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"The reason why I was able to break through the Lord God is because I extracted the part of it that belongs to the soul and absorbed it, so I was able to successfully break through. At the same time, this is also the secret of being able to break through that I want to tell you. As long as you find such a plane will again, you can also successfully break through."

Whether it is a god or a demon, even a human, the higher the level, the more trump cards they have, and the more difficult it is to die.

The gods are even more representative of them. The soul and the godhead are the medium that can allow them to be reborn, and the soul and the godhead can usually be divided into many parts, so it is difficult for the gods to be killed in the true sense.

The goddess of nature found this plane will that merged with the soul by chance. Originally, she wanted to extract it to see if she could save it, but she unexpectedly found that this soul seemed to be able to help her break through!

At that time, the goddess of nature did not use it to break through immediately, but instead expanded its believers. The original witch clan was That's how it happened.

However, as the situation in the elf world worsened, the Goddess of Nature had no choice but to use this soul that still hadn't ignited the divine fire to make a breakthrough.

At the same time, this was the information she originally intended to use for trading. It's a pity that this information is actually no different from having nothing. The chance of a soul that has integrated the will of the plane is pitifully small.

It was precisely because she knew this that the Goddess of Nature agreed immediately after Mu Feng added additional conditions.

Even the request raised by Mu Feng has not reached her bottom line! If Mu Feng knew this, he could only sigh that he was still too kind.

When talking about the plane will that was extracted from the soul, the elf goddess smiled lightly.

"As for catching this plane will, it is very simple. Although I have extracted the soul part, the plane will and the soul have been integrated for a long time, so the two are actually one and the same, and there is a certain connection.

"After losing its soul, it could no longer receive the power of faith from the witches, let alone ignite the divine fire, so it has always wanted to take back its soul from me."

"I used the ancient war tree as a cage and the breath of the soul as bait to catch it, and now the will of this plane is about to be devoured by my ancient war tree, and my ancient war tree will replace it as the will of this plane."

When she said this, the goddess of nature paused, then stared at Mu Feng and continued:"Originally, this was my last resort in case I failed to make a deal with you."

Mu Feng didn't show a look of realization until the Goddess of Nature finished speaking.

No wonder the Plane Will had found him before and wanted to cooperate with him. It seemed that it wanted to take back part of its soul while he was fighting with the Goddess of Nature, and it might even seize the soul of the Goddess of Nature. But it didn't expect that before Mu Feng and the Goddess of Nature had a big fight, it couldn't help but be caught by the Goddess of Nature.

And Mu Feng suddenly understood why the Goddess of Nature had been so calm from the beginning to now. It turned out that she had made the final preparations.

Once the ancient war tree is completely integrated with the Plane Will, the ancient tree will become the core of the will of this plane.

It has many special abilities, among which is the core of the self-destructing Plane Will, which completely destroys this plane, and even the core of the self-destructing can cause an explosive power comparable to a god-level attack.

Obviously, the Hui where Mu Feng is now is actually the core area of the self-destructing Plane Will.

The Goddess of Nature is really ready to die together if the talks fail!

"What a pity."

Mu Feng couldn't help but feel a little relieved that he had reached a deal with the Goddess of Nature.

However, when he looked at the Ancient War Tree again, he felt a little regretful.

Because if the Ancient War Tree was allowed to develop normally, it would become a special existence like the Tree of Life and the Tree of Wisdom, spreading to countless planes in the future. But now that it has merged with the plane will of this plane, its upper limit is fixed, and it will never be possible to become an existence at the same level as the Tree of Life and the Tree of Wisdom.

This is why the Goddess of Nature made the decision to let the Ancient War Tree merge with the plane will until the end.


As if sensing Mu Feng's gaze, the plane will that had not yet been fully integrated in the ancient war tree suddenly trembled again, conveying information in the minds of Mu Feng and the goddess of nature.

Mu Feng's face looked a little ugly, because it basically meant that Mu Feng should save him, otherwise Mu Feng's secret would be exposed!

However, before the plane will's thoughts were conveyed, the goddess of nature glanced at the ancient war tree, and the next moment the brilliance of the ancient war tree suddenly burst out. Mu Feng only felt countless screams coming from his head, and then it returned to calm in the blink of an eye. Everything became so peaceful.

"The will of the plane has been completely destroyed. From today on, my ancient war tree is the will of this plane."

Before Mu Feng came back to his senses, the goddess of nature had already explained with a smile.

Mu Feng was stunned at first, and then he laughed immediately.

He knew that he had picked up a treasure. The goddess of nature was really smart. Maybe she knew Mu Feng's true identity a long time ago, but she pretended not to know, and even directly destroyed the only will of the plane who knew the truth. In this way, no matter whether she knew it or not, Mu Feng was the Demon Dragon King Mu Feng!

"I suddenly like you very much!"

With a brilliant smile, Mu Feng suddenly pushed the Goddess of Nature back two steps, and suddenly pressed her against the ancient war tree. Mu Feng kissed her directly, and at the same time lifted one of her feet and placed it on his shoulder. Soon after, the huge ancient war tree began to shake, and at the same time, the goddess of nature groaned.

Before that, the ancient war tree had already emitted a brilliant light, which not only blocked the sound inside but also the scene inside.

However, as the will of the plane was swallowed by it, the entire plane quietly changed, as if the world had suddenly revived, and it was full of vitality and vigor everywhere.

So far, The entire plane of the Seven Shields Alliance is completely controlled by Mu Feng.

However, Mu Feng did not lift the plane blockade immediately, but began to reorganize the power within the plane and restructure the Church of the Goddess of Nature.

Before the plane was blocked, the Church of the Goddess of Nature sent a distress signal to the Goddess of Life. Now, once the plane blockade is lifted, this plane will be discovered by the Goddess of Life. Before a grand welcome ceremony is prepared, Mu Feng will not open the blockade.

And Graf is still outside, and this only epic needs to be dealt with. Otherwise, if he knows the truth of the so-called secret technique, it will be a bit troublesome. ps: Three more chapters! Extra chapters for the reward of [The Controlled Puppet]! 2/4 owes 32 more chapters for rewards.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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