Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 264 Promise to meet again next time

In the dilapidated corridors, the function of the lights that flickered on and off has been completely replaced.

The destructive tide composed of a huge amount of flames and flashes directly melted the walls and corridors of this alien space in a destructive manner, eroding from top to bottom.

If this were not a space created by Kama's power, they would have erupted like a volcano and poured towards the sky.

But this incident was nothing to be happy about.

Because of the limited space, when these swept flames came back, it would only make her situation more difficult.

In just a few seconds, the confident look of the goddess of love was replaced by pupils full of shock and anger and a gloomy expression.

Where did Saber go?

The rapidly changing situation prevented Kama, who had already made plans, from reacting. The distance between the barrier she used to hide Saber and this place was only a few steps away for the heroic spirit.

But now, there is still no response from the other party. If it weren't for the large amount of magic power flowing out from the contract to the outside world to prove that the other party is still alive, she would have thought that today's scene would have turned into a hunter and prey identity reversal.

But if that's the case, Saber shouldn't be the only one now. The difference in personality between gods and heroic spirits cannot be erased even by the body of a servant. The person who sets this trap cannot miss this critical opportunity to add insult to injury. Unless he doesn't care about winning at all and is just acting on a whim.

From this point of view, Saber should only be temporarily trapped and is still breaking through the obstacles.

Therefore, she should worry about herself first before the King of Knights.


Once again, with astonishing luck, he narrowly avoided Yang Yan's arrows with the help of the Black Shadow Snake. Kama's eyes turned cold as he looked at the gradually spreading fire and the constantly falling stones. Everything around him They were all covered in a layer of tragic red.

If it weren't for Matou Sakura's technique as a host body, as well as her astonishing affinity with the black mud of chaos, and relying solely on the spiritual foundation of the goddess of love, Kama would have died.

And Karna, who was bathing in the fire from the upper level and stepping on the broken corridor, could not see any expression, and he still looked extremely ordinary.

But in Kamo's view, this behavior was even more hateful than the wild laughter.

Even if it is combined with the sacred flames of the sun, the smoke and stains caused by the burning are still filthy to the delicate goddess who is as brilliant as a gem.

"Karna, you can clearly see through it! The future of this world is hopeless, and my arrival is its only chance. Isn't it better to hand over the world to the gods and let everyone live in eternal love than to hand it over to the gods? Are you a strong master who can destroy the world at any time?"

Kama's brows furrowed deeply, and there was even a hint of pleading in his tone.

She did not confuse Karna with words such as 'Can we reconcile?'. In the face of the poor man's knowledge, this obvious lie was not even a waste of time.

So Kama spoke her sincerity, and with her childlike appearance, even a hero would be moved by her sincere gesture.

But Karna is an exception.

"God Kama, your words are not wrong. If I was summoned by you, it would be fine to jointly rebel against the gods in the sky. But at the moment, I only have one master."

Karna raised his divine bow again, blocking all of Kama's escape routes bit by bit.

Although it may not be obvious from the performance, Karna has great respect for the existence of gods, even if Kama's situation is so miserable that it can only appear through possession.

Combat power is just a foil to the gods. The real trouble is their essential power.

And Kama, who can even be tricked by the great god Shiva, is even more outstanding in this regard. If he is careless, he may let the opponent take the opportunity to escape.

Karna also knew this, so he completely sealed this alien world with flames bit by bit.

If Kama wants to escape, Karna, who doesn't have to worry about replenishing his magic power, will directly release the Noble Phantasm in the gap in the opponent's twisted space.

The extended garden was only a few stories high. When Kama was unable to retreat, she was left with the only option of confronting Karna one-on-one.

Although he was very capable of causing trouble, his life was taken away by Karna without any injury when he was forced to do anything. This was a result that Kama could not accept.

Therefore, even though he knew that the hope of relying on Saber for rescue was slim, continuing to delay like this would make things worse. As long as there was still another option, Kama would not give up his struggle.

Kama's expanding magic power left behind blossoming mandala flower shadows in the air, but before they could spread, they were all swallowed up by the scorching divine flames.

This consumes the magic power that all the masters in the regular Holy Grail War cannot supply together. The battlefield created by the release of magic power is not something that a non-martial sect god like Kama can provoke.

After another dodge, Kama found that there was no extra space behind him, and his face darkened.


Next, she had to make a choice: to gamble on the Noble Phantasm and cooperate with the contamination of the black mud, or to hand over the backup plan prepared for the Holy Grail here?

But before she could take action, Karna had already wiped out all her hopes.

He lowered the divine bow in his hand slightly, letting a bright divine light ignite on the luxurious golden armor.


It was clear what Kama meant by this omen.

"Are you crazy! In order to kill me, you actually want to waste such a trump card!"

"Although I can't see into the future, I can kill you here, even if I sacrifice this armor, it's worth it. God Kama, this is my judgment as a hero."


Among all the servants in this Holy Grail War, the one she least wanted to fight against was Karna, not because the two had the same mythological origin, but because the thunder gun on Karna had enough power to destroy her. The deterrence that can be wiped out with all the backhand.

That would be fine if that was all, but what was worse than that was that Karna had determination and keen judgment that would not be shaken by anything external.

There is no worse enemy for Kama, the god of love.

As if accepting his fate, Kama grasped the arrow as beautiful as a bud in his hand, tensed his body, and ignored his future plans, preparing to activate all the preparations he had accumulated and fight to the death.

"Saber, help..."

The immature goddess spit out the magical words from her mouth, but before she finished reciting, a dark figure directly broke through the blockade of the alien space and flew straight towards Karna who was ready to attack!


In the astonished expressions of the two people, the strange figure was like a cannonball, crashing through the concrete wall one after another and swooping towards Karna.

When he saw clearly who had caused this change, Karna showed a rare surprise, while Kama, on the other hand, was extremely surprised.


When her identity was revealed, Saber also reversed her body in the air, allowing her vision to change from the sky to the earth again. An invisible impact also spread from her feet, crowding out the surrounding air, and using a ring of The folds of the air wave accelerated again.

But even though the attack was very sudden, Karna only raised his eyebrows slightly.

The moment he sensed Saber's aura, he interrupted the release of the divine spear. This action left him with only a few tenths of a second to react. To draw the bow in such a situation, even for him, This request is also somewhat unreasonable.

But if you just launch a counterattack, it will be more than enough.

Saber had just pointed the dark magic sword with red stripes at Karna, and what she saw was that the opponent raised the golden divine bow in his hand and slammed it towards her like a long knife or a stick.

Faced with the actual test of how Archer would react when he was attacked at close range, Karna gave the best answer with his actions.

Since you are getting close, wouldn't it be better to just engage in melee combat with the enemy instead of shooting arrows?

This magical weapon given by Rama has the function of transforming. It will show different images according to Karna's rank. It can be used as a melee weapon.

Karna's eyes flashed with a fierce light. He took a step back slightly, turned his waist and abdomen, and turned the golden divine bow into a red meteor. He suddenly slashed out and hit Saber's demon hard. On the sword.

Although she was an Archer, the power that exploded in that moment was too much for Saber to contend with. Although the magic sword in her hand was still tightly held, her body still inevitably shifted a bit.

Karna naturally would not let go of such an opportunity. The rolling flames like lava cut off Saber's sword edge without mercy. Following the reaction force, he drew an arc on the side of his body and launched it from bottom to top. A slash, reaching the waist where Saber's armor is the most vulnerable.

In an instant, the situation reversed again. Although he was Archer, Karna's skills in close combat were better than anyone Saber had ever remembered!

Saber's skills honed on the battlefield, although somewhat unrealistic, have gone beyond what human skills can achieve, but in front of Archer, she was like a playful child.

This smooth and natural sense of distance without gaps has already entered the divine realm.

As expected of Karna, with such perfect skills, Noble Phantasms, and attributes, in normal times, she would definitely lose, but now she no longer needs to use skills to make up for her disadvantages!

The harsh darkness turned into a torrent, colliding with the dazzling sun flames again in Karna's solemn eyes.


The shocking collision of magic power completely tore apart the alien world that was already on the verge of destruction, bringing up smoke and wild winds that filled the sky and rolled down in all directions.

And what rippled along with it were invisible huge ripples, intertwined with the golden and black magic power, and continued to spread until the arrogance covered all the stars above the head.

When the garden was completely reduced to scorched earth, the two slowly separated.

"Are you...saber?"

Looking at the figure in front of him, Karna's calm tone also gave rise to some doubts.

This is natural. Anyone would be surprised to witness the pale silver knight king turning into a madman driven by obsession without any honor at all.

Especially the upright fighting style before has also undergone drastic changes along with his appearance. Every sword is wrapped with cold killing intent, like an emotionless judge.

However, there was another point that concerned Karna more than this.

Compared with the last time, the opponent's strength has also undergone drastic changes.

Karna glanced at his body with his peripheral vision. There were several tiny flames that were treating his injuries. Although his skills seemed to be slower, his various attributes and magic power had increased explosively. , combined with the magic sword, he was caught off guard, and he was the one injured first in the confrontation.

Although in terms of condition, Saber is much more miserable.

Artoria gasped for breath. Although the armor was still bright and shiny, the blood inside had stopped spreading. The deep green light continued to appear on her body, healing her injuries.

But this was not caused by Karna, but existed before Saber came.

Thinking of Kama's previous actions, Karna immediately guessed the truth.

He must have been stopped by others. This kind of method of killing without dying and killing people is very consistent with his master's style. However, judging from the current state of the other party, he may have met his master's lover. …

But Saber obviously had no intention of explaining. For some reason, her pale face was covered with a strange blush at this moment, and her pupils were full of shame and anger.

She didn't even have time to talk to Kama. Regardless of her state, she rushed towards Karna again, as if she wanted to vent her anger.

"go to hell!"

Ping ping ping ping ping——!

Uncountable crisp explosions resounded in all directions, even in Kama's eyes, the trajectory of the two's confrontation once again turned into a stream of light that was difficult to see through.



Saber raised her head and glared at Roland in front of her, failing to keep up with his thoughts.

He had clearly defeated himself in a humiliating battle, so why did he do such unnecessary things?

But it was undeniable that Saber was indeed moved.

Although she is a king, knowing people and making good use of them is the core of Saber's leadership. If she can get Roland's help, her path to the realization of her wish will definitely have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

"Yes, in order to dispel your worries, I will tell you the truth about the Holy Grail this time... It is not a wish machine, but an embryo that breeds a beast."

Roland briefly told the origin of the Holy Grail this time, and then waited with interest for Saber to digest this information.

As he expected, when faced with the truth that might have broken her previous defenses, the darkened Arturia accepted the result quite calmly.

"I see, that's a pity. In other words, this Holy Grail War is meaningless. I will either place my hope on the illusory next time, or... on you?"

"You're just unwilling and don't even have any resentment? You're really interesting now."

"If I just use it unwillingly, there won't be so many irreparable tragedies in the world. What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple, just give up on the present and place your hope on the future."

Facing the black knight king's straightforward answer, Roland smiled and gave his request.

"I will give you something more perfect than a wishing machine, so that you can truly have a chance to do it again."

Seeing the joy pouring into Esther's sword, turning his own resentment into the dark magic power for Esther to absorb without hesitation, Roland's lips curved into a mysterious smile.

This Holy Grail War is indeed full of surprises.

As long as you are on the road of destiny, there will be no chance in the world, only necessity.

It has been established that Esther in his most perfect state is the patron saint of the twin stars, possessing both the sanctity of protecting the world and the power of disaster in a shattered world.

It's just that when the chaotic will of the world created her, it only forged the side of the holy sword that belonged to it.

If she could use the world as a melting pot to refine her magic sword side, she would become Roland's most orthodox sword.

But the world's resources are limited to a certain extent.

The resources needed to create a being like Esther would not be of any benefit to the world, especially when Esther was still an outsider.

Even the local Holy Sword of Stars was created under special circumstances. It is obviously difficult for the entire Xingyue World to cooperate.

This is a destructive factor that will directly lead to the collapse of the foundation of the quantum recording tape. Even if Roland is allowed to continue, the suppression force will not allow this to happen.

——But this is not impossible.

The development of the entire history of pan-humanity can be roughly divided into the present at the trough, the past called the Age of Gods, and the undetermined future.

{Now} is in Roland's hands, and the {future} development is also closely related to him. The only thing that has not been touched is the true foundation of the suppression force, the foundation of all reality today, the {past} called the Age of Gods.

This private land is closely watched, and even Roland can only interfere to a very limited extent. If he causes any big changes, he will probably be cut off directly, and any unintentional influence will be affected by the power of historical correction. Erase.

But... if there is a mole, it will be completely different.

Inhibition is just an existence similar to a manager, not a real god that can control everything.

The Gods who are unwilling to be destroyed, King Arthur who symbolizes the future but wants to do it again, and... the second Holy Sword of the Star that is waiting to sprout.

He could vaguely feel that this was the key to controlling the world.

Looking at the thoughtful Arturia, Roland continued.

"But as a price, you have to give up the current Holy Grail War...and continue to endure the pain until the day when we meet again."

"See you next time..."

Artoria lowered her eyes and chewed on the word. It seemed that she had completely understood Roland's words.

She didn't know exactly what Roland wanted to do, and even her perfect intuition couldn't give Saber any help now. But in the end, after thinking about Roland's request, she nodded.

As long as she is for that country, she can give up everything.

"Then, I'll leave the rest to you. Kama seems to be unable to hold on any longer. If she is really killed by Karna here, she will be in trouble."

"I'll rush there now."

Saber straightened up and looked at the blurry alien world. Because of the previous battle, she was a little far away now, but she should still have time. After all, the other party was a god that even she couldn't see through, and she was not a useless goddess. , it’s not like I can’t hold on for such a short time.

But before she could move, her petite body was lifted entirely.

"No need. In your current state, by the time you break through this other world, Kama will have already turned into ashes."

The corners of Roland's mouth raised slightly, and he uttered a malicious whisper.

"So, let me give you a ride."

Before Saber's angry fist hit her, Roland lifted her collar, turned his arm, and violently smashed her towards the other world!

Roland waved his hands happily, instead of looking at Saber who had turned into a shooting star, he turned behind him.

"Then, you're the one who wants to have some fun with me next."

Along with Roland's words, a white flag embroidered with fleur-de-lis appeared, as well as a petite girl with braided blond hair who was holding it and looking at Roland with firm eyes.

She made a pre-war announcement in a clear voice.

"—That's it! Beast of the Apocalypse!"

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