Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 481 Please watch my transformation!

Future owner?

Kamijou Touma's expression changed, and he looked a little unnatural when he looked at Roland.

Although his understanding of this aspect is only at the level of an ordinary high school student, since there are friends around him who are deeply involved in this aspect, it is inevitable that he will be a little bit influenced by it.

In addition, the costume of the girl who calls herself Misha is easy to make people imagine, has she been involved in some strange master-servant training?

"It's really rude, Kamijou-san, I'm saving you from fire and water, why don't you wait until I leave before you criticize me?"

Roland's mouth twitched and he said helplessly.

"Sorry...wait a minute, I probably didn't say it, hey, Mr. Roland!"

Kamijou Touma rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and began to apologize skillfully. Halfway through his words, he recognized Roland belatedly.

Although it was just a one-time encounter at first, the other person's temperament left a deep impression on him.

"Well, long time no see,"

Roland nodded and glanced behind him, Accelerator, who was about to yell, but suppressed himself, his eyes flashing slightly.

"It seems that after the orbit deviation, you still have a lot of opportunities. I really don't know whether you are unlucky or lucky."

"No matter how you look at it, it's unfortunate. I'm obviously just an incompetent person, but I'm always involved in conflicts between people with abilities."

Kamijou Touma gave a wry smile, but did not continue to show off, and retreated behind Roland in time.

He often uses his innate fantasy killer to help others, but this is not out of the will to be a hero, but just following the emotions that arise spontaneously in his heart.

In this weird situation, it's obviously better to let the professionals handle it.

"Speaking of which, you seemed to have said something about magic just now. Is this related to the reason why she is pestering me?"

"Of course, since it is an angel falling, as the name suggests, isn't it normal for an angel from heaven to be pulled into this world?"

Roland said with a smile.

"The name Misha is a male name in Russia, and she is obviously a female, right? No matter how careless the parents are, they don't even have this common sense. Only angels who want to maintain neutral characteristics would deliberately call themselves this. "

"Otherwise, Accelerator would not have lost so quickly. Even with the two weaknesses of reduced output and reduced computing power, from a scientific perspective, his strength is still very impressive."

"...?!" Kamijou Touma opened his eyes wide with a look of astonishment.

It was just that he was suddenly informed of the existence of magic. As a high school student in the new era, although he was a little surprised, with the warning of superpowers, he could treat magic as another system of science.

But the angel that exists in religion appears in front of him in the form of a girl, which inevitably challenges his past views.

Kamijou Touma looked straight at Misha, and then suddenly remembered Roland's words just now.

"Wait, in this case, wouldn't what you just said be very bad? Isn't that considered blasphemy?"

"Relax, although she is indeed an angel in name only, this kind of existence degraded by magic has no personality at all. It is just a ball of energy called angel power." Roland shrugged, indifferently said.

"Although it can make certain thoughts and judgments based on the situation, it is essentially just emotions imitated by the constraints and beliefs of the Cross. Just like the current AI, as long as it does not touch the tasks and sensitive words in the program , she won’t care at all.”

As Roland said, although they were all described as energy lumps, the girl was not moved, and she didn't even care that she was suddenly left alone.

"Personal opinion one, you and he are both unaffected suspects."

She just stared at Roland with empty eyes, as if she was thinking about something.

"Question one, are you a magician?"

"Of course not. If I were the one to perform this technique, it would be impossible for it to be so rough. By the way, the unfortunate high school student next to me is not the culprit."

Hearing this confident answer, Misha nodded first and then shook his head.

"Answer 1 is yes to the first point, but the answer to the second point is unconvincing. The phenomenon that has not changed started from this young man and spread. A convincing explanation is needed."

Roland didn't hesitate and told the truth directly.

"Even if you are just an entry-level magician, it is impossible for a magic like Angel Falling to spread to the entire planet. After all, this is contrary to the original intention of the magic."

"Only ordinary people who know nothing about this can accidentally activate the ritual items after accidentally collecting them, but they don't notice it at all. Instead, they allow the spell to expand, which leads to the current situation."

"The reason why the phenomenon started to spread is very simple. The caster is his father Touya Kamijou, and he also has a right hand that can negate all powers, so it is like a butterfly effect. twists and turns."

This made Kamijou Touma, who was listening carefully, freeze in place.

Thinking of his father's habit of collecting strange local products from all over the place, and filling the entire hometown with souvenirs in order, combined with Roland's words, this is probably not a lie.

However, why do you know the situation of your own family better than me?

Kamijou Touma felt the malice of the world.

But now is obviously not the time to care about this, because as Roland said, Misha also raised her head.

The pair of pupils covered by the bangs, which were as bright as lightning, were completely devoid of any emotion.

Or rather, they were no longer human eyes.

After all, no matter how good a psychologist is, he cannot read emotions or even thoughts from eyeballs that are like glass beads or crystals.

"Question 2, confirm once again, is Kamijou Touya the culprit who launched the Angel's Fall?"

"Yes, I can guarantee this."

Roland shook his finger elegantly, ignoring Kamijou Touma who was dumbfounded beside him, and nodded with a smile.

After getting a positive answer, Misha opened her eyes in an instant.

Then, a rumbling sound that shook the earth and sky sounded.

There was a loud explosion behind the girl.

The moisture in the air was instantly drawn out and condensed, like irregular waves or water snakes. In the blink of an eye, a huge water wing extended out.

As the strange wings rose, Misha overcame gravity and floated directly into the air.

"Wait a minute, Misha, if this is just a conflict caused by misunderstanding, we can also solve it through communication..."

Kamijo Touma, who thought the girl was going to kill his father directly, called out anxiously.

But to his surprise, after flying into the air, Misha did not leave, but stood coldly in the same place.

She looked at Kamijou Touma expressionlessly, with neither a sense of crisis nor compassion in her eyes.

It was like humans standing on a high place and watching ants crawling on the ground, and they had no concern for whether these insignificant creatures were looking for food or calling for their companions.

She just rolled her eyes slightly, and then the nature of the world changed.

The daylight turned into a starry night sky.

In the center of the dark sky, a huge full moon that did not match the time hung high above his head.

Because it was too incredible, Kamijou Touma subconsciously touched his head with his right hand to prevent the illusion caused by some ability.

He slowly opened his mouth until the scene in front of him did not change.

"What is going on?"

"It's just celestial body manipulation. Change the position of the earth and the sun, and adjust the angle of the moon to get this result."

Roland said lightly.

Although this is enough to end the world, he did not show any surprise.

Compared with the girl's true identity, such an exaggerated power can only be said to be justified.

"After all, it is Gabriel, as the guardian of the moon, the symbol of water, and the archangel serving on the left side of the only God, this is reasonable."

Roland maintained a gentle smile and said slowly.

"Don't worry, this guy is a being that follows the program. He will not stop the rotation of the earth and directly blow away the earth's crust in order to return to heaven, so as to end it all."

"Really? That's good..."

"——At most, it will destroy human civilization."

This is not at all the most!

Kamijou Touma's expression said so.

He looked up nervously, sweating all over.

With the full moon in the sky as the center point, a huge magic circle covering the horizon suddenly unfolded.

Like migrating birds and salmon swimming upstream, even the light spots that formed the lines of the huge magic circle were another magic circle.

In the center of the magic circle, the fragile and shining light group flickered dimly like a person who had just woken up.

Even Kamijou, who didn't know anything about magic, could feel that these magic circles were extraordinary.

"What is that?"

"The rain of fire that burned Sodom and Gomorrah."

"Following the will of the one God, destroying the fallen city with rain of fire, this is the classic achievement of the power of God Gabriel."

Roland said softly with his chin held high, staring quietly at the sky.

"Even if the power of a single one is only about the same as a missile, this number is more than enough."

More than more than enough?

Looking at the billions of light spots in the sky, Kamijou Touma felt a chill piercing his spine.

Judging from the range of the night sky, if those light spots really fell, half of the earth would probably be reduced to scorched earth.

Although even the miracle of God could be erased by his right hand, the distance of the magic circle was too far, and he was powerless.

Kamijou Touma gritted his teeth tightly, and he did not vent his anger on Roland next to him because of the current situation.

The other party just told the truth, and the fact that the initiator of everything was Kamijou Toya would not change.

Gabriel would find the truth sooner or later, and finding a solution was the right thing to do when things had already happened.

Moreover, in a sense, revealing the truth in advance was a help to him, otherwise it would be even worse to find out Misha's true identity after returning home in a daze.

When he thought that he might have to protect his father who was often off the track while fighting against the archangel of the Crusade, Kamijou Touma felt his teeth trembling.

"Mr. Roland, think of a solution!"

Kamijo Touma looked at Roland beside him in a panic.

He knew nothing about the origins of this mysterious man, but the relaxed attitude he showed when evaluating the archangel was something that a person without confidence could never fake.

"Don't worry. Even an archangel needs a lot of time to prepare for such a punishment."

Roland kept a calm smile, looking confident of victory.

"During this period of time, it's easy to change his mind."


Kamijo Touma's face was full of confusion.

"Isn't that archangel a rigid program? Before completing her purpose, she won't pay any attention to us unless we can interfere with her."

Although it may not be obvious at ordinary times, Kamijou Touma's intuition is quite good.

After Roland used the AI ​​of the technology side as an example, he understood why the so-called Gabriel deliberately didn't kill them before, but now he is so ruthless that he intends to destroy human civilization.

This is just a difference caused by different goals at different stages.

At the beginning, Gabriel's purpose was to confirm the identity of the caster. In this process, except for the first task of finding this, her other actions were passively simulating the archangels believed in by the Christians.

So she had been following the command that there was no god and that she could not kill people randomly, so as not to affect the results of whether those people would go to heaven or hell after the end of the world.

But when she found the culprit, the order to return to heaven became her first goal.

Everything else was prioritized below this order, just like an organ transplant.

Knowing that she would die if she had a rejection reaction, her body still couldn't control its instincts.

Angels don't distinguish between good and evil, they only follow the most effective method.

Using the punishment of heaven will inevitably kill the caster and cancel the result of the angel's fall, so there is no need to do something with a lower success rate.

In this case, Kamijou Touma couldn't think of any other way except to kill her directly.

"That's not wrong, but since it's a rigid program, there must be places that can be used."

Roland smiled and said so.

"There is no need for us to interfere with her. Isn't it enough to let her come to us on her own initiative?"

"Is this kind of thing... possible?"

"Of course, the order to return to heaven is just the conclusion of Gabriel's program based on the current situation. We can override this order by using the underlying logic of this archangel."

Kamijo Touma was speechless.

Although there is nothing wrong with this theory, the problem is

-what kind of situation changes can make the fallen archangel give up returning to heaven?

"Kamijo, do you know why Gabriel directly launched the spell in Academy City?"

Roland showed a ferocious smile at the corner of his mouth, and then took the initiative to reveal the answer without waiting for his answer.

"Because this academy city was deliberately built to indulge in sin, and it is extremely prosperous, using it as a symbol, it will only be twice as effective to activate the divine punishment."

"But such a prosperous and fallen city is also the soil of sin. The reason why Gabriel was given the mission to destroy it is to prevent the birth of the things inside.

"This achievement is both the honor and power of the archangel, and also her shackles, so

——Please watch, my transformation!"

So, the roaring crimson shadow showed its fangs to the world. (End of this chapter)

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