
Wait? Wait for what? Wait to die?

Facing Graf's word"wait", the congressmen present were all confused. Walter's offensive was so urgent. From the time he killed the Demon King to the capture of the first fortress, and then the capture of the second fortress, it took less than a week. With such a fast and fierce offensive speed, why wait if he didn't think of a way to contain it?

"Wait for the God's Messenger to recover."

Graf gave the answer with a gloomy face.

In the past, he was always calm, because no matter what happened, he could resolve everything with his own strong strength.

In the past, in this situation, Graf would choose to go deep alone, find an opportunity for Mu Feng to be alone, and kill him directly.

Just like when he defeated the forbidden spell master Nian Shang, the Kingdom of Eos was not the only kingdom on this road, and the forbidden spell master Nian Shang was also the national master of other kingdoms. With his forbidden spells, he repelled the invasion of the Kingdom of Eos countless times. In this situation, Graf chose to sneak in, surprise attack, severely injure Nian Shang in one fell swoop, and capture him alive. He wounded Mu Feng and brought him back to Eos for imprisonment.

This is how the Royal Magician Corps of the Eos royal family and the legendary Royal Magician Prim came into being.

In fact, it was not just the Forbidden Spell Master who was injured. Several other countries also had masters at the time. Graf used this decapitation tactic several times.

But this time was different. Although he had never fought Mu Feng head-on, he inexplicably felt a lot of pressure on him. As a paladin, he always believed in his intuition.

So for the first time, Graf gave up the idea of challenging Mu Feng alone, and chose to wait, waiting for the person who could decide everything to recover.

""Yes! God's messenger! We still have God's messenger! Everything will be solved when God's messenger recovers!"

After hearing Graf's words, everyone's hope was rekindled. Although this issue had been raised in the last parliament, it was interrupted because the second fortress was attacked.

Graf was not as optimistic as those parliamentarians. He said in a serious tone:"The premise is that we can resist the continued invasion of the Servant Kingdom. If the alliance is destroyed before God's messenger recovers, then everything will be meaningless. Therefore, we cannot lose any of the next fortresses."

"Negotiate! We can negotiate with the Kingdom of Service! Declare recognition of their legitimacy! Stabilize them first!"

"That’s right! You can even agree to some of their excessive requests!"

"Announce that Princess Prim and Princess Alicia will marry him! He will definitely not do anything rash!"

Hearing Graf's words, everyone froze for a moment. They then remembered that the characteristic of the Seven Shield Alliance barrier was that once there were less than four defense nodes, the legendary ability would be able to pass through the barrier and directly cause harm to ordinary people! And now the alliance has lost two defense nodes!

Thinking of the terrifying ability of the legendary powerhouse, the parliamentarians immediately proposed again, and they were even ready to sacrifice the two royal heirs!

Graf shook his head and said coldly:"They won't negotiate, they will definitely continue to attack."

Graf had read the letter of service to the country before, and the content therein showed that Mu Feng's ambition was not just as simple as a few fortresses! He wanted to conquer the entire Seven Shield Alliance! Conquer the entire plane!

"Urgent report! The witch of the Third Fortress has had contact with Walter of the Black Beast Mercenary Group. According to the information sent back by the mercenary spies we released earlier, it was the commander of the Third Fortress who asked Walter to go to the Third Fortress to discuss something!"

Just when the members were about to say something, suddenly the third herald of the day rushed in anxiously!

"Damn! What do these bitches want?!"

"Could it be that they wanted to stabilize Walter?"

"Impossible! If they really wanted to do this, they wouldn't do it in private!"

"They must want to seek refuge in the Kingdom of Service!"

"We must act before them! The Third Fortress must not fall into the hands of the Servant Nation!"

"That's right! Capture all those witches! We will take control of the third fortress!"

"Fortunately, we had a trick up our sleeve! We found one of our own among those mercenaries, otherwise we wouldn’t even know we were sold out!"

After hearing the news, the already anxious councillors were furious, and their hatred towards the witches reached its highest point! They even wanted to repeat what they had done to the mercenaries before!

At this time, they were very grateful. When they exchanged hostages with Mu Feng, they did a lot of things, such as removing equipment, fighting, and planting spies. Maybe they didn’t see anything at the time, but now the effect is immediate.

Just when everyone was excited and wanted to arrest all the witches first, Graf once again said coldly to the councillors:

"If you have other legendary warriors to replace the witch leader as the defense node, then I will lead the Scarlet Knights to attack now."


Suddenly, everyone was silent. They remembered that the witch leader was not just a fortress leader. She represented a defense node!

And there were no other hidden legendary masters in the alliance!

PS: Three more chapters! Extra chapter for 26,000 flowers! Now 60,000 flowers. I owe 35 more chapters of rewards, and 17 more chapters of flowers! Collections are not increasing, but flowers are skyrocketing... I feel like I'm being targeted by bad guys...

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