“Biology is so difficult! I still like the steel giant. By the way, what about v2v? I don’t think I have seen one. I want her to help me!”

“That woman seems to be building some giant structure! Anyway, it is almost like a money-eating beast. If it weren’t for the unlimited resources, it would have been ruined long ago.”


Megastructures are a type of interstellar mega-project in Stellaris, similar to the”wonders” in the Civilization series of games. Building a megastructure takes a long time and requires a huge amount of resources, but once built, it can bring unique benefits that are many times greater than those of conventional buildings.


Xiao Mo was so excited that his movements were a little too big, causing Sheshe to tremble with a muffled groan. The whole table shook, and the teacup that was originally on the table was knocked over, and the tea in the cup also spilled all over the table. The spilled tea flowed down the tabletop and splashed all over the floor.

But for some reason, the water that flowed to the floor soon reached the amount of a teacup, but even so, the tea was still flowing, splashing under the table.


Looking at the snake lying quietly, it became much quieter after feeding.

I covered Mobius with a blanket and left the snake’s nest, or more accurately, the laboratory.

Originally, he lived with Eden and the others, but since he had to do experiments all the time, Mobius simply settled down in the laboratory. He didn’t go back to chat with others very often, but it didn’t affect everyone’s relationship.

After arriving in the Collapse Iron Universe, Xiaomo did not return to the train directly, but drifted in the universe in the form of a young Nexus.

【Ahaha come out!】

【Hehe! What’s the matter with Ahha? Brother, why have you degenerated! Ahhh

The Joyful Star God appeared from the void and floated beside Nexus. With a body covered with a mask, he circled around Nexus and laughed continuously.

Xiaomo didn’t know where Obolos was, but it was enough for someone to know. He ignored the crazy Ahha beside him and directly stated the purpose of looking for Obolos.

【Ahhh, that’s the right question! Obolos is sleeping somewhere outside of the Clipper Wall right now!】

【I’m glad you can find it. Take me there!】

【However, awakening Oboros will bring great disaster to the existing universe. Oboros will devour everything.】

【Do you care about these? As the God of Fun, you will only continue to provoke and play a breeding drama, attracting a group of star gods to launch a just siege on Greed!】

【Good suggestion, let’s go! Ahahaha!】


In front of Krippo, he passed through the wall he had built and came to the world outside the wall. Compared to the universe on the other side of the wall, the planets in this space were extremely rare, and even the stars were the same. This caused the universe to be completely dark, and Nexus became one of the few remaining lights. He flew deeper and farther away from the barrier of the wall.

The deeper he went, the more he could feel the imaginary energy in the void constantly moving towards a certain position. Following the direction of the imaginary energy flow, he saw an ancient giant beast floating in the dark void.

The body was too huge, and Nexus, who was more than 50 meters tall, was like an ant in front of him.

The only thing that could be seen clearly was the strange tongue coating of Obolos, a graceful female image, which was just his disguise.

Under his body was a flesh fetus with fangs and tentacles. It was strange that Greedy, as an ancient beast, had such a normal human form.

Feeling the huge energy, the enchanting female body kept showing Nexus approaching, twisting her body as if constantly tempting Xiaomo to come closer. She stretched out her light gray jade hand and touched Nexus’s pure energy body.

Xiaomo, who knew exactly what was in front of her, immediately turned into light particles and disappeared in front of Him. Was this touching the same as being licked by Obolos?

【Want to eat me? Then I’ll let you eat enough! 】

Take out the spawning egg of the Titan Zombie and release it into the void.

Achievement: Today, we restart the Apocalypse!

It came out of the ground like a world without me, maybe in the universe. The scene turned into a void cracking. Two azure jade hands grabbed both sides of the crack, and the two jade hands were ready to slowly tear the entire crack open at any time.

Air? A breath of death in the universe spread to the entire universe, and at the same time shocked the approaching Oboros.

Xiao Mo didn’t care about those, but looked at his own dialog interface

【The entity’s strength has escaped the suppression of the rules, and its health is rapidly increasing for the second time!!】

【Is it allowed to randomly generate equipment for entities? ? Entity equipment will not reach the level of super artifacts!】

【Do you want to optimize the model?】

It seems that when Xiaomo didn’t make a choice, the summoned Titan seemed to be stuck and couldn’t come out.

【Allows spawning of equipment】、【Perform model optimization】

【Equipment is being randomly generated… Already equipped with the dark matter suit! 】

The jade hand that was extended had an empty palm, but was suddenly covered with a black gauntlet, and the aura on the body became stronger.

The crack was opened, and a beautiful figure with sky-blue skin appeared in Xiaomo’s eyes, wearing a dark matter suit and a plump body wrapped in black armor.

Looking at the huge figure in front of her, there was a sense of being in front of the law of heaven and earth, especially the giant peak that was comparable to the size of a planet.

Perhaps noticing Xiaomo’s sight, the huge palm stretched out towards Xiaomo’s position.

She felt no malice, so she let Him take her into His palm, and continued to climb until she was level with that beautiful face. She looked at what she had in her hand with some joy.

Obolos on the side had the intuition of an ancient beast, and looked warily at the mysterious life that was half as big as himself, and began to move backwards.

【Catch Him!

Zombie Titan, stretched out his other jade hand towards Obolos, and directly grabbed Obolos’s tongue coating exposed to the outside world.

In order not to cause trouble (watch the show quietly), he left his palm, flashed to Titan’s shoulder and sat on the skin exposed in the void, watching Zombie Titan attack Obolos in the first person.

Due to Xiao Mo’s departure, Obolos went from facing one hand to two hands. He was originally caught in a vulnerable part, and now he has to face a serious blow to his head. The devouring ability did not even break the armor defense of dark matter.

From Aha’s perspective, Obolos was like a vicious dog with its fangs imprisoned, pressed to the ground and rubbed repeatedly. It’s so fun!.

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