Looking at the fast construction tool handed over by Mingshi, Xiaomo took it and put it into the machine.

The construction machine was turned on, and a small figure appeared in a cloud of mist.

“You… are the person I saw in my dream. Hmm, that’s great… You seem to be someone who can make people feel at ease… But, it seems that you still have many things that need my advice…”

Xiaomo felt that the voice was so familiar, and looked at the little girl who was wearing a blue off-shoulder shrine maiden costume and white bubble socks on her feet, holding a ship model pillow, who gradually appeared as the mist dissipated.

Xiaomo:”? Shinano-chan!”

Shinano-chan introduced herself in a voice that was still waking up:”……Well, I am Shinano. As for other things, just be casual. After all, things are unpredictable. We can talk about the future later. Now I just want to sleep here leisurely.……”

Xiao Mo picked up the sleepy little Shinano and said,”Hello, little Shinano, I am your commander. I will be in your care from now on.”

Little Shinano replied in a daze:”……Hmm? Do you want to sleep together? zzz”

Xiaomo looked at the already asleep little Shinano, who had exactly the same personality as Shinano. But compared to the big white fox, he seemed to be a little more sleepy, maybe it was a size issue!

Akashi looked at the little Shinano who was sleeping in Xiaomo’s arms:”I didn’t expect it to be the special Shinano, meow!”

Xiaomo:”Okay, Akashi, you pack up and go back first, I’ll take little Shinano to Eisakusa to find big Shinano first.”

Akashi:”Okay, meow!”

Xiaomo held little Shinano and walked in the opposite direction of where Eisakusa’s Shinano was sleeping, and came to Shinano’s residence smoothly. When

Xiaomo walked in, he saw Musashi practicing sword swinging with the magic sword”Shiro” under the cherry tree in the yard. As a warrior, Musashi knew when Xiaomo approached.

Putting the sword into the scabbard Musashi:”Commander, you are here!”

Xiaomo looked at Musashi, this was the second time he saw Musashi, he didn’t want to think about it now the first time. Musashi stood directly in front of Xiaomo. With Xiaomo’s height of 180cm, she had to look up slightly when looking at Musashi’s height of over 190cm.

Musashi:”Is that little Shinano in the commander’s arms?”

Xiaomo:”Yes! It was unexpectedly built today, but where is Shinano?”

Musashi:”The commander knows about Shinano and she is still sleeping. I will take the commander over.”

Musashi took Xiaomo into the house and motioned the commander to sit for a while while he went to call Shinano.

Shinano came out soon.

Shinano:”…Hmm! Why is the commander here? Is this my small version?”

Shinano sat down slowly beside Xiaomo, and was not surprised to see the small version of herself in Xiaomo’s arms. After all, there are many small versions of ship girls in the port area, and now seeing the smaller version of herself is at most a novelty.

The little Shinano, who had slightly perked up, looked at the big version of herself next to Xiaomo:”Hmm… Commander, where are you? Huh? Is this a dream?”

Xiaomo explained for the little Shinano, and the little Shinano said that as long as the commander was by her side, it would be fine.

Xiao Xinong moved in Xiaomo’s arms and adjusted his position:”Well, this warm embrace… is really suitable as a place to sleep.……”

Shinano looked at the little Shinano who was sleeping in Xiaomo’s arms again, and said to Xiaomo:”Commander, if you are tired, do you want to sleep in my arms for a while? Just like many Sakura destroyers like to do.——”

Shinano pulled Xiaomo into her arms, wearing a blue-black shrine maiden costume (off-shoulder) and the exposed northern hemisphere. The huge softness almost made Xiaomo fall into it. Shinano used her tail to wrap the few people together and used it as a quilt. Perhaps under the influence of the two, Xiaomo gradually became sleepy. When Musashi came in, he saw the three of them lying together tightly hugging each other and sleeping.

Musashi saw that the commander was also sleeping together. In order not to break such tranquility, he gently closed the door.

When Xiaomo woke up, it was evening, and the sunset dyed the sky golden. Looking at Shinano who was still sleeping, Xiaomo swapped the positions of little Shinano and herself. Looking at the two people shining on them in the sunset glow, Xiaomo just gently stroked Shinano’s fox ears with his hand, feeling the calm breathing, soft touch, and gentle fragrance from Shinano.

Shinano felt Xiaomo’s slight movement and woke up from her sleep:”…Hmm? Commander? It’s already evening… I feel so safe around the commander!”

Xiaomo took her hand away:”Sorry! Shinano woke you up.”

Xiaomo looked at Shinano, who was awake but still in a daze.

Shinano held Xiaomo’s hand with her hand:”Nothing! I just feel that the time with the commander has passed so quickly, it’s a pity! Commander, you don’t need to blame yourself.” Xiaomo looked at Shinano with a tender face, letting herself be deeply immersed in it all the time, lowered her head and kissed Shinano’s cherry lips directly.

Shinano used her tail to gently place little Shinano on the tatami, pressed Xiaomo down and began to respond to the commander’s enthusiasm.

At this time, Musashi had already prepared today’s dinner, so he walked towards the commander’s direction, ready to wake up the commander and the others.

When Musashi pushed open the door of the room, he saw the two people being pressed by Shinano.

Musashi:”Sorry! Commander, maybe I came at the wrong time.”

After saying that, he prepared to close the door.

Xiaomo:”No, Musashi, you came at the right time. Can you take little Shinano out?”

Xiaomo poked his head out from under Shinano’s tail and pointed at little Shinano who was still sleeping. After all, it was not good to leave little Shinano here. Musashi was speechless for a moment, thinking: It is indeed not appropriate to leave little Shinano here. He decided to send little Shinano to another room, and then come back to preach to the commander.

Musashi picked up little Shinano, walked out of the room, and walked towards Shinano’s room. Because the sound insulation effect of Shinano’s room is surprisingly good, there is no need to worry about little Shinano being woken up by the outside noise. Musashi put little Shinano away, covered it with a thin blanket, turned off the lights and left the room.

When Musashi came back again, he saw that the commander was already combing Shinano’s tail, and Shinano was lying on the commander’s legs. The big tail blocked his view and he couldn’t see what Shinano was doing at all. He just heard a nagging voice. Musashi walked in front of Xiaomo with his slender legs.

Xiaomo was combing the fox tail in her hand with a comb. When Musashi blocked the light, she looked up at Musashi. However, all she could see was a pair of smooth and slender beautiful legs. Even if she tilted her neck to look up, she could not see Musashi’s face because of the mountain peaks. Musashi bent down to tidy up Xiaomo’s messy hair, and felt the commander rubbing his face against her penis.

Musashi:”If you like this feeling, it’s okay to bury your head in it? Hehe~”

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