Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 393 Extracting New Contract Spirits

After understanding Roland's thoughts, Aleister's communication with Roland was not complicated.

The curse of doomed failure forced Aleister to face problems passively most of the time, although he didn't know Roland's background.

But judging from the power he now has, this strength and initiative will certainly cause a great tilt in the situation he carefully designed, but it will also bring about a new turn of events.

Aleister can more or less guess about the changes Roland mentioned.

He is seeking the orthodox path above the demon god.

Since the gods of the new world are the ideal, then the cleansing of the old world and the knocking down of those lunatics who claim the name of God are necessary conditions.

And this is exactly Aleister's purpose.

As long as it is confirmed that Roland is still moving towards this goal, the fragile trust between them can be maintained and become the basis for cooperation.

As for Roland's own threats and the many foreseeable dangers, Aleister doesn't care.

The other party has the power to kill him, but still puts all the possibilities of realizing the plan on him, so even the most basic equality between them cannot be established.

How could a person without even a self make Aleister believe that he could replace the demon god?

Roland told Aleister his power and current thoughts honestly, just to give him time to adjust the plan that had been implemented.

And when Roland thought that his plan was deliberately obstructed by Aleister, he would immediately respond with action when he was given this leeway.

——Rush into this windowless building and kill Aleister directly.

The reason why they can cooperate is because of mutual needs.

Roland needs the local advantages that Aleister has built up over the years to strive for the opportunity to advance his plan.

Aleister needs Roland's power and essence from outside the world to finalize his years of layout.

At the same time, both of them have their own concerns.

For this reason, Roland generously told Aleister about his handle from outside the world.

Knowing this, Aleister largely eliminated the disadvantages brought about by the power gap between the two, but he also had to worry about Roland's bottom line after he knew the news.

In this game, the two sides are like two countries holding the switch of the nuclear button and confronting each other. Any slight reaction will directly detonate the current balance and give the other side a legitimate excuse to attack.

In order to continue to promote cooperation, both Roland and Aleister can only follow one principle.

Don't try from the beginning.

After both sides confirmed that the other party had no hostile thoughts and intentions for the time being and reached a tacit understanding to maintain the status quo, Aleister agreed without hesitation to cover up the start of Roland's plan, including a series of follow-up requirements within his ability.

Unlike most allies who are worried that their partners will start a new business, Aleister is happy to see this dual-line parallel scene.

It is better to say that he is eager to have a reliable ally with the same goal.

If in secret, this plan can be used as his backup hidden energy, and if in public, Roland can also help him divert the attention of others.

He can't find a reason to refuse this operation that has only benefits and no harm.

If he could not grasp the direction of the wind of change that would make the corrupt world look brand new, Aleister would give up the leadership and choose to stand on the vent and rise.

Because Aleister's solemn face, which was always slightly gloomy, was too discordant to try to squeeze out a warm smile.

It was not until Roland's figure left for a long time that Aiwass spoke again.

"It's like looking in the mirror. You know that such an expression is not suitable for you, but you still have to show respect. It seems that you are very satisfied with this accident."

"If the Antichrist can't satisfy me, I'm afraid I can't find a second partner who can catch my eye even if I search the world." Aleister replied meaningfully.

Such a statement made Aiwass flutter his wings slightly.


This was once the name that belonged to Aleister.

People who rely on the abnormal existence of magic must have their own reasons.

Magicians often spend their entire lives and use all methods to achieve the goals engraved in their souls.

By engraving this purpose on oneself in Latin, a magic name is formed, which contains the purpose and personality of the magicians themselves.

Such a special meaning makes the declaration of a magic name often represent a formal death statement issued to others.

And the magic name held by Aleister is Beast666, which symbolizes the beast of apocalypse that is hostile to everything in the old world and brings destruction.

But in front of the six beasts that have been bound to this name, Aleister did not intend to describe himself with such a title.

"Bringing new life with the end and destruction of matter, so as to climb the tree of life and pick the fruits of life and wisdom... It seems that things will become interesting in the future."

Aleister's tone gradually returned to indifference, "So, what do you think?"

"It's worth observing, after all, it's your mirror."

Evans did not answer Aleister directly, but just said affirmative words in a calm tone.

The so-called mirror is a similar and opposite existence.

As the contractor closest to Aivas in the past hundred years, Aleister has many qualities that make the angel care.

And those qualities also found their correspondence in Roland.

The goals are similar, the means are similar, and the results are similar.

But the essence is completely different.

It's like they are both trapped in one place, but Aleister's starting point is that there are too many possibilities, while Roland's starting point is that there are too few possibilities.

Overall, more observations are still needed.

Aleister was a little hesitant, but did not continue to ask.

"The answer to this question will be left to the future. He won't let us wait long.

——After all, he wants to be a good person. "

The moment he saw that line of text, Aleister suddenly realized what Roland wanted to do.

For people like them who are driven by selfishness, characters other than themselves can be roughly divided into three categories.

The one who gives.

Such people are born to give. Even if something is taken away by others, they will only suffer silently.

Their opposites are those who move forward without any guidance from anyone but by following the emotions that arise within them.

The one who captured.

Such people are naturally greedy. If they want to get something, they will take action to rob it.

Their opposites are those who wake up, are trapped by past sins, and want to reform.


Such people can receive gifts from others without doing anything. They are the most common and ordinary existence.

But because of this, among their opposites, heroes are often born who, even if they are not chosen, stand up to protect the things they cherish.

However, although there are pros and cons.

But by nature, the definitions of good and evil are quite subjective.

Even if you are a great hero who saves the world, you will still be criticized by villains for no reason.

Theoretically speaking, there is no such thing as a pure good that can be recognized by everyone.

Therefore, since Roland was so sure that he would become a good person, he had only one method.

Let the good and evil in your own heart become the good and evil in the world.

As long as there is only one defined voice in the world, this problem will naturally be solved.

Aiwass nodded: "What about his code name?"

The key to defeating the strong with the weak lies in the utilization of intelligence.

In such a plan to use one's body to plot against the devil, hiding one's true name is already a basic operation.

Due to his own preferences, Aleister's naming in this area often has a strong religious style.

For example, Aiwass, who is Academy City's top secret, is referred to as a dragon.

If you know something about the legend of the Cross, you will easily think of the angels who are closely related to the battle with the evil dragon.

But apart from this meaning, in the ritual theory of the Golden Dawn series, the dragon is an animal that belongs to the apex existence, and is generally used to refer to the existence above the curtain.

This just corresponds to the fact that although Aiwass claims to be an angel, his nature is far beyond the conventional understanding of the nature of a Christian angel.

Regarding this question, a few small bubbles appeared at the corners of Aleister's mouth.

"For meaningless questions, whether it is description or essence, the only word that can correspond to him is this word.

--{dragon}. "

The name is exactly the same as Aiwass's code name.

As for the fact that his title was used for the second time, Aiwass's face, which looked like a flower in the fog, also evoked a smile.

She was certain that Aleister used such a title to describe Roland only partly out of confidentiality considerations.

When the enemy went through all kinds of troubles to gain access to the most confidential information in Academy City, and kept thinking based on this simple code name, racking their brains to understand the deep meaning.

Then when they were fully prepared to attack and found out that the enemy was really the big red dragon in the Bible, the shock on their faces was the only reason why Aleister was named this.

Although due to the severe situation, the man behind the scenes who manipulates the world behaves like a cold and emotionless machine in most situations.

But once the situation eases slightly, his bad taste will be exposed as nakedly as lipstick on his white shirt.

After the brief conversation, the windowless building became calm again.

——But at this time, neither Aleister nor Aiwass thought about it.

Changes that will change the entire world and the future begin from this moment.

They paid great attention to Roland, who came from outside the world, and even gave him the right to stand in the center of the stage from the beginning.

But this level of respect still cannot be called grand.

This is true even if Aleister is not limited to the Demon God's realm and still has a sense of awe that belongs to humans.

People cannot earn wealth beyond their cognition, and Aleister cannot imagine the changes that will occur when the unknown outside the world collides with the old.

But regardless of the reason for the development of this matter, whether it was because of the fate that was doomed to fail that entangled him.

One thing is certain.

The trend of the world is rushing towards a future that is far beyond Aleister's expectations, or that no one can know at all.


"Academy City——"

Roland looked at everything around him with some sigh, walking in the city.

In traveling through the past, the modern world has always been very rare.

Although there are many worlds that have developed far beyond modern times, even mechas and battleships can be built that far exceed modern capabilities.

But there are still many differences between this style mixed with magical technology and the orthodox technological world that Roland perceives.

After polluting the native world with black technology such as subspace for his grand plan, Roland had not seen such an orthodox future world for a long time.

Judging from the surrounding security robots and some facilities that have been used, the technological level here is about forty or fifty years ahead of what Roland knows about the modern world.

Times, humanities, and the masterminds behind the scenes have jointly created this utopia-like existence.

As a megalopolis that occupies nearly one-third of the entire western part of the capital, in a sense, there is no problem in treating this place as a country within a country with an independent government.

No, it should be said that people who don’t have this idea simply don’t understand the nature of this kind of city.

Roland glanced at the almost pervasive camera hidden in the dark, and then turned his attention to the ID card in his hand.

When technology becomes too advanced, the difficulty of hiding oneself almost increases exponentially.

This simple identification alone requires a variety of information such as fingerprints, voiceprints, and retinas, and can only be obtained after strict review.

However, it is indeed difficult to forge an identity of this level, but for people with special means, it is not a big deal.

Because they are meant to attract attention, what really allows Aleister to control the situation without leaving home has never been the cameras.

Roland stretched out his hand, twirling his index finger and thumb slightly.

In this body perception, which can be called the ultimate creature, there is a clear particle touch.

"This is the lag loop..."

These nanoscale robots are spread throughout the surrounding air, transmitting every information about Academy City to Aleister in the form of quantum signals.

Their small size not only makes them difficult to detect, but also extremely difficult to eliminate them all in one go.

Under their surveillance, no outsider can hide.

It has nothing to do with whether the enemy can detect them, because destroying these robots in large numbers is an act of concealment in itself.

One can imagine how difficult it would be to intervene in Academy City without Aleister's acquiescence.

Thinking of this, Roland's eyes were a little subtle.

This world is a little too unfriendly to time travellers. Traveling here without power is nothing short of a nightmare.

In Aleister's style, although he wouldn't do anything like slicing, it would be more than enough to direct a cage similar to The Truman Show specifically for time travellers.

With that guy's ability to manipulate people's hearts, I'm afraid most time travelers will act as Aleister's guinea pigs without knowing it, until they are drained of the last trace of their use value.

If I hadn't reached a cooperation with Aleister, I might have had no choice but to walk in openly, or choose to attack by force.

"Sure enough, only strength and truth are the only sources of eternal peace of mind."

Roland unconsciously rubbed the silver ring between his fingers and chuckled.

In this case, it seems that he can only implement this concept to the end.

Of course, in a way that suits your own style.

"The key to all spirits, extract a new bonded spirit for me."

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