Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 441 Roland: You are 20,000 years early!

"Index, what's wrong with you?"

The girls from the props team quickly surrounded the silver-haired nun and looked at her nervously.

But apart from the painful groans, she had no time to respond to these caring words.

She quickly knelt on the ground, supporting her shaky body in this way, and instinctively analyzed the powerful and heterogeneous magic.

Even if she couldn't fight back like a magician with copy eyes due to personal reasons, analyzing its origin and restraint methods has become the girl's instinct.

But today, she obviously hit a wall.

"There is no record..."

Index muttered to herself, her face full of confusion.

This is against common sense.

As a library that contains almost all the original works of magic in the world, there are no secrets in the magic and techniques of this world in Index's eyes.

This is not because she has recorded every spell in the world, but for Index, who has wisdom only inferior to that of the Demon God, how the magic system is constructed has long been deeply engraved in her heart.

Even if there are profound knowledge that she has not recorded, she can analyze the source and countermeasures through the opponent's traces.

After all, the world has laws and rules. Maybe there are indeed geniuses who can discover those new unknowns, but the foundation of these spells cannot escape those theorems.

But the previous breath completely violated this law.

It seems to be constructed with wisdom that does not exist in this world, but in terms of weight, it makes the rules of the world equal.

This span is so large that it is like asking a mathematician to suddenly do reading comprehension of an article.

Although it is not completely impossible, it is a bit difficult to start for a while.

But compared to this, what is more terrifying is the essence.

"Has the Lord's salvation not come to the world?"

Tears welled up in Index's eyes.

Even in her life of escape where she was in danger of death at any time, she did not show such an expression.

That was a shudder.

As long as you are a Christian, you can't help but feel fear and sorrow for the birth of the dragon.

Just like the coming of the Son of God, destined to bear sin and die, the birth of the dragon also means that this world is irreversible.

"Please run away..."

Index barely stood up and looked at Mai Ye Shen Li next to her.

"Just now, I saw an illusion. No, although it was an illusion, but based on the knowledge I have stored, it should be a warning from the dark."

"Enemy? So what did you see? How do you want people to understand just a dragon?"

Mai Ye Shen Li supported his forehead in confusion, and his tone became more and more irritable.

"I told you, ITEM will never leave before taking you back. Instead of spreading this kind of meaningless kindness here, you might as well tell me the origin of the enemy quickly."


Index did not respond immediately, but her face became more and more solemn.

She didn't want to implicate these kind people who gave her food, but the current situation didn't allow her to hesitate any longer.

"That's the Antichrist."

The silver-haired girl sighed.

"I saw an ancient dragon that was as huge as a mountain and as big as a star, with seven heads and ten horns. It was spewing poisonous smoke and fire, and using its power to confuse everything in the world."

"Like the night, like a shadow, its evil has covered the entire world."

"And the number of marks on it... six hundred and sixty-six."

Mai Ye Shen Li widened her eyes in surprise.

Although she had many flaws in her personality, because she often performed dark missions, it was not her normal to go to school to study.

But as a superpower and a real lady, Mai Ye Shen Li was a real top student.

This number full of religious metaphors can only correspond to the beast of disaster in the Book of Revelation.

Mai Ye Shen Li kept silent and did not brag as usual.

Although she didn't know much about magic, no matter what system, enemies with such names would not disappoint in terms of strength.

In ordinary comics, even if they are not the final boss, they at least play the role of one of the important villains.

"... No way, how can we fight the monsters in mythology?"

Frenda obviously thought of this, and a panicked look appeared on her pretty face.

Although after Roland's training from the inside out and the deep connection with the Blue Dream Company, Frenda's loyalty in the props team is second only to Takitsubo Riko, but the weakness in her character is not so easy to eradicate.

"Take Index and retreat first, and go back to the headquarters first." Mai Ye Shenli said in a deep voice.

She believed that Roland would not let them die, but Index's words could not be ignored.

Considering that the headquarters of the Blue Dream Organization was not far away, she decided to complete the task first.

Takitsubo Rikou nodded, quickly picked up Index, and prepared to walk towards the central building.

"There is no need for this."

Although she said so, the anxiety on Index's face did not decrease at all.

Such a contrasting performance made Mai Ye Shenli understand instantly that this was not a sign that the crisis had been resolved.


--it was too late.

The pulsating darkness danced like a hurricane, completely enveloping the girls' path.

But although it was the source of this lightless night, Index only felt that the chaotic shadow in front of her was shining with light, emitting a strong power to seduce people.

The silver-haired nun only felt that the clarity in her mind was gradually filled with confused whispers, as if she was in a quagmire and was slowly sinking.

Although these strange feelings could not make Index fall because of the huge knowledge in her mind, she soon woke up from her divergent thoughts.


Standing quietly in place, Index watched Mai Ye Shen Li's eyes gradually being attracted, and she was extremely anxious.

This situation that evokes human evil karma and desires is the instinct of animals. If there are not too many messy things in the mind, even a determined magician cannot resist it.

So, in her opinion, the fall of Mai Ye Shen Li and others is a foregone conclusion.

However, on the other side

The girls in the prop team did not react to the sudden darkness.

They blinked in surprise, and looked at the silhouette of the figure walking out of the dispersing shadows with vigilance, with different expressions.

Takitsubo Riko was still confused, and Maiye Shenli was a little shaken.

Just when the girls were about to say something, the Beast of Apocalypse, who stood there motionless, spoke.

"What's wrong? Suddenly showing such a terrible expression..."

Roland waved away the shadows around him, with a frivolous smile on his face as always.

Sweeped by the aftermath of the earthquake, the ruins on the ground fell into silence.

Maiye Shenli stood at one end of the street with the prop team, while Roland stood at the other end.

She looked at Kamiya Kaori, who was covered with scars, tattered clothes, half-exposed skin, and looked extremely sexy, with a vigilant look, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Although she had no idea whether Roland in front of her was transformed from the Beast of Apocalypse or he was originally the Beast of Apocalypse.

But from the point of view that leaving the task of taking care of the children to them and going to tease beautiful girls by himself is quite in line with Roland's style.


Finding that the girls did not show a relaxed expression as usual, Roland subconsciously tilted his head.

"Oh, Index saw through part of my origin... Don't be nervous, the identity of a beast has been a part of me from the beginning, before I met you."

Roland thought about it and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the girls in the prop team covered their heads at the same time.

"In this way, you can believe it, right? Or, Maiye, do you want me to take off your high heels to prove it?"

"Shut up!" Maiye Shenli glared at Roland. Although the strange touch before had subsided a lot, she still subconsciously moved her toes.

This is undoubtedly a more powerful proof than the activated dream creator.

But, is Roland actually the ancient dragon?

The Doomsday in the myth actually appeared in human form and could talk to them so cordially. This kind of thing is really unheard of.

Speaking of which, dragon's liquid, wouldn't it have miraculous effects when used externally...

In other myths, aren't there often heroes who become invulnerable after bathing in dragon blood?

If Roland also has this effect, then wouldn't he be the opposite of Achilles... After all, only his feet were touched.

"I always feel like you seem to treat me as some strange high-end material... Although it is true, I didn't have such a bad taste before."

Roland stared at Mai Ye Shen Li for a while and said helplessly.

Sometimes, even he can't keep up with the jumping thoughts of these young girls.


A blush appeared on Mai Ye Shen Li's fair and flawless face.

"Then why did you come here halfway? Judging from her dress, that woman is an enemy who invaded Blue Dream Company. Do you want to use Index to make her surrender?"

"This is only part of the reason."

Roland shrugged, "The main reason is that she is a little out of control. For your safety, it is better for me to take over."

"Out of control... Index?"

Maiye Shenli looked confused and did not understand what Roland meant.

She really admired Index's extensive knowledge of various mystical sciences, but in reality, even with the so-called mobile church as protection, the little nun was not a person who needed to be taken care of.

She was kind but naive, had an unguarded personality, and her physical fitness was within the range of normal people. Even without using her ability, Maiye Shenli could easily subdue her.

But Roland actually thought that Index's power after losing control was beyond their ability and he had to take over?

Mai Ye Shen Li suddenly turned his head and realized that Index seemed to have fallen into silence since Roland came.

After Roland spoke, Takitsubo Riko had already let go of her hand and jumped back to the side in an instant.

Facts have proved that her decisive decision couldn't be more correct.

Because almost the next moment, Index's lively pupils dimmed again.

But unlike the state when she instinctively analyzed magic before, what refilled the girl's eyes was not the nothingness like a machine, but a strong will, as red as blood.

She seemed to have overcome gravity, floating in the air, and the red light flashing in her eyes overlapped spontaneously.

With Index's eyeball as the center, in an instant, the light was woven into a complex magic circle.

The red and black magic with a huge sense of oppression engraved ominous black and red cracks in the space, and quickly turned into a twisted protective wall.

After completing all this, Index stopped chanting, stared at Roland with her red pupils, and spoke in an emotionless voice.

"——Warning, in order to protect the library, the invaders will be automatically attacked. According to the current situation, the enemy with the greatest threat, the Beast of Apocalypse, will be destroyed first. The countermeasures are being deduced, and the magic formula has been obtained."

The expression on Kamisaki Kaori's face, which was originally fiery because she finally saw Index, collapsed instantly.

She subconsciously opened her eyes wide and exclaimed.

"Impossible! That child should have no magic power!"

Is this Roland's conspiracy... Impossible.

Although blaming everything on Roland would undoubtedly make her feel much better, the rationality of a saint could not let Kamisaki Kaori make such a judgment.

Because if Roland really controlled Index, there was no need for her to instinctively activate the isolation barrier to isolate everything around her, and there was no need for her to lock herself in immediately.

This reaction was more like an order with set activation conditions.

From Roland's performance, he obviously knew the inside story.

But now was not the time to dwell on such things.

"Be careful!"

Kanzaki Kaori gritted her teeth. Under the might of the powerful magic surrounding Index's body, her face, which had just recovered, became a little paler.

She, who was affected, could feel such pressure. How would Roland, who was locked in, feel?

Roland felt nothing and even wanted to laugh.

In the black and red cracks in front of Index, a pure white beam of light was already brewing.

The first spell she activated was the most effective Sanctuary of St. George against invaders.

This sanctuary not only creates a defense that distorts space, but also integrates offense and defense.

With the help of those torn cracks, he could quickly release a magic with the same meaning as the legendary St. George's Dragon's attack, the Dragon King's Sigh.

That was a sure-kill spell that made even the female saint, Kanzaki Kaori, feel threatened and terrified.

If left alone, the pure white beam of light could even directly pass through the atmosphere and fly into space before hitting the target.

If he was unlucky, a part of the moon might be cut off.

In addition, this magic had a special meaning.

The merit of St. George being named a saint was that he resisted the bestial oppressors and punished the king who persecuted Christians.

And Christianity has a tradition of comparing pagans to dragons.

In the mixture of legend and reality, the spell of this saint already had a dual special attack against dragons and evil people.

And the stronger the enemy's power and the greater his identity, the stronger the power he could burst out.

Roland glanced at the shadow behind him. Under the direct illumination of the bright white light, his shadow had turned into a hideous monster.

No, rather than saying it was transformed, it should be said that the essence was revealed by the power of the Crusaders.

That was a dreamy, terrifying, great dragon casting a shadow.

Roland raised his head and touched his chin, and seemed to be oblivious to the solemn and sacred light column that had locked onto him.

"This is the wisdom of ascending to the starting point of the road to the devil. From the performance point of view, it is very worth looking forward to... But although it is an impeccable standard answer, this response really makes people lack motivation."

Roland muttered, looking at the light column that rushed like a giant sword and shone with dazzling light in a somewhat casual manner.

He waved his hand casually, and the shadow behind him seemed to come alive and poked out of the dark quagmire.

"If you want to defeat me with the power of the Crusaders, you are still 20,000 years too early!"

- Half a second later, the Sanctuary of St. George was split in half by the front, and completely turned into ashes in the irresistible power.

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