary skill is obviously a control + recovery type. This can be seen from the fact that the entire Knights Order is like a whole, without any unnecessary movements. There were even several times when knights fell behind, but they were quickly pulled back by an invisible force and quickly moved from the outer layer to the inner layer. It didn't take long for the knight who was originally left behind and should have been injured to recover.

This is obviously Alicia's legendary ability!

Secondly, all members of the entire Saint Iris Knights are dressed in uniform, knight armor with a silver base and gold edges. Even the war horses are covered with the same style of armor, and the same is true for the long swords in their hands. At first glance, one would think that it is to show the discipline and momentum of the Knights Order.

But in reality In fact, Mu Feng found that those armors were all magic equipment. Every time someone was hurt, the magic armor would transmit the damage like a shock absorber. The farther away the person was, the lower the damage was. In this way, the innermost knights were the least hurt.

Then, through Alicia's legendary ability of control and recovery, the inner and outer knights were constantly rotated, so that the entire St. Iris Knights were always in the best combat state!

Finally, there were those knights' swords, which were also magic equipment. Their function was to concentrate. Everyone's attack power was concentrated on the sword in Alicia's hand. I'm afraid that only Alicia, who was a legendary level, could control that power. It was for this reason that Alicia would act as an arrow and show such a strong combat power, invincible all the way!

"Then it’s time to show off my legendary abilities, otherwise it won’t be fun if my identity is exposed." ps: Five more chapters! Extra chapter for 10,000 flowers… I still owe five more chapters… Four chapters for flowers, one chapter for rewards…

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