"Arigato, Miura-san."

At this time, May still foolishly apologized to the other party and thanked the other party for the reminder.

Miura Yumiko looked at May with a smiling expression, and nodded after thanking her.

And May then entered the choice difficulty syndrome

"They all seem delicious."

"Ah~ I don’t know which one to choose."

May looked at the beautifully designed ones and suddenly had a headache.

Bai Ye spoke in a nonchalant tone:

"If you don't know which one to choose, just order all of them."

Everyone present was almost stunned when they heard this.

Is this true? Can you finish all of them? And it will cost a lot of money.

And May was a little hesitant at this time.

"Isn't this a bad idea? It seems to cost a lot."

After hearing this, Bai Ye spoke in a nonchalant tone.

"No, you are a young lady, are you afraid of spending money? And I said it's my treat, so I will treat you."

"How much does it cost to eat this thing?"

Bai Ye couldn't help but complain.

"To be honest, people here like to differentiate and be polite, but in our place, when someone treats us, they will charge us to death."

"After all, it's an acquaintance who's treating us, so there's no need to worry too much about these things, as long as it's not too excessive."

After hearing Bai Ye's words, the others understood what Ye was referring to.

"Is it like this in Xia Country?"

Kawasaki Saki asked in a curious tone.

"Otherwise, what? If they are all friends or acquaintances, then you don’t need to pay too much attention to these details. After all, as long as it’s not too extreme, no one cares."

After listening to it, I thought to myself that I had learned something.

"But there is still one question, can we eat all this?"

May said in a leisurely tone.

To be honest, he was very tempted by Bai Ye's proposal, and thought that at worst he could treat her back next time. Anyway, she had a lot of pocket money, and her money was spent on eating everywhere.

"Aren't there three more people next to them?"Bai Ye had a small cake in front of him, or a small cake cup?

When these three heard this, they blinked their eyes.

"Xiaobai, you mean us"

"Yes, is there a problem? Anyway, we are all sitting in the corner, let him push a cart over, whoever wants to eat can take it."

Tuanzi and Bai Ye are familiar with each other, so they understand each other's jumping and it is not strange to do this.

But Miura Yumiko and the other two can't understand

"No, first of all, let's put this matter aside. We don't seem to know each other that well, right? Let's eat together, is that appropriate?"

Miura Yumiko, the queen of the current life, is good at socializing. At this moment, I feel that Bai Ye is not only good at socializing, but also a social expert.

"What's the big deal? We're all in the same class. I'm just treating you guys to dessert."

Bai Ye said in a nonchalant tone.

"What's the matter? You don't admit that we are classmates?"

Bai Ye decisively used the kidnapping technique at this time, but after hearing this, the other party could only sit there angrily and said

"Anyway, I don't care since you're treating me."

Then the waiter placed the order with a confused look on his face, and after preparing the food according to Bai Ye's richness, he pushed all the food out on a cart. It happened to be a corner and no one would disturb him.

Bai Ye picked a cake cup and put it in front of him. It looked a little familiar, but it only had the shape but no connotation. It was really designed by Xiao Taozi.

Except for Bai Ye who had a blank expression after eating, the others looked happy after eating. You know, there is a cooking restaurant here. Although the other party's cooking skills are not very good, after all, it is not made by a good chef, but it is enough to make them feel happy.

Then, after everyone had eaten their fill, they found that there were still a lot left. At this time, they saw Bai Ye and were not polite. He entered the hunting mode and ate it in big mouthfuls. As a result, under the horrified eyes of everyone, he finished everything in 15 minutes.

Then, facing the eyes of everyone except Tuanzi who looked at Bai Ye like a monster, he immediately spoke in a curious tone.

"What's wrong with you?"

"You're asking us what happened? Don't you see what you just did?"

"There are at least several people here who have finished the food without changing color. Don't you think this is a serious matter? After all, it's half of yours."

Miura Yumiko couldn't help but complain when she saw this for the first time.

"Making a fuss"

"The most I can do is eat a little when I want to."

When this was said, everyone wanted to complain that this was called being able to eat, but at this moment, May spoke with an envious tone:

"I really envy people who can eat whatever they want without gaining weight. I see you eat so much, and I guess you also eat a lot for dinner, but you don’t seem to be gaining weight."

As a foodie, this is the physique I most hope for.

"It's natural, there's nothing you can do about it, you can't envy it."

After paying the bill, Bai Ye walked out with the girls and started to go their separate ways.

After all, many people went back in different ways, and Bai Ye took Tuanzi with him and left.

The two didn't say much along the way, but as they walked, Tuanzi suddenly spoke.

"Xiaobai, I feel like you seem to have encountered something happy today, and you seem particularly happy?"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then spoke in a curious tone.

"How did you tell that?"

After hearing this, Tuanzi immediately spoke in a full-of-energy voice:

"After all, I am the person who has been with you the longest besides Meikan. So I can see and feel it."

Bai Ye was stunned after hearing this. You know, he didn't show much, and Tuanzi should be on the side of the live-action group, how could he notice this?

"I have to say that you left me speechless. I did encounter some happy things. I guess I won't be so bored in the future."

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then a big smile appeared on his face.

"Really? That's great."

"After all, Xiaobai, you have given me the feeling that I am quite bored with the people around me since more than a year ago."

"Although you haven't changed much, Meikan and I can see that you are extremely bored with the people around you."

"But now this feeling has disappeared."

Bai Ye was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that he felt bored because he had strength but couldn't do anything, or that his strength was growing wildly but he couldn't fight. These two people saw it, and he thought he acted well.

No, there was absolutely no problem with his acting. His acting ability was full. It's just that these two people knew him too well, or too familiar with him, and they could tell a lot without looking at his facial expressions.

Bai Ye reached out and rubbed Tuanzi's head.

"Tuanzi, thank you for worrying about me, and I'm sorry for making you worry."

Tuanzi narrowed his eyes after hearing this, then opened his eyes and spoke in a proud tone.

"Xiaobai, I'm not a child anymore"

"And actually I have never understood why you always call me Tuanzi?"

Yuigahama Yui finally asked this question this time. He felt something was strange when Bai Yu called him like this before, but he never asked, thinking it was because of his usual hairstyle or something.

But his intuition told him that it didn't seem to be the case, and he took the opportunity to ask it this time.

Bai Ye didn't expect that the other party would ask this question at this time. He thought that the other party would never ask this question.

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