"Since Rita said so, then I have to get serious too!"

Hearing Chen Hai say this, Rita pursed her lips and chuckled, while reminding Chen Hai again.

"Master Chen Hai, it's not to defeat Rita in cooking, but to let Rita completely lose in cooking!"

Rita's meaning is obvious, if Chen Hai's cooking skills cannot crush him, even if he narrowly wins, in Rita's opinion, it is not a complete admission of defeat.

After all, in her opinion, cooking is just the combination of ingredients and the control of the heat, and she Rita thinks that she has reached a very high point in this regard.

Chen Hai looked at Rita, who had already begun to select ingredients, and Rita looked full of confidence at this time, but Chen Hai was also full of confidence because he was ready to open the hanging.

Open the main god space, search for life skills, and then among the abilities of one piece, Chen Hai chose the two he was most familiar with.

Emotional (medicated) cuisine mastery: from "Halberd Spirit", inject inner emotions into the dish, can be enough to move the emotions of diners to resonate, to achieve the purpose of surpassing the ultimate of cooking, price: 500

special chef card: after using this card, you can get the cooking experience of all the special chefs from "Little Chinese Boss", as the saying goes, dishes that do not shine are not good dishes, and special chefs are able to rely on no external forces, Just with a chef's heart to make the cuisine surpass the ultimate of the ingredients to shine the strongest chef, the price: 10,000

Chen Hai did not hesitate to buy it directly, and then a relatively large amount of knowledge relative to ordinary people appeared in Chen Hai's mind out of thin air, but this is only for ordinary people, for Chen Hai is just a momentary integration of gadgets.

At the same time, Chen Hai is also very interested in the knowledge received at this time, and the emotional cooking is just to make Chen Hai feel interesting, after all, it is indeed a good practice to inject emotions into the cuisine to sublimate the cuisine.

But the knowledge brought by the special chef card made Chen Hai a little surprised, originally Chen Hai still felt that the 10,000 reincarnation coins were completely because of the experience of all the special chefs, after all, those special chefs were all simple.

Some special chefs make dishes that are comparable to panaceas, and even if they are paired with special kitchenware, they can make dishes that make people immortal, so Chen Hai initially thought that the most precious thing was their cooking experience and knowledge.

But that originally Chen Hai's inconspicuous cooking heart shocked Chen Hai, from the experience of those special chefs, we can know that special chefs may not all condense their own culinary heart, but have their own cooking heart is like the level of special chef.

The kitchen heart is like the sword heart that Chen Hai used first, but unlike the sword heart, which resonates with the sword and allows the sword in the hand to reach the realm that they originally cannot achieve, the kitchen heart resonates with the ingredients, so that ordinary ingredients can also turn decay into magic.

For example, a chef with a heart can use the most common ingredients to create extraordinary dishes, such as increasing longevity and strength.

Because the chef with the heart of the chef itself is a filter of energy, which can make the most ordinary ingredients also attach the most peaceful extraordinary energy, of course, for most chefs, these are only incidental effects, the best effect is still able to make the cuisine beyond the extreme.

Most special chefs only touch a little fur in the heart of the chef, and they don't even get started, and even if a reincarnation person buys the special chef card, at most they can comprehend a little fur like most special chefs.

But Chen Hai is different, because he himself has a very strong sword heart, just after understanding it, he has made a lot of progress in the kitchen heart, if this kind of special ability has a differentiation, Chen Hai is probably already small, and it is only a little less practical experience from the complete Dacheng.

Countless dishes and methods swirled in Chen Hai's mind, making the smile at the corner of Chen Hai's mouth even more wanton, and he looked at Rita, who had already selected the ingredients in the distance.

After seeing these dishes, Chen Hai quickly judged the dishes that Rita wanted to prepare through the rich experience he had just obtained, which should be steak and some side dishes, and Rita's confident appearance should be her specialty.


Next to her, Rita showed a confident smile when she heard this.

"Lord Chen Hai, please look forward to it, and Rita will also look forward to Lord Chen Hai's cooking!"

Rita's attitude towards cooking is to strive for perfection, and the dishes must be prepared to calculate the best contrast of ingredients. If "the most important thing in cooking is to convey your heart to the diners", Rita's heart is "perfect"

, so after preparing for work, Rita, who was originally smiling, stopped taking care of Chen Hai and began to seriously mix her homemade sauce.

Seeing this, Chen Hai did not look at Rita anymore, but began to choose the ingredients he wanted to use around the long table with various fresh ingredients.

Rita and Chen Hai's kitchen counters are not far away, if Rita does not pay attention to her cooking, she can still find out what Chen Hai is doing.

Chen Hai did not choose those expensive high-grade ingredients at this time, but chose the most common flour and some common onions, garlic and other ingredients.

Yes, after feeling the strength of the kitchen, Chen Hai decided to make an ordinary ramen and let Rita know that hanging pressure is unsurpassable.

However, this kind of high-end hotel obviously can't have finished noodles, so Chen Hai can only do it himself, fortunately, with his ability, he doesn't need to spend time making a dough like others.

At the speed of Chen Hai's opening, the dough after adding the most suitable water and salt quickly reached the state Chen Hai wanted, followed by the noodles and noodles, and in just a few minutes, Chen Hai prepared all the ramen ingredients that other chefs would take hours to complete.

Such a one-stop action could not be done even if Rita wanted to concentrate on it, but fortunately, this time she was doing the most good cooking, and even if she paid a little attention to Chen Hai's movements, there would be nothing.

"Do you actually make the most ordinary ramen? Is it a special way of cooking or do you feel that you can't make me throw in the towel, so you just choose a random dish? Rita

, who had already prepared the sauce and began to cook, looked at Chen Hai's movements and thought inexplicably, but looking at Chen Hai's extremely skilled ramen movements, she didn't open her mouth directly, but continued to gather her spirits and prepare to fry the steak.

Since neither of them prepared too complicated a meal, in just twenty minutes, Rita finished the steak with the special sauce, covered the plate, and served it to the table.

Chen Hai also brought the ramen noodles with only some ordinary green onions and vegetables and a poached egg to the table.

"Lord Chen Hai just makes an ordinary egg ramen, is it... Aren't you afraid that Rita will make any particularly excessive demands? For example, wearing teriri-sama's clothes and so on.

Rita said with a smile while pushing the plate in front of Chen Hai, and Chen Hai, who heard this, immediately thought of the last girl who was ready to make this request, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"If Rita, after eating this bowl of noodles of mine, you can still say the words "ordinary egg ramen", I will change into pink fur rabbit clothes on the spot and perform an aerial split for you~~"

Chen Hai said and also pushed the noodles covered with the lid in front of Rita, it was a ramen made by injecting all the energy of the kitchen heart he had just mastered.

Maybe the materials are very ordinary, but even those special chefs of "Little Chinese Boss" are difficult to reach this level, really when his 10,000 rounds of coins are spent in vain?

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