At seven o'clock in the morning, in the largest room of a bungalow in the villa area of ​​Guanbuzi City, the air was filled with a strange atmosphere.

Roland opened his eyes and brushed away the soft and warm quilt covering himself.

He no longer needs sleep very early, but in many cases, in order to maintain a sense of reality, Roland will still take a break regularly.

Just when he was about to stretch his body, as if he realized something, Roland carefully opened a corner of the quilt. Just as he was about to stand up, a smooth and white arm grabbed him.

"Let's sleep a little longer..."

Although Yingman's real name's coquettishness did not make Roland lose his position, it also successfully prevented Roland from getting up.

He looked helplessly at Ying Manzhen, who was lying on his arms, rubbing her eyes in a daze, raising her upper body, and stretched out her hand to stroke the other person's long hair.

At this moment, the exquisite facial features that did not look like ordinary people were filled with a sense of satisfaction that coexisted with exhaustion and happiness.

After feeling the warmth in Roland's palm, Ying Manzhen not only did not resist, but took the initiative to rub her face against Roland's chest and narrowed her eyes comfortably.

"Why do you know that you are staying in bed now? Weren't you the one who took the initiative to pester you because of jealousy yesterday?"

"Well... the master still has the nerve to say it."

Yingman's real name was exquisite, her pretty face began to bulge, and her crimson eyes were full of resentment.

For her, this coquettish attitude would only be shown in front of Roland. Being teased by Roland made the girl wave her pink fist and hit Roland.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong..."

Roland smiled and hugged the girl's delicate body into his arms, whispering her real name into Yingman's ears from a very close distance.



The girl tilted her head, trying hard to express her angry attitude, but she couldn't help but secretly glance at Roland and observe his reaction. It was not intimidating at all, but rather cute.

The smile on Roland's face became even stronger. The natural, strong and fragrant emotions like ordinary people when getting along with Yingman's real name are the best proof that {Roland}'s existence has left traces.

Therefore, he did not hesitate and honestly expressed his heartbeat to Yingman's real name.

"Then how do you want me to compensate you?"

After coming back to her senses, Yingman naturally hugged Roland's neck and leaned her head against him. Her long, shiny pink hair slowly hung down from her shoulders and fell on Roland.

"I'm not an easy woman to deal with..."

Ying Manzhen raised her head and let out a faint sigh.

The familiar aroma that penetrated the tip of his nose made Roland chuckle and his thoughts moved.

"Then, let's start the second round and let me see the performance of Ms. Yingman's real name."

"Wait, this isn't compensation at all, it's a reward, right?"

"Then you can just admit defeat..."


In the hot air, after a long time, Yingman's real name eyes were so intoxicating that they almost dripped with water.

"You're so shameless... This kind of physical strength is just cheating..."

Roland, who felt refreshed, also laughed and said, "Who dares you to provoke me? You are very attractive. It is normal that you can't help it."

When it was daylight, Roland, who had been tender for a while, finally got up. Compared to Zhen Ming, who liked to stay in bed, because of his past experiences, he still maintained a little self-discipline... probably.

When he walked to the first floor of the bungalow, the first thing that caught Roland's eyes was Asakami Fujino who was carrying plates from the kitchen to the dining table.

She seemed to hear Roland's footsteps coming down, so she took out the warmed food in advance.

"Good morning, Fujino,"

Roland said hello casually, sat down at the dining table, and glanced around, but he didn't see the girl in kimono who was always huddled on the sofa.

"Where's Shiki?"

"Miss Liangyi left angrily after breakfast, saying she was going home and would not come back until evening."

After setting out the food like a good wife and mother, Asagami Fujino also sat next to Roland.


Roland showed a puzzled expression, but he didn't pay too much attention and turned his attention to the breakfast in front of him.

Hearing this question, Asagami Fujino was completely speechless, with a slight blush on his fair face.

The sound insulation of the bungalow is not very good.

As a result, Asagami Fujino could not fall asleep until one or two o'clock in the middle of the night.

While Asagami Fujino was thinking wildly, Roland also finished the meal in front of him, raised his head, and looked at Fujino thoughtfully in front of him.

After the painless disease was cured, although the distortion in his personality was still deep-rooted, the other party was at least freed from that empty and depressed personality.

The remaining introversion has become one of Fujino's endearing characteristics.

However, she is still not confident enough, so help her set some examples that can improve her courage.

Today happens to be the day when the real name is resting, and Shiki is not here either. What a good opportunity.

Roland came to a conclusion.

"Fujino, let's go to Kanfuko City in the afternoon and pick out a few suitable ones and twist them with your eyes."

"Yes, Lord Roland..."

Because the tone seemed to suggest that he was going to the supermarket to buy dinner ingredients, Asagami Fujino subconsciously responded with obedience. But when he truly understood the meaning of Roland's words, the only thing left in the bungalow was the girl's exclamation. Voice.

"Hey, hey, hey!"


There are many quiet alleys in the area adjacent to the streets in the office area of ​​Guanbuzi City.

It is obviously located in the city, but because the original construction plan was abandoned halfway, many alleys are connected to the areas on the mountain. Even in winter, when you walk into it, you can see the vast green space that is completely inconsistent with the style of the residential area. This This area is so inaccessible that even bad guys don't want to hang out here.

Roland held Asakami Fujino's hand and was also a little surprised.

"There is actually a place like this here..."

"It's usually there." Hearing Roland's question, Asakami Fujino was a little confused. "When developing cities, isn't it very common to use mountains as landmarks? Didn't the city where Mr. Roland lived before not have such an environment? ?"

"When I went back to Fuyuki, I was dragged around by my family for a long time, but I really didn't see it...ah, I understand."

After Asakami Fujino's reminder, Roland reacted belatedly.

There is one in Fuyuki City. The Ryudou Temple near Mount Enzo has such a landscape. However, it has been bombed. What is now at that location is a small hill created by the cleared ruins and conforming to the earth's veins.

Medea's workshop was set up on the spiritual veins in the forest on this hill. Because of the huge changes, Roland had almost forgotten its original appearance.

However, this destructive maniac-like behavior was obviously not a great achievement. Roland coughed lightly and quickly began to change the topic.

"Okay, the environment here is quite good. Let's start practicing quickly. Although you don't want to use these eyes to cause unnecessary damage, you can't really master it without experiencing it yourself."

Under Fujino Asagami's strong request, Roland reluctantly agreed not to use humanoid creatures as targets, but to use dead objects as practice objects.

"Then..." Roland stretched out his hand, stood at the boundary between the forest and the abandoned building, and pointed at a four-story building with his hand.

"Let's start with that thing first."

"Even if you say so..."

Asakami Fujino stared blankly at the place pointed by Roland, a little at a loss.

Her magic eyes could indeed easily penetrate places like alley walls, but this huge thing that spread almost to the end of the entire field of vision was still a bit beyond the girl's imagination.

"How will you know if you don't try it? You have to get used to this power."

Roland blocked the girl's worries with a light voice. After being cured of the painless disease, Asagami Fujino's power was not limited. In the case of the seal being leaked by accident in the original work, the girl It has the destructive power to directly twist a bridge across the river, let alone now.

Even if you are not yet able to awaken the clairvoyance that can perform clairvoyance, it is still a good thing to familiarize yourself with it first.

"Since you said so..."

Asakami Fujino took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

A spiral of red and green suddenly appeared in her eyes. Asakami Fujino looked at the building in front of her. Just like the focus of a camera, her pupils continued to shrink and expand, adjusting the distance in her field of vision.

Compared with ordinary magic inheritance, this kind of superpower that is continued through blood also has its own benefits. Compared with teaching, they only need to obey their own will to master this innate power.

Just as Roland looked at Fujino's eyes with admiration, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the alley wall in front of him.


The hard wall vibrated violently as it collided with the spreading flames.

Just as the flying rubble was about to spread out with the force of the blast at a speed like a bullet, it was swallowed up by the high temperature that followed, lost its original form, melted into a puddle of liquid, and fell weakly after flying halfway. There were scorch marks left on the ground.

"It's really easy to find me. So, are you a customer of Aozaki Orange?"

Wearing a bright red long coat and a high barrel hat as if to prove his identity, the magician holding a cane stepped over the remaining part of the wall and showed a cheerful smile towards Roland and Asagami Fujino.

Although he seemed to be trying his best to maintain that aloof posture, the malice hidden in his eyes still made him look like a venomous snake pretending.

"Lord Roland?"

Asagami Fujino nervously called Roland next to her, and her tense spirit was suddenly transferred. If Roland hadn't still held her hand, she might have subconsciously withdrawn from the state of being ready to go.

"I'm here, keep going."

Roland glanced at the red magician coldly, not even thinking of asking the other person's name. Instead, he patted Asakami Fujino's hand to comfort her.

"Aren't you going to reply? This is Cornelius Aruba's visit." Aruba, who was ignored, spread his hands in an exaggerated manner, "Sure enough, a guy from a remote country doesn't know what politeness is. of."

"Then, let these guys teach you."

With a disgusting force that seemed to break his throat, Aruba tapped his cane, fully embodying his malice.

From under his feet, something like an alien oozed out from behind the uncovered wall.

From the outside, it looked very similar to the slime Roland had seen in the dungeon on the upper level of the earth, but after it was completely formed, he immediately rejected the idea.

The cream-colored slime quickly took shape after overflowing from the wall.

Some are human-shaped and some are animal-shaped. The surfaces of these things are all scarred, and they begin to dissolve from these parts, but they will soon be reassembled, as if they are repeating the process of decay forever, possessing both ugliness and exquisiteness. .

"You have no taste. Rather than being a magician, it would be more suitable for you to work as a supervisor in a horror movie. However, with such a heavy talk, only small-scale productions will accept you."

After being surrounded by monsters that completely filled the exit, Roland complained.

Indeed, the situation is very much like a horror movie, and unlike in the movies, neither crosses nor shotguns are effective against these things.

"Forget it, Fujino, I changed my mind. Rather than twisting this building apart, let's get rid of these disgusting monsters first. Killing guys who look like villains in horror movies should help build self-confidence. It will be more effective."

"Can I really do that?"

Miss Fujino didn't want to displease Roland. She knew that her physical destructive power might be outstanding, but when facing this kind of monster that looked like a combination of flowing mire, could these eyes not disappoint Roland?

"Absolutely, easily!"

Roland didn't explain, and directly answered in the affirmative.

The twisted magic eye is a magic eye that uses vision to create a rotation axis.

The left eye rotates left and the right eye rotates right, which can distort the object being looked at.

If two rotation axes are turned on on an object at the same time, the object can be twisted from the intersection.

From an expressive point of view, it was as if there were invisible beings exerting force on the left and right towards the place she was looking at.

But if it was just such interference, this magic eye would not be worthy of gem-level evaluation.

Its real power lies in creating invisible rotational axes. What she twists is essentially the junction of the rotational axes. Therefore, she can naturally ignore the nature of the object itself. Whether it is steel or flesh and blood, it is the same in front of these eyes. .

In many cases, these magic eyes are restricted by Asakami Fujino's own cognition.

Even the base of the magic barrier itself can be twisted off, and if you have a physical familiar, what does it matter?

Even though Asagami Fujino didn't know this yet, she seemed to be infected by Roland's confidence. She put all the accumulated emotions in her mind into her mind.

Don't let Lord Roland down.

The girl herself has always had an attitude of wanting to repay Roland for saving her, especially when special and outstanding women like Two Ceremonies and Yingman Zhenna are used as examples.

For a girl with low self-esteem, it didn't matter how she was treated, but she just didn't want Roland's vision to be questioned.

This is especially true when there are outsiders around.

She had to prove it, prove Roland's choice, and prove her worth.

——In order to have the courage to stand by his side in the future.

Asagami Fujino looked away and locked all the monsters in his sight with his shining eyes.

Several blue blood vessels appeared on her white fingers due to excessive force, but Roland still held her hand tightly and showed no sign of letting go.

The exciting emotions continued to spread, causing the bright green and red colors to intertwine in Asakami Fujino's eyes, and finally came together completely.

First, lock the field of view and confirm the different rotation axes. Finally, find the junction and activate the power in these eyes.

"Twist it..."

The girl whispered softly.

Then, an invisible vortex appeared in front of each monster, as if it had gravity, twisting everything on that boundary line!

The twisting power of the spiral began to spread along the broken place, spreading out in a radiating manner like water splashed on the ground, intensifying, and expressing this invisible power through the destroyed limbs.

In the blink of an eye, all the white monsters collapsed and were completely eliminated in the huge remaining holes like whirlpools, showing the funny expression of how the face of the red magician behind them changed from being smug to stunned.

"Well done."

The power of this blow has surpassed many Noble Phantasms in terms of destructive power. If used properly, it can be called a barrier nemesis, especially with Kenneth's arrangement method, it is simply defeated.

"well done."

Roland nodded with satisfaction and stroked the girl's hair as smooth as satin to encourage her.

The girl who was praised subconsciously lowered her blushing face, but the corners of her mouth still curled up unconsciously.

However, compared to the tender and affectionate two people here, Aruba's expression was completely distorted.

"How is that possible? What level of magic eye is that?"

He looked at Asakami Fujino, and was about to ask a question, but when he saw Roland, his attention shifted instantly. Compared with the girl who was not in his plan, this man was his real target today, and besides, the other person His words hit his weak point accurately.

"You dare to say that I have no taste. They are made of pure ether blocks. No matter what type of magic they are, they can be defended through quantitative absorption. In addition, with the monster-like posture, when they swarm up, it can be regarded as a barrier. It will also be corroded.”

"Ordinary magicians don't even have a chance to resist... Do you know how many magicians these slimes have eaten?"

Aruba held the crutch tightly with an angry look on his face.

Hearing such words, Roland also nodded and thought about it seriously.

he asked with empty eyes.

"So, can this kind of slime only corrode clothes during combat without damaging the body? By the way, it would be best if it could also produce different effects for different genders, and even grant some special states... "

"How is it possible to do something like that! And what do you think slime is!"

Seeing that Roland was getting more and more excited as he talked, the red magician no longer cared about being reserved and roared in response to this behavior that lacked common sense.

But his answer only received a look of disgust.

"Then I was are indeed a tasteless clown."

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