"What does this mean?!"

The strong murderous aura and cold eyes made Thomas feel terrified instantly. He turned his head and stared at Mu Feng, hoping that Mu Feng could give him an explanation!

Thomas suddenly realized that things seemed to be beyond his expectations!

"A rebellious minister and a legendary war knight, who do you think I would choose?"

Mu Feng stared at Thomas with a teasing look on his face and asked him back.

Thomas's fate was doomed from the beginning. A man who could betray at any time for profit and ambition had no value to Mu Feng.

"You, you, you guys……"

Thomas finally realized the problem. He had calculated everything, but he had never expected that Alicia would actually submit to Mu Feng and join the Servant Kingdom!

In Thomas's opinion, this was almost impossible. Alicia was the second heir to the Eos Kingdom, a legendary strongman, how could she really submit to a rebel! How could she join such a patriarchal kingdom!

"I did not break our agreement. I kept your position and even gave you the entire First Fortress to take care of. Now I have handed Alicia over to you. The rest is up to you."

When Thomas was completely shocked and terrified, Mu Feng did not forget to clarify that he had kept the agreement.

Before Thomas could start to curse, Alicia's long sword was directly on his neck, questioning him.

"Why did you betray me! And the kingdom!"

"Me, me, me……"

Facing Alicia's angry questioning, Thomas felt guilty and was speechless for a long time. He had never thought that he would face Alicia in this situation!

Shouldn't he ride on her, venting his dissatisfaction over the years and his inner violence?

Why is this sword on his neck now?!

"Give me a reason!"

Seeing that Thomas couldn't speak for a long time, the angry Alicia increased the strength in her hand, and immediately a bloody mark was cut on Thomas' neck!

Perhaps it was the stimulation of blood, or perhaps it was extreme fear, Thomas suddenly exploded and roared at Alicia!

"Reasons?! You want reasons! You actually ask me for reasons?! Have you forgotten what you have done?!"

Thomas' roar stunned Alicia, because she didn't know what she had done to offend Thomas! In the past, he had pardoned Thomas's crimes several times. After all, the position of Minister of Finance was very important, and he was an old minister of the king, personally sent to assist him!

So she had turned a blind eye to many of Thomas' excessive behaviors. Therefore, when

Thomas started roaring now, Alicia couldn't react for a while!

"I am the Minister of State of the Kingdom of Eos! Since the last king! I have always worked hard for the kingdom! But how did you treat me! I just played with a lowly civilian woman! You actually punished me in public! You even asked me to kneel down to those lowly people! Kneel on the ground and beg for their forgiveness! What qualifications do they have to accept my kneeling! They are just lowly people!"

Thomas's roar became more and more excited, and his eyes turned red as if he was possessed.

The beginning of all this has to be said from when Alicia had just become a legendary strongman and became the fortress chief. At that time, she had just taken office and was not as mature as she is now. She was still a girl with full ambitions and wanted to make a career.

And when she first patrolled the fortress, she happened to catch Thomas who was drunk in a hotel and was humiliating a girl in the hotel.

For this kind of thing, Alicia beat Thomas on the spot so that he couldn't get up, and made him kneel down and apologize to the girl in public.

Although Thomas at that time Alicia did what she wanted, but the girl's final fate was horrible. She is still imprisoned in Thomas's mansion and tortured.

Thomas has always held a grudge against this incident, and even imagined the imprisoned girl as Alicia countless times, constantly torturing and humiliating her. This is why he is in such a distorted state today.

Mu Feng's brows raised slightly. Thomas's current state is a little wrong. He has begun to degenerate and transform like a demon.

This phenomenon can only show that the dark side of his heart has reached the standard of demonization after being infected by Mu Feng's demonic energy. It can be seen how dark his heart is. ps: Five more chapters! Extra chapters for 16,000 flowers! Now 2.5 flowers. 40 more chapters of rewards are owed, 4 more flowers!

Announcement of owed chapters for rewards: [Violet Evergarden] 2, [Allow You to Smile Alluringly] 6, [Thoughts of Injury]】、【[Star Lord] 10, [Mythology] Scholar without Sword 12, total 40.

You asked why I didn't see their reward records in the book review? Because these local tyrants directly sent me Penguin red envelopes... I promised them that without middlemen, I would give 6 more chapters with 10,000 rewards...

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