Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 438 Shen Lie Brand Nail Clippers

The moon was at its zenith, and Kamisaki Kaori suddenly became nervous.

She gripped the samurai sword with more force, and even her knuckles turned white.

The blade slightly exposed from the sheath flashed a sharp light under the cold moon, like a silver phantom, as if it could tear through people's vision in an instant.

Just seeing the action of drawing the sword, Tsuchimikado Motoharu felt creepy, his hair stood on end, and cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

Being within the attack range of one of the strongest female saints in the world, even if he wanted to move his eyes, his will to survive would still make him unconsciously attracted by the sharpness.

But this confrontation also made Tsuchimikado Motoharu aware of something wrong.

With Stiyl unable to move, fighting here would most likely affect him.

This way of action is not in line with Kamisaki Kaori's style at all.

After all, the starting point of Kamisaki Kaori's action is the heart that cherishes his companions.

Although this weakness makes her a little nagging at times, she is not unable to make a decision when the situation is clear.

But Roland was not surprised by this scene.

"After all, she is a saint. She must be bound by corresponding constraints when she obtains power by imitating higher beings."

Although they are both saints, the existence of Kanzaki Kaori is fundamentally different from that of Jeanne.

In the Type-Moon universe, there is no real Son of God.

But as a pioneer who transcends the universe, those traces of the past have formed a cross-century crucifixion culture and a will similar to the black air.

Saints like Jeanne are essentially alternative saints who are responsible for fulfilling their guardian duties.

Therefore, at certain critical moments, she can even get a certain script directly from revelation.

But the world of Magical Index is different. Although the phase of the Crucifixion is extremely powerful, it has not given birth to its own demon god.

So the saints of Magical Index are just products born based on the main belief of the Crucifixion and the idol theory.

When the power of the main body is almost infinite, the power of the replica can also be retained.

Just as the cross in the church recreates the cross where the Son of God was crucified, it also has a small amount of divine power.

The same is true for saints, because their natural structure is similar to that of the Son of God, and they have the corresponding stigmata, so they can also reproduce some of the Son of God's power.

However, this theory, which is similar to the sublimation of the Heroic Spirit through legends, must also have corresponding drawbacks.

For example, Vlad III was clearly the Protector of the Christian Kingdom, but after becoming a Heroic Spirit, he was distorted by pseudo-history such as Dracula.

While the saints have received this grace, they cannot escape this restriction.

For example, they will be targeted by weapons that restrain the Son of God, and for example... they will be unable to escape from important missions.

"But because it is just a replica, the human part can more or less dilute this mission."

Roland explained slowly.

"But even so, I am the beast of apocalypse who will destroy the old world, and I am the god who will create a new millennium."

"Even if it is a replica, judging from the connection between the saint and the Christians, this strong instinct is probably at least at the level of the godslayer facing the god of disobedience."

"If you don't fight me properly, it won't be easy to regain your sanity."

Roland's tone was very calm, but the meaning in his words was so cold that it seemed to make the temperature of the surrounding environment reach the freezing point in an instant.

Weak, helpless, and pitiful.

This is how Tsuchimikado Motoharu, whose teeth have begun to tremble, feels at this moment.

There are turbulent waves in his heart.

Although he is a bit neither high nor low because of his identity as a magician and a person with abilities.

But if you ignore the cost of using magic that may lead to a complete collapse, Tsuchimikado's strength is not bad.

Before becoming a spy, he was also a genius onmyoji, and he mastered first-class fighting and assassination techniques. He can be said to be a multi-faceted high-level talent.

Even Stiyl only respected his choice to withdraw from the rescue operation instead of thinking that he had no strength to participate in the rescue.

He could feel that Roland had the power to kill him in a blink of an eye and would not even leave him a chance to resist.

After witnessing the other party easily use the original rune to crash Stiyl's brain, Tsuchimikado Motoharu secretly raised his evaluation, thinking that even if it was Kamisaki Kaori, it would only end in defeat.

But unexpectedly, he was still wrong.

Roland's degree of danger far exceeded any existence he knew.

The Beast of Apocalypse, shouldn't this concept be regarded as a false imagination? If it really exists in the world and successfully incarnates, what is it going to do to this world!

Wait... I seem to have signed a contract with Roland. Will my soul not even go to hell in the future?

Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who is still a Puritan, turned pale.

But now Roland ignored his wailing at all. He stared at the beautiful figure of Kamisaki Kaori reflected in the blade and smiled and made an invitation gesture.

"So, Miss Kanzaki, aren't you coming to kill me?"


Kanzaki Kaori raised her head slightly, the desire in her eyes was almost like a blazing flame.

The original coldness, anger, hesitation, and those complex and changeable emotions all disappeared, replaced by excitement.

But it was not because she had found the way to happiness, or because she had discovered her beloved, and she was naturally happy because of the excitement.

It was the look in her eyes when she saw the prey that was equal to the value of her life.

Kanzaki Kaori could feel that the part of her body that belonged to the saint was so excited that she couldn't control herself.

Unprecedented, incomparable, and unforgettable prey.

The strongest monster.

The supreme evil.

The supreme demon king.

That was the natural enemy of all saints, all humans, and all life.

Even if she didn't say anything, the stigmata that seemed to come alive on her body, and the crazy boiling stigmata had conveyed this will to the girl.

That was the command engraved in the instinct of the saint.

Normally, integrating the power of the stigmata would bring a huge burden and pain to the body, but at this moment, the stigmata seemed to be actively cooperating with her body.

If it weren't for the human part of her saintly constitution that had been maintaining balance, other fanatical believers would have rushed forward to fight without hesitation.

Then what about me? How should I choose?

Kanzaki Kaori gritted her teeth and her eyes flickered.

"Salvare000, lend a helping hand to those who cannot be saved."

The girl read out her magic name.

There was no need to hesitate any longer.

She felt that Stiyl's breath had fluctuated violently, and was hindered by the many iron birds that entangled her, so she was forced to choose the companions she could still save.

But in the final analysis, this approach was only limited in power.

It was indeed the best strategy to escape with Stiyl, but this was undoubtedly equivalent to giving up Index who was still in Blue Dream Company.

Moreover, if you want to save Stiyl, defeating the enemy in front of you is also a way.

The stigma cooperated with me so well that it even took the initiative to match her breathing frequency to release power.

Everything in her eyes was clear, and the power in her body was almost endless. Both her spirit and body were kept at the peak.

Go all out!

That's right, Kamisaki Kaori will not lose to this world now.

Didn't the other party want her to kill him? Then go ahead and kill him!

In an instant, the blade flashed like lightning.

"Seven flashes!"

Kamisaki Kaori stepped on the tiptoe and surpassed the speed of sound in an instant.

The girl's fingers tightly grasped the handle of the knife and slowly pulled it to her waist. With just a simple step, the air that could not resist was squeezed into a liquid pale white color, and seven invisible blades like a mirage arrived in front of the target at the same time.

However, even Kamisaki Kaori clearly saw Roland's sight moving with those invisible blades.

But the other party still stood there, without even moving a finger.

Such a calm performance formed a sharp contrast with Tsuchimikado Motoharu who was already using all four limbs and fleeing in panic.

The other party's posture at this moment was not the big red dragon that could dye the river blood red with just a roar. His body after taking on flesh was absolutely human.

Only this point can be answered affirmatively by the intuition of the female saint.

And since they are human, they will definitely die if they are killed.

Putting oneself under the blade of the rampaging saint, this kind of arrogance is almost stupid, after all, the special attacks of both sides are relative.

Kamisaki Kaori frowned slightly in her heart. She didn't think that the beast of disaster that could make the stigma so excited would be so unwise in the Bible.

Although there was a vague premonition in her heart, the countless glorious achievements in the past and the excellent state at the moment made her abandon this feeling, rushed to Roland and cut down suddenly.

The next moment, blood splattered.


Kamisaki Kaori looked at the steel wire that was slowly tightening on the surface of her arm, her eyes full of astonishment.

——The injured person, is she?

"You actually used the sword-drawing technique to conceal that you were manipulating the wire. Would a saint be so clever?"

Roland raised his eyebrows and sneered at the wire that was constantly tightening around him, but could not move forward at all.

"But, that's it? It can't even scratch me."

Like a kind and persuasive teacher, Roland slowly raised his head and let more wires wrap around him.

"And this tricky move is fine when facing the weak, but when facing the strong, it will only be used in reverse. You don't even know this, do you dare to challenge me?"

Roland sneered and moved his arms little by little.

As his movements became more and more intense, until the length of the wire was exhausted, this weapon that was enough to split the building could only pounce on the user without asking for anything else.

The front end of the wire, which was originally wrapped around Kamiya Kaori's hand for easy manipulation, instantly turned into a deadly chain.

Roland also raised the corner of his mouth with interest.

He did not launch an attack, but like a tamer teasing a wild beast, he flexibly danced the steel wire wrapped around the two of them from time to time, adding scars to Kamisaki Kaori's body.

Blood beads as crystal-clear as gems slowly flowed out from the wound, but the blade light wrapped around it was not satisfied yet, and drove straight into the bones inside, trying to cut the girl's body into seventeen pieces.


As the blood was dripping, Kamisaki Kaori, who was in a very bad state, also groaned because of the intense pain.

Such a scene was beyond her imagination.

The saint's body is extremely tough, and even with minimal defensive techniques, he can directly crash into walls at supersonic speeds, easily defeating ten thousand enemies.

In her current fully open state, she could survive even if she faced an attack that would destroy the city head-on.

But with her stigmata fully opened, she was actually surpassed by Roland in the physical fitness competition?

No, now is not the time to be dazed.

Although it was unbelievable, Kanzaki Kaori still made the most correct judgment.

Her waist and legs exerted force one after another, and she leaned back sharply, trying to break free.

But such movements only caused the steel wires that bound her body to penetrate further into her body, opening long and narrow bloody openings.

But just as Kanzaki Kaori expected, when the wound was so deep that the bones were visible, even if it was strengthened, the special steel wire had reached its limit.

No matter it was Roland at the end or Kanzaki Kaori at the head, it couldn't shake the slightest bit, but the wrestling between the two still never stopped.


"Boom! Boom!"

The steel wires wrapped around Roland and Kanzaki Kaori were tightened several times before breaking instantly, plowing deep ravines into the surrounding hard earth, flames, and steel remnants like a beam of light.

"The battle of monsters..."

Tsuchimikado Motoharu carried Steele's body and ran away, staring at the scene behind him in stunned silence.

If he hadn't picked up Steele when he escaped, then this genius magician would be nothing more than a corpse turned into pieces at this moment.

Although the two people in the distance were already looming black dots in his field of vision, he still did not dare to relax even a little bit.

Because according to his understanding of the female saint, after getting out of the predicament, the thought that flashed through her mind was definitely not to retreat, but to be more persistent -

"Wei Shan!"

Kanzaki Kaori's pupils suddenly dilated, his heart beat violently, and he exhaled hot breath from his lungs. Then, the girl took out the sword in her hand without hesitation.

A sound like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring sounded. Kanzaki Kaori's expression remained unchanged. He gently deflected his right wrist, put the blade into its sheath in less than one hundredth of a second, and then pulled it out again.

It's not that she doesn't know how to draw a sword. In fact, she actually has a secret killing skill in her hand.

It's just that for a girl who is a saint and hates taking lives, there are not many suitable opportunities and enemies to activate Wei Shen.

But it's different now.

Since her previous Seven Flashes, which she was quite proud of, were judged to be clever, then she would just put aside all worries and use her full strength to kill them all with one strike!

Until her body is on the verge of collapse, until her body can no longer support it!

Along with the sound of cranes chirping in the air, the sharp blade seemed to turn into a blurry phantom, sinking straight into Roland's body like a stream of light.

The next moment, the earth stirred up waves like the sea. Under this extreme attack, the ground hundreds of meters in radius shattered and collapsed like a spider web.

But the cold knife mark was not satisfied yet, and made a bloodthirsty buzzing sound without slowing down at all, like a deep meteor flashing in the night.


In the scattered smoke and dust, a bottomless huge crack expanded behind Roland with its previous position as the center point.

The incision was as smooth as a mirror. The buildings of Blue Dream Company were not spared. While their support points were cut off in the middle, they fell one after another into the crack like the mouth of an abyss, splashing up smoke and dust like a sandstorm. .

Kanzaki Kaori let out a breath, and sheathed the long sword again, regardless of the wound that had been enlarged by the action just now.

This is not because she feels that she has won. On the contrary, this is because she is preparing to launch a second attack at any time.

Judging from his performance just now, it was impossible for Roland to lose in this attack.

And what kind of injuries Wei Shen, who devoted all her strength, left on the opponent will undoubtedly have a profound impact on her subsequent battle strategies.

As expected, Roland praised and quickly stretched out his hand from the smoke.

But this simple action caused Kanzaki Kaori's pupils to shrink violently.

She looked at the slender, white, flawless hand in disbelief. Her face was horribly pale, with a gloomy expression that she might die at any moment.

"Oh, this knockdown is a little bit passable. Yes, it is quite worthy of praise."

Roland walked out calmly and slowly showed the missing nail on his index finger to the girl, with a playful smile on his face.

"—to the extent of a nail clipper."

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