ps: The picture shows [Princess Knight of the Flower Princess] Alicia Alcutorus

"Why don't you let us out of the city! The mercenaries are fighting on the front line! The Knights of Saint Iris should have joined them and started attacking the Black Castle by now!"

Princess Alicia, wearing silver-white knight armor, angrily questioned the supervisory team that blocked her way!

She was the support force responsible for rushing to Walter's aid in the original plan, and behind her were the knights of the Knights of Saint Iris who were also wearing silver armor!

【Princess Knight】——Alicia.

She is the leader of the second-ranked [Knights of Saint Iris] in this plane, and she is also a legendary war knight who has just been promoted to a legendary level!

If the only people standing in front of her were the Supreme Council's supervisory team, then Alicia would have led her people to crush them directly. However, in addition to the Supreme Council, there are also several members of the Alcutorus family standing in front of her. These people are her uncles and uncles. She has no way to pass over their bodies.

"Princess Palace���"Please calm down. This is the order just issued by the Supreme Council. The main church knights who were originally responsible for the surprise attack on the Black Castle were unable to go to battle due to special reasons. Therefore, there is no need for you, the St. Iris Knights who are supporting and assisting the attack, to set out. Otherwise, it will only cause fearless casualties. This battle plan has been cancelled."

Facing Princess Alicia's aggressive questioning, an elder of the Alcutorus family stood in front of her with a wry smile and explained helplessly.

"What about the mercenaries? Even if the main force didn't attack, we should have covered the retreat of the mercenaries!"

After hearing this explanation, Alicia questioned again angrily.

Princess Alicia was the fortress commander of the First Fortress. The reason why she was able to sit in this position was not only because she was born in the Alcutorus family, a military family in the Kingdom of Eos, but more importantly, she was talented. She became a legendary war knight at a young age, and she had excellent command ability in strategic literacy.

Canceling the battle plan when the vanguard had already set off was an extremely stupid decision in her opinion!

"The Supreme Council said... they can only apologize for what happened to the Mercenary King Walter, and believe that he can understand and forgive in the face of the overall situation. Moreover... before the mercenaries went to war, the Supreme Council had already paid enough money, so even if, even if they died, it was only natural.……"

Facing Alicia's question, another elder of the Alcutorus family slowly explained the reason with an extremely embarrassed and difficult expression.

"These bastards! What surprise attack! What support! They are simply sending the Black Beast Mercenaries to die! Get out of my way! I want to leave the city!"

Princess Alicia was immediately furious! Although she was not sensitive to politics, she had realized at this time that this was a conspiracy!

As a pure knight, she hated this kind of despicable behavior the most! She immediately drew out the long sword at her waist and prepared to rush out of the crowd in front of her. The angry Alicia could no longer care about so much. Although she knew it was too late to rush over now, she still wanted to fight like a knight, even if it was to take back the remains of the Black Beast Mercenaries.

Walter is a legendary mercenary king anyway, and a legendary strongman should not die so humiliatingly!

Seeing Alicia preparing to rush into the city, the elders of the Alcutorus family winked at the other ministers of the First Fortress.

"Princess, calm down. Even if you go to support them now, it is too late. After so much time, the Black Beast Mercenary Group may have been wiped out. The key is how to deal with the next battle. The financial situation of the First Fortress has been a bit tight recently. Is there any problem with the funding?……"

"Princess, we still have some unclear arrangements for the city defense. Please arrange……"

"Your Highness, the public is in a low mood recently. I implore you to give a speech to boost morale.……"


Then, a group of ministers in charge of various affairs of the First Fortress, led by Minister of Finance Thomas, stood in front of Alicia and began to report all the matters that needed Alicia's handling at once.

"What do you mean?!"

Alicia, who originally wanted to rush out, became even more angry after hearing the ministers' request!

There is no doubt that as a pure knight, Alicia's shining points are obvious, but so are her weaknesses. The people present know very well what they can use to tie her down firmly.

【The Princess Knight of the Flower of the Phoenix is well-known for loving the people like her own children. She is also really concerned about the lives of the people, so her reputation as the next queen is very high.

Alicia is not only the only daughter of the military family of Alcutorus, her mother is the sister of the current king. Since the king has only one daughter so far, she is indeed qualified to inherit the throne, so her title includes the word"Princess".

"We just want to tell you that compared to the destroyed Black Beast Mercenaries, this fortress needs you more, the people need you more, and the Seven Shields Alliance needs you more."

Thomas, the Minister of Finance, faced Princess Alicia and said what they wanted to say with a respectful look. ps: The number of flowers increased a lot at once. Five more chapters, 4000 more flowers.

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