Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 475 My mission is accomplished!

The phantom frenzy that cut through the sky disappeared in an instant along with the deafening wailing sound.

It was like clouds that dispersed with a blow, and like the flickering candlelight that burned to the bottom.

Kanzaki Kaori blinked in astonishment, and it was obvious that she didn't react to what happened for a while.

The advantage brought by the saint made her more accustomed to breaking all laws with one force, but this somewhat silly look on her also looked very cute.

Roland chuckled and turned his eyes back.

"No... why?"

The voice of Oreos came again, but this time, there was no resentment and anger as before, but instead it seemed angry and anxious.

"Why is the Golden Great Evolution Technique ineffective?"

"I told you, you are still far from it,"

Roland calmly moved his neck and smiled meaningfully.

"Whether in the world or in imagination, it is the same."

"What?" Oreos opened his mouth, a crazy expression appeared on his face, and he looked at Roland in disbelief.

"This should be my world! Until now, it is also under my control!"

"Why do you mention this... I understand."

Roland was stunned at first, then laughed.

"Do you think I robbed you of the authority of the Golden Great Derivation? Don't worry, I didn't do such a thing."

"Although it would be fun to use your means to wipe you out, I am a little uninterested because you are so stupid."

He stretched out his hand and gently tapped the side of his forehead.

"So, I just crushed you with pure imagination."

-Imagination materialization.

While integrating {reason} and expanding the world line, the real experience was modified through the Killer Queen. This spirit that should belong to the natural touch, that is, the official cheating ability, also appeared in Roland.

Connect your will with the world and make the world change according to your imagination.

In short, it is to make the things depicted in your heart become reality and create something out of nothing.

Although it sounds very similar to the function of the Golden Great Derivation, there is actually an essential difference between the two.

Because the principle of the Oreos technique is to construct a force similar to the inherent barrier to erode the present world through the analysis of the elements of the world, so as to use magic to freely operate everything with imagination in this exclusive temporary phase.

When the barrier is broken, or encounters a being like Fantasy Killer, the objects created by the Golden Great Derivation will disappear directly.

However, the fantasy embodiment is completely different. It interferes with the "probability" of many phenomena and forcibly makes the originally impossible phenomena happen.

That is, the natural law that each phenomenon has a 50% probability of occurring. Under this premise, all products that nature can allow, regardless of whether they are man-made or natural, can be realized.

As long as the consciousness is strong enough, it is not a fantasy to build a city out of thin air.

Moreover, unlike the things created by the Golden Great Derivation in the barrier, everything created by the fantasy embodiment will be preserved and will not be corrected by the world like the inherent barrier.

Because it is to dominate the world with individuals and output another real history to the surface of the earth.

This alone is enough to prove that the Golden Great Derivation is just an unfinished path to the truth, and the materialization of fantasy is... a miracle.

Take all the possibilities of the world into the mind and reproduce them with imagination.

From theory to practice, the materialization of fantasy has a similarity with the path of the top demon god.

Therefore, when Oreos used the Golden Great Derivation to create the dark tide, Roland also gave the order.


He thought so, and the world responded to his wish.

"Use imagination to surpass my world?"

Oreos's expression became more ferocious.

Roland's closeness to Index was enough to make him jealous and crazy.

But at the moment of leaving the other party, he had more or less anticipated this possibility.

But at that time, he still held the hope that he could use the Golden Great Derivation to erase all the current relationships with the other party and save Index again.

But in front of Roland, the technique he was proud of and the painstaking efforts he had put in for the past three years were trampled under his feet again, becoming the self-annoyance of a fool.

"In that case, everything is irrelevant. If it is irreversible, it is better to start over again... So, let this humiliation of defeat be completely buried in this world!"

"With your lives!"

Aureos showed a cold smile, raised his hands, and inserted the long needle between his fingers into his neck in one breath, making himself look like a funny hedgehog.

But under the expression twisted by pain, there was a strong madness.


As his roar fell, the space was faintly distorted like rising Yangyan.

Then, an invisible storm suddenly blew up.

Huge holes were spread out at the end of the street like branches on a big tree.

The dark space inside seemed to fall into a dark abyss.

The chaos that emerged from it was like a flame, spreading along the gully of the crack, and eating everything it touched like a herd of beasts.

Although it was still the same routine as at the beginning, this time the move was a special trick that Oreos used specifically against Roland.

Golden Great Evolution is the power to manipulate the world, but because he is not a demon god, even if he wants to order Roland to die, he needs a process that can be completed by his imagination.

For example, suffocation, explosion, or execution by a sharp blade.

Because Roland laughed at his weakness, the alchemist's heart was shaken and afraid.

These ordinary means, let alone whether they can cause harm to Roland, will probably be disintegrated by his lack of confidence before they are used.

Fortunately, knowledge is power, which is common to both the technology and magic sides.

As a clerk, he is not good at fighting, but he has made great achievements in theory.

Just like ordinary people who know nothing can understand the greatness of the planet, Oreos cannot imagine specific actions, but can still change his mind and use things that should exist to prevent himself from being shaken.

In other words, let this world he built with his own hands collapse actively.

"Go to hell!"

Without even wiping the blood flowing from his neck, Oreos kept repeating this command as if he was possessed by a demon.

Although he could not imagine an attack that could hurt Roland, this order was like picking up a Christmas crystal ball and smashing it hard on the ground.

For the creatures inside, this must be an attack that cannot be avoided and will be completely endured.

And that's enough.

Although this will also put Index in the attack range, Oreos can't care so much.

Anyway, his goal is to turn Index into an immortal vampire, and wait until Roland is killed before quickly deploying a barrier to maintain her life again.

Although Oreos's idea is good, after seeing Roland's performance, his pupils shrank and his expression changed drastically.

Unlike before, what reappeared on his face at this time was not simple shock or anger, but an unspeakable horror.

This is not the fear of the unknown that ordinary people feel when they first see a superpower or magic system.

It is more like the emotions of the protagonist of a horror movie when he finds a ghost that cannot be touched, cannot be killed, and even escape is a luxury.

That was the despair caused by the craziest, irresistible and deep nightmare.

Because Roland closed his eyes again.

Even with the previous fantasy as a basis, the pressure brought by this action was not as great as the doomsday scene around him.

However, when Roland closed his eyes, all the sounds in the world disappeared.

Or, it was the collapse of this simulated phase that made Roland's fantasy manifest.

Although it was invisible and intangible, everyone could feel the idea that seemed slow but contained extremely huge mass.

Like a meteor falling from the brilliant starry sky, it rushed straight to the abyss that was already connected in the expanding cracks.

As if the light stream that gathered all the residual heat between heaven and earth bloomed and fell with one blow.

Then, this world that seemed to be the end was shattered like a fragile mirror.

The strange silence was suddenly broken, accompanied by the low hum of the collapse of fantasy, and the aftermath smashed the surrounding golden waves, causing the fragments to rush up to the sky like flying snow and splashing everywhere.

Some of them fell, and some rode the air waves to rush into the distance, dyeing this ordinary street with dazzling brilliance.

But Oreos, who was shrouded in this dreamy atmosphere, had no mood to appreciate the scenery.

His legs softened and he knelt directly on the ground.

Perhaps it was because the fear overwhelmed the threshold, or it might be that at the critical moment of life and death, his mind was much clearer than usual.

No, I must chant again quickly.

I have to think and believe firmly, so that I can run... No, I can't have the idea of ​​running away, otherwise, otherwise I...

Although countless thoughts and decisions came into his mind, the alchemist's body was as stiff as a stone, and except for the unconscious shivering, he did not respond to his brain.

Facing an enemy who could destroy his world with imagination, he had lost the courage to resist.

"This last move is a little bit more decent. Since you would rather betray the faith you originally protected and kill me, I will teach you one more thing."

"For the real villains, threats like "go to hell" are often said when the task is completed."

"Otherwise, it is just the clown's empty talk."

Roland whispered softly, looking at the trembling alchemist, and tapped his fingers.

In an instant, it was like a 10,000-ton hammer smashed down.

Amidst the dull sound, a ripple-like shock wave suddenly spread around Oreos.

With a click, his spine twisted and broke directly, and his body continued to compress. Under this incredible force, it turned into flesh and blood mixed with tiny bone fragments, and finally turned into powder.

Looking at the pit where the alchemist could not be found at all, Roland smiled slightly and whispered.

"——Go to hell."

Seeing that Oreos had been put to death, Kamisaki Kaori also breathed a sigh of relief.

At first, she did give some advice because of his identity and sad wish, but when he attacked Index, she could only applaud his death.

"Do we need to notify the cadres in the organization to bring Yafei over?"

After walking to Roland with Index, Kanzaki Kaori asked softly.

"A lot of debris was swept away by the air currents. If this area is not sealed off early, it may cause trouble."

Roland shook his head: "No need, after all, the matter is not over yet. Enemies who dare to invade the technology side base camp will not even make arrangements to disperse the idlers."

"It's not over yet?"

Kanzaki Kaori said in astonishment.

Although Oreos is not smart, he is also a national-level alchemist recognized by Roland himself.

With the opponent's realm made of gold, when she was ready, even as a saint, she had to deal with it carefully. Being able to let the opponent attack as a pawn showed the danger of the forces behind it.

The female saint bit her lower lip and made a quick judgment.

"The Roman Orthodox Church..."

In Index's analysis, it was clearly stated that Oreos's spell was completed through the Grigor Chorus.

Just because he had betrayed the sect long ago, Kanzaki Kaori always thought that the other party used fake techniques, but judging from the current situation, it could only be the Roman Orthodox Church that provided help.

"Even those who have betrayed their faith can be readmitted. The Orthodox Church's bottom line of disregarding past grudges is really flexible."

In the past, she had criticized the Roman Orthodox Church's cruel methods. After seeing such double standards, Kanzaki Kaori said with a cold face.

This was originally just her talking to herself, but a delicate female voice quickly responded to the female saint's sarcasm.

"Although I am not happy about cooperating with the traitor, considering the value of the alchemist as bait, it is not unacceptable."

Amidst the sound of sandals clicking, the figure of a nun with a beautiful face and petite figure walked out from the shadow of the golden wave and shouted back unceremoniously.

"What's more, compared to you who cooperated with the heresy, our compromise is not worth mentioning at all, isn't it, sinner Kanzaki Kaori?"

Roland narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the nun in front of him.

Although her upper body was in a standard Catholic robe, and even her reddish hair was tied into locks and tied up in a monastic uniform, Roland only felt a sense of astringency from this nun.

And unlike Karen's inner charm, this nun's astringency is completely obvious.

After all, the temptation brought by the design of removing all the heavy skirt of the nun's uniform and exposing the white thighs is really high.

And compared to the careless cosplay in a custom shop, this pious expression and the solemn uniform with no changes on the upper half give it a more real sense of immorality.

"Who are you?"

"I'm sorry." Although she looks younger than Index, the petite nun's behavior is undoubtedly much more mature.

"I am Agnes Santis, a member of the Roman Orthodox Church and the captain of Agnes's unit. Are you the leader of Blue Dream Company?"

"Oh? You actually know my identity. Even though you know this, do you still let Oreos come over and die first? Doesn't it matter?"

Roland raised his eyebrows, the curve of his mouth gradually widened, and he looked at the nun in front of him wantonly.

"Of course it doesn't matter. It's better to say that this is what I want. After all, although today's invasion is unabashedly hostile, it is still far from a direct declaration of war."

"We still need a trigger to show that this is a just war."

"And when the members who had returned to the Orthodox Church were recovering sinners, they were intervened and killed by Blue Dream Company without authorization. This is a good excuse."

As she finished speaking, thirteen Templar knights wearing gorgeous knight armor also walked out.

"That's the Thirteen Knights of the Gregorian Chorus, which means..."

Kanzaki Kaori recognized the other party's identity and his expression changed.

"From now on, in compliance with the Pope's decree, the Roman Orthodox Church will launch a crusade against heresy against Blue Dream and its members."

Yanis raised her head with a serious look on her face.

"Now, my mission is completed!" (End of this chapter)

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