“Bai Yi. My fiancé, my fiancé.”

Lala Zhong answered sincerely without any malice, and the surrounding voices were quiet for a moment. Bai Ye felt as if something because of murderous intent reached its peak, and there were all kinds of jealous expressions.

I don’t know why I always feel that the eyes of the girls around me are a little unfriendly, but it’s not a good look.

Jing Keai also looked at Bai Ye with an unshakable look. After all, the bastard directly fucked his fiancée,… Isn’t it heaven?

. Bai Ye did not flinch in the face of these murderous looks, but looked at them. With a calm tone. Break the defense.

“I know… jealous, but I like the way that you can do me but can’t do me, keep it up.”

Originally, everyone who was envious and jealous and had a murderous impulse, heard someone add fuel to the fire and instantly rioted.

“. Damn beast, pretend to be a ghost again!”

“Lara, you know, my fiancé “Four Five Three” is a beast, specializing in knocking people down.”

“. Bai Ye, bastard, if you have the guts, don’t leave after school and make a gesture.”

Jing Keai looked at the battlefield below and felt a headache. The bastard was always causing trouble.

. Hikigaya Hachiman and Kosaka Kyosuke both knew that they must draw a clear line with the bastard for a while. The bastard was too enviable. Of course, the most important thing was that with the bastard’s trouble-making personality, some people couldn’t handle it. It was possible that some acquaintances could be used as sacrifices.

After all, once he lost his mind, the two of them would definitely be implicated, so they made up their minds to stay away from the bastard.

. Later, Jing Keai couldn’t handle it anymore, and gave Bai Ye a death look as if to solve the trouble he caused.

. Bai Ye also gave the other party a look. Shizuka Hiratsuka. Strangely understood, as if there is a benefit after I solve it? Don’t cause it by me. The class teacher has the obligation to solve this kind of thing, and now. Ask me for help.

Shizuka Hiratsuka understood the backing and felt angry, bastard. Tossing.

Although I feel unhappy, I answer the benefit and wait until it is solved.


Shizuka Hiratsuka feels so angry, it is obviously the bastard who caused the matter, and then let. Take the blame and pay the price. Things. Feel so aggrieved?

But it happened. The deal was made. I looked at what the bastard was doing. I saw Bai Ye accepted the promise, and then some people who seemed to want to report directly to Bai Ye. Real solo people looked at each other, and then spoke, with a tone that could not go against their will.

“Shut up first!”

“It’s class time now, if you’re going to leave, shut up now and turn your head away.”

Bai Ye’s words seemed to carry an irresistible will, and some people were scared from the bottom of their hearts and couldn’t help but obey. Then, they shut up obediently and turned their heads. The classroom that was originally like a vegetable market suddenly became quiet.

As a person who watched the whole process, Shizuka Hiratsuka seriously doubted that the guy didn’t need to use his extraordinary ability to measure, otherwise he would never believe that such a situation would occur.

Question marks appeared on the heads of these girls one by one. What’s going on? After a few words from this guy, how can these people be obedient?

In order not to affect these people, Bai Ye jumped up and looked at Bai Ye’s innocent words in their eyes, and then those people turned their heads obediently.

Ping Na secretly despised in his heart that this guy would use his ability to bully ordinary people.

Xueno saw at a glance that the guy either used the power of “Words Come True” or used other powers, anyway, it belongs to the spiritual category, specifically to affect some people’s minds.

Otherwise, this kind of situation may occur,. The chaos seems to be over.

Lala. Finally, she was arranged. In another empty seat, Bai Ye looked carefully and the person should not be. Another official match?

No, Bai Ye said. That situation did not happen, and there was no. Gentle to water the flowers, so there is a high probability that there will be no communication with the other party, so I can only give up, it is impossible to go to the strategy specifically.

After all, that is only a gentle scum,. Slip. Strategy down,. Know, nothing more than. Two-way. One is very gentle to water the flowers, and the other said a suitable word at the right time, which made the other party miss it.

But Bai Ye said. He did not water the flowers, nor did he take the wronged script. After all, if there is,. He can go back to time at any time to find out.

. Bai Ye looked at the other party after his eyes met. He turned his face away strangely. On the other hand, he also felt a little helpless, right? . Do you think he is a bad person and you are too lazy to even look at him?

Bai Ye didn’t say much, but if you are more careful, you will find that he is full of shyness at this moment, not like him.

If Bai Ye noticed the other party’s situation, he would definitely search his memory or something, after all, it’s a bit abnormal.

. After Lala did it, she greeted the other party very enthusiastically, and the other party also remained calm and nodded in response, but in fact he was secretly looking at her.Bai Yejun’s fiancée?

She seems to be familiar with other girls, what’s the situation?

Bai Ye didn’t care about that and happily lay down to sleep. . . . . . .

After class, Lala actually went to find Bai Ye, but was surrounded by a group of people.

Of course, they were all women, and there were also many men who eavesdropped. Look around to see if there is any room for maneuver. After all, the other party is beautiful and full of energy.

Although they are all adolescent boys, not all of them are normal people who can pass the exam, or even the kind with good IQ. Under the words of those guys who like to make trouble, many people seem to feel that the beautiful girl in front of them is a simple-minded person, or a blank sheet of paper.

Suddenly, many people seem to have the idea of ​​poaching.

Bai Ye also noticed the thoughts of this kind of people, and couldn’t help but curl his lips. Poaching. Corner, can these people poach?

To put it bluntly, people… Alien princess, ghost-like person, even all kinds of high-quality guys in the universe are madly pursuing each other, but the result is not only. ?

At that time, Kawasaki Saki dyed her hair. , with a gloating expression on her face.

“Don’t fight to swear. Sovereignty? It seems that many people want to dig my corner.”

Bai Ye curled his lips and spoke with a disdainful tone.

“There is no one who can dig my corner.”

“. You can’t have no trust at all.”

“. I just don’t know the other party’s identity. When I know, I will understand that the corner is not easy to dig. It can’t be dug.”

. Some people were a little surprised after listening to the words. The other party has an identity?

Xue 2.7 Nono sat alone and listened to the words, full of contempt in her heart. Isn’t it relying on the other party’s CP?

Xue No really, I don’t know why I feel so irritated about some things, mainly because of a certain guy’s things. More irritated, in a sense,. It seems like she is the first one to be named as a girlfriend, and now she has a fiancée, a legitimate one.

Xueno regretted it for a moment. Why did she provoke the bastard on that day?

Now. She has also fallen into the pit, the kind that she can’t climb out of, which makes. There is a feeling that life is not easy, and Xueno sighs.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beauties, and big guys! Don’t make mistakes when walking, and beg for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, and everything. If you haven’t collected it, please click on the collection. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big guys! .

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