Kong Yinzi was speechless after hearing Bai Ye’s words. After all, she had seen it now. Isn’t it a bit too weird?

“Is the appearance so casual?”

Bai Ye shook his head.

“No, it can only be fate, right? The other party is popular in the universe, has many fans, has a fan club, and ranks first in the universe popularity list. There are all kinds of suitors, suitors from all planets.”

“But the other party chose to escape from marriage and escape from me, and because of my one action, she made a marriage contract with me. I know it myself. When she appeared, she knew that there was a red thread between me and her, and some things were destined.”

When Bai Ye spoke, his tone was full of indifference, as if it was a matter of course.

Kong Yinzi said that he couldn’t understand, and then he seemed to be.

“What about me?”

“According to the law, isn’t it “zero eight seven”? I also have a thread?”

Bai Ye looked at the girl with a sad and joking tone, and shook his head after speaking.

“. It’s different. The other party is limited to me, regardless of whether my power is awakened or not.”

“To put it another way, even if I don’t have awakened power, this alien princess will still be tied to the ordinary me. I will understand things after I awaken my power.”

“. It’s different from the situation with Bai Ye. I have power and ability to forcibly seize it. Or. The thread may not be in me, but I forcibly pulled it.”

“Of course it’s possible. If I don’t meet Bai Ye, I will meet all kinds of people like Ye Ye. After all, this world is not simple. I am an ordinary person, but the other party is an alien princess. It may not be a big problem. The other party has the ability to deal with those who want to mess up everything, of course, only referring to me and me.”

Bai Ye didn’t hide it, or there was nothing to hide. After all, the other party’s situation was clear. It was just because of a self-destruction that she hooked up with me after being involved by Bai Ye.

Kong Yinzi, idiot, what happened? His face changed slightly, and then he sighed.

Use. The fan was against Bai Ye’s chest, and he spoke in an unclear tone:

“Then according to your law, this scum who married by force, how should I look at this matter?”

“In my personal opinion, you should be happy. After all, you have seen that the world is not simple. There are not only aliens, but also ghosts, monsters, and all kinds of things. It is not surprising that an ordinary person will die one day.”

“When you meet me, you will not die inexplicably one day, and you will also see a more exciting world.”

“You will not be oppressed and unable to resist.”

“Of course, from my perspective… I don’t know your perspective. After all, there are differences between girls and boys.”

Kong Yinzi felt bored after watching Jia Ke answer the question honestly. Then he poked Bai Ye and turned his head.

When Kong Yinzi turned his head, he felt that Bai Yi’s words were wrong in his heart. He was a fool. How could anyone be so straightforward? Or was it like a transaction? Does he have any emotional intelligence?

As for Bai Ye’s method of forcibly tying her to the other party, Kong Yinzi also listened. This world is not simple. Without Bai Ye, there may be night and so on. Everything is uncertain.

So there are not many things that have been decided. Anyway, it seems that there is no room for regret.

“Where are you going?”

“I want to wash. The meal is ready. You can go.”

Kong Yinzi turned his head and glanced at Bai Ye, and then pointed at the door, not polite at all.

Bai Ye felt a little bit of pain about this. Is the girl really not afraid? No, no, there is no need. Okay, under normal circumstances, follow the rules. Follow the rules. Don’t be too direct, that’s boring. The girl is so arrogant now, and she will know the typo later!

Bai Ye deliberately added a little bit of fierce ingredients when cooking for the other party. Bai Ye used his cooking heart to do something. I dare to guarantee that the girl will think of it all night. , and even tomorrow he will use cooking skills to control people’s hearts, which is definitely what the dark cooking world will do.

However, there is no dark cooking club here, so Bai Ye announced that this behavior cannot be a dark behavior.

Kong Yinzi estimated that it is possible that he will die with Bai Ye tomorrow.

After all, Bai Ye has prepared enough ingredients, and there may even be a positive reaction tomorrow. After all, there is a regeneration of the charm aura, and no matter how much stimulation and catalysis, we will see what will happen.

When Bai Ye finished everything, he ran away. However, because the other party’s home is a bit far from his home, he directly mobilized the space law and appeared at home the next moment.

When Bai Ye appeared at home, he could be more lively than Wu Yulun. (To see the violent and refreshing little, go to Feilu.com!)

At this moment, there are rarely 4 people in the living room.

When Bai Ye suddenly appeared at the beginning, his bodyCaptain Sasdin of the Qing Guard stood up immediately, looking ahead vigilantly, then relaxed after seeing Bai Ye, and then spoke with a gentle expression on his face:

“Sir, I’m back…”

“Bai Ye, welcome back.”

Megan was also startled, and relaxed after not looking at Bai Ye. After all, she had just talked about some things this morning, and two aliens had also visited, so she was not so infatuated with them. The only thing she felt was that the guy who was a little weird was not pretending now. After all, she suddenly returned home. So what about those skills like teleportation? []

If Bai Ye knew the other party’s inner thoughts, he would definitely say that the girl was really teleporting.

“Hello, Xiaobai, excuse me, my mother is not going home for dinner today, so I’m going to eat for free.”

Tuanzi would occasionally eat for free to help, mainly when her mother had to work overtime. After all, it’s better to run out than to eat alone at home.

Since Bai had grown up together, these things didn’t matter at all, and even Bai Ye said. You can just stay in my room, I don’t mind.

. At that time, a pink-haired figure directly bumped into Bai Ye’s arms. Really,. The impact would definitely knock an ordinary person down.

But Bai Ye is not an ordinary person, so. No way.

“Bai Ye, welcome back.”

Lara, the alien princess who is very familiar with people, directly threw herself into Bai Ye’s arms.

Of course, the other party didn’t know whether the look was too intimate or inappropriate. In the other party’s concept, looking at the other party’s fiancé, there was no problem at all.

Bai Ye also touched the other party’s head and felt that the hair was beautiful, or. The hair quality was good.

“Lara,.. Have dinner?”

Bai Ye asked a question at that time, but the other party turned away from Bai Ye after hearing it, and looked at Bai Ye with that beautiful face and full of energy.

“Yes, I parked my spaceship above the place.”

“. I also got Meigan’s consent. I will stay here often in the future.”

“Bai Ye, please give me more advice in the future.”

Sasdin also closed his eyes and bowed his head and spoke in a respectful tone:

“My dear son-in-law, please take care of me in the future. Please bear with me.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beauties, and big men! Walk, don’t make mistakes, roll around and ask for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, everything, if you haven’t collected it, please click on the collection, thank you all! Kneel down to all the big men! .

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