After hearing Bai Ye’s words, the person in front of him almost vomited the blood that he had swallowed again.

After all, Bao Yi’s words were too irritating, giving people a feeling that there was no crowd at all.

If Bai Ye knew the other party’s law, he would definitely say that there was nothing wrong with it. In my eyes, there is really no human rights.

After all, which normal person would give human rights to a troublemaker? Of course, although troublemakers are not allowed, don’t they know that the fat woman with black silk stockings is reserved?

Bai Ye ignored the other party’s situation, turned his head and looked at his employer and spoke.

“Senior sister, now the guy has no resistance, how can the other party die?”

“. Cut into pieces. Quickly, or something else. Anyway. The employer…”

Bai Ye emphasized the word employer, as if reminding the other party to pay.

How could Kasumigaoka Shiyu not understand what the “740” guy meant? He was thinking bastards in his heart, no reward before love, right?

Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt angry and full of resentment, she didn’t care about anything now. She walked in front of the old man, of course, there was a lot of distance between them. After all, although the things around him were all imprisoned, it was better to be careful. There was only one life. Don’t waste it if you can.

“You can choose any way to die.”

“That’s right, as long as you can do it, but if it’s particularly difficult, you have to pay more.”

Bai Ye didn’t refuse, but took the opportunity to ask Ma to see if the other party would take the bait. After all, relying on his cognition of the other party and the big tone of his words, he would definitely ask for some super tricky 10, send it to him, and let him complete it. Once it can’t be completed, the other party will definitely mock him.

So Bai Ye took the lead in opening the door and giving the other party a choice.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at someone with a look of “I’m invincible at will”, and really felt that the guy was a little arrogant, so he folded his hands in front of his chest, his eyes turned, and then he had an idea.

Ignoring the other party’s pleading eyes, she walked in front of Bai Ye with a smile.

“Slut… Junior, can you satisfy all my requests?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu originally called him a sex maniac, but she saw a simple girl. She thought he should be more normal, so she changed her words immediately.

Bai Ye looked at the other party and knew that he was going to make trouble, and at the same time he knew that the other party had taken the bait, so he nodded to all the other party’s questions.

But his expression seemed to be forced, giving people a feeling of being strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

“… As long as the price is high enough, it’s fine!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at a guy. Her perfect acting skills were immediately deceived, and then she smiled at the corner of her mouth. The smile made people feel as if she was crying and laughing all the time.

“Ah~ Junior, since you’ve said that, I won’t be polite. After all, I personally feel that people deserve to die, and even dying a lot is not enough.”

Bai Ye looked at the other party who seemed to have turned into a messenger of justice, and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

“So. What do you mean?”

“Junior, I feel that this kind of people can be purified. So I always throw people into the sun for purification. I think it should be a very simple thing, right?”

After listening to the words, Bai Ye’s eyebrows jumped slightly. If you want to make trouble, who can get close to the sun under normal circumstances? No! Anyway, no one in the universe can do it, and those star-level ones can’t do it either. But the other party made a huge request, and he wanted to lose face.

After all, if he said that he couldn’t do it now, wouldn’t it be like being slapped in the face? Because of arrogance.

Bai Ye couldn’t help but sigh that the means were good, or the means were used on the wrong person. If it was someone else, it would really be a big deal. Big loss, but who is it? One foot or the other foot has basically stepped into the multi-person, just a sun, not to mention the golden super template, stuff. Provide. Things to increase strength.

Just should not act to continue, after listening to the other party’s request, Bai Ye’s face showed a trace of depression, but then flashed, as if nothing happened, but the other party has been staring at Bai Ye’s face, so he also saw. A flash of sadness, and suddenly understood in his heart, and some men were proud, let so pretend, now overturned, then choose to step closer.

“Junior brother,. Can’t you tell me. Can’t do it?” (See Bao Shuang Xiao, go to Feilu Xiaowang!)

The words are heard frequently, but they are full of sarcasm. It seems that it is not possible, not possible? . The same feeling.

. Bai Ye himself has also entered the dead duck mouth hard mode at this moment, pulling his neck to speak.

“If you can’t do it with me, I’ll tell you that my fee is very high. After all, I’ll tell you that no one in the universe can do it except me. So the price is not cheap.”

The moment of the white night gives people a sense of self-The feeling of full of confidence, but. Facing someone who doesn’t know, the person who knows obviously knows that the person is bluffing. Anyway, the black silk senior sister in front of me thinks that… After all, the other party’s guilty conscience at that time can be seen clearly.

That guilty conscience is combined with the current. The confident look.

One thing can be confirmed, or the truth can be that only one party is bluffing.

At this time, Lala also curiously put her arms around Bai Ye’s neck and spoke in a surprised tone.

“Bai Ye, can we go directly into the sun? I can’t do that kind of place now, can you take me to see it? I’m very curious.”

“I took a lot of photos of things close to the camera. If you get close to a certain range, you will be dissolved. I really haven’t seen it up close.”

Bai Ye felt a sense of floating after feeling the fragrance from the other party’s face.

“No problem. Don’t worry about whether the person in front of you needs me to do it. After all, I’m working part-time now.”

Bai Ye looked like he was bragging, but Lala believed him.

“Shiyu, I’ll go.”

Shiyu looked at the girl in front of her. She was full of energy and had a face that seemed more beautiful than others. She listened to her words and felt helpless with her unpretentious attitude. She understood that she was a naive person, or she was simple. She didn’t see that Bai Ye was holding on. How much trust did she have in him?

Shiyu was bragging before. She was surrounded by excellent girls. Why did she do such a beastly thing deliberately? With the accident between the two, she had to believe it. []

The losers in front of the girl would burn 2.8 incense to get her intimacy, and even wished to stick to her every day. How could she be like a loser?

It’s just that Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to be showing affection, and the two of them felt a little unhappy for no reason, especially when they kept talking about Ye Se Ren Za. ,. Less than half an hour ago, she almost ate her up, but now she is so doting on another person. No matter from which angle, she feels unhappy. She must be taught a lesson!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu seemed to have two devil horns on her head at this moment.

“Junior brother, can you tell me, senior sister, if you want to help me, does it cost anything?”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! Walk, don’t make mistakes, roll around and ask for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, everything, if you haven’t collected it, please click on the collection, thank you all! Kneel down to all the big men! .

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