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""Father... you take the family too seriously... Aren't the happiness and dreams of your children more important than the family's honor?"

Claudia sighed. She had seen Graf's intention and immediately jumped down from the city wall, blocking Graf's path.

She knew that she was the only one in the entire Sixth Fortress who was qualified and capable of standing in front of Graf.

Sure enough, when Claudia stood in front of Graf, Graf stopped.

Claudia's face showed a painful look. She keenly noticed that the surrounding sky and earth were full of imperceptible fine blood mist, and even the city walls were shrouded in this blood mist.

It turned out that the garrison on the city wall had been enveloped by Graf's domain without knowing it, so they lost their fighting spirit so quickly!

Claudia still tried to persuade Graf to give up, but her"pitiful tactics" and"soul-torture" tactics were useless in front of Graf.

"I don't care about you, and you don't have to care about the family's honor. I didn't put the burden of the family's honor on you. All I want is a child from you! What's wrong with that? Just give birth! You don't need to worry about anything else! Is this so difficult?!"

"I can tolerate Klaus giving up the name of the Leibontaiying family, and I can tolerate him not being a knight and becoming a civil servant, but what I can't tolerate is that you actually lied to me!"

Graff asked Claudia a series of questions. To be honest, his requirements were really low. Just like most old people in modern times, I don't care whether my son lives or dies. I just want to have a grandson. In their eyes, you are just a tool for giving birth to children.


Facing Graf's questioning, Claudia, who already felt guilty, finally didn't know what to say.

She felt only regret in her heart. If she had told Graf the truth earlier, things might not have come to this.

""Huh, needless to say, I was wrong. I shouldn't have counted on that loser from the beginning. That man was right. It's better to count on yourself than on others. I'm already an epic. There's absolutely no problem with my bloodline. And you're my best and proudest knight. As long as you use the secret method, the child you and I give birth to will definitely surpass me and carry forward the glory of the Leibangtaiying family!"

Graf took a deep breath and adjusted his mood. Then his expression became a little crazy, and his eyes staring at Claudia became fiery. He told his plan.


""Father! What did you just say?!"

Claudia, who was still feeling regretful, rolled her eyes and couldn’t believe what she had just heard!

"There is nothing more to say. I no longer count on that rubbish. I will use my own way to make the glory of the Leibangtaiying family shine throughout the entire plane."

Graff was too lazy to continue talking nonsense. He had said enough and vented enough emotions. The next step was to fight!

""Sword of Judgment!"

His knight sword was unsheathed immediately. It was also the Sword of Judgment, but the power of Graf, who was already an epic, was particularly amazing when he used this move again. The flash effect alone was enhanced several times. The blinding effect that originally only lasted for a few seconds burned the eyes of countless people!


"Charge! Resist and kill without mercy!"

Claudia's muscles were tense, ready to resist the attack. She thought the sword was aimed at her, but to her surprise, she didn't feel any pain. Instead, there was a violent explosion behind her!

With Graf's shout, the dense knights charged!

Claudia's heart jumped, and she realized what was going on!

Graf had just destroyed the city gate! Originally, this was impossible. The Seven Shield Alliance's barrier could resist any attack below the god level, but now the alliance has lost four defense nodes, and legendary damage can cause damage to the fortress, not to mention epic damage! The city gate was wide open, and now it was the Scarlet Knights who were attacking!

And now the garrison on the city wall has all fallen into a state of panic because of his domain! Those who can still hold on have lost their sight because of the Sword of Judgment just now! The only one who can block his attack is standing in front of him!

All this was arranged by Graf a long time ago! One link after another! Graf is not as angry and crazy as he appears! The tactical arrangement is still clear and terrifying!

"Let's get started. Pick up your sword and let me see how much you have improved over the years!"

Claudia wanted to go back to the city for support, but she didn't dare to move because she felt a strong murderous aura had locked onto her. She was too familiar with this murderous aura! Every time Graf trained her, he was full of murderous aura! He attacked with all his strength! Just like now!

When Claudia's vision returned, Graf was already standing in front of her, holding the sword in both hands and posing a fighting stance, staring at her coldly, just like the way Graf looked every time he fought with her. For a moment, Claudia was a little dazed.

Taking a deep breath, Claudia made the same fighting stance. A battle between a legendary guardian knight and an epic paladin was about to begin!

And in the Sixth Fortress, there was already a wailing, and wherever the Bloody Knights passed. , no one could escape. The church knights, known as the strongest on the continent, lost Claudia's leadership and were shrouded in Graf's domain. After the city gate was blown open, they were unable to form a charge formation and could not exert their full combat power.

Although they still relied on their individual combat power to resist the Scarlet Knights for a moment, they were immediately killed by the Scarlet Knights who had already formed a charge!

The outcome of this battle was determined from the beginning.

At the same time, as soon as Mu Feng and the dark elf queen Olika appeared outside the fifth fortress, the dwarves immediately detected spatial fluctuations and the alarm sounded.

Lulu also appeared on the city wall at the first time, carrying her giant battle axe, staring at Mu Feng and Olika with a fighting look on her face.

"Two more people are here to die! If I kill you two, I will only be a legend in serving the kingdom! Haha! Tell me your names, I won't kill nobody!"

"……Are all kids nowadays so arrogant?" ps: Eight more chapters! Extra chapters for 5.4! 35 chapters of rewards are owed, 7 chapters of flowers are owed!

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