Chapter 97: The title of the shared food.

As the discussion deepened, the flags of each camp put forward their own suggestions and ideas, and everyone hoped to contribute their own strength to this event.

Under the guidance of Artemis, Chun Ji completed the favor and walked out. Seeing this, Xiao Mo also withdrew his attention from Yi Xian’s chat and smiled to welcome Chun Ji.

“Welcome Chunji to join us.”

Xiaomo’s voice was gentle and kind, which made Chunji feel warm.

Chunji lowered her head shyly and whispered:”Thank you, Lord Meimo!” There was a hint of nervousness in her voice, and it was obvious that she had not fully adapted to this new environment.

At this moment, Ying came over, she hugged Xiaomo, and then looked at the shy Chunji, and joked:”Since you have joined us, let’s get along well! Chunji, I heard that you will faint when you see the clavicle. Are you still a fledgling? Is this true?”

Chunji’s cheeks were instantly flushed, she nodded shyly, and replied:”That’s true.”

Ying looked at Chunji’s shy appearance, and a sly light flashed in her eyes. She smiled and said to Chunji:”This won’t work! If you can’t serve the Lord God well, you will be marginalized!”

Chunji heard that her heart tightened, and she quickly expressed her attitude:”This… I will work hard!”

Ying looked at Chunji’s serious look and laughed in her heart. She decided to give Chunji a small test to see if she could really overcome her shyness. So she reached out and ripped open Xiaomo’s shirt, revealing his upper body skin that was as finely carved as jade.

Chunji looked at the scene in front of her, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes. She had never seen such a perfect body, as intoxicating as a work of art. However, just when she wanted to reach out and touch it, she suddenly realized her gaffe. She quickly withdrew her hand, her face full of shame and anger.

At this moment, Chunji, who reacted, was perhaps too shy. She fell to the ground like a steamed hairy crab, steaming. Ying looked at Chunji on the ground and exclaimed in surprise:”Hey! She really fainted. It’s amazing, right! Ah Mo.”

Xiaomo looked at Chunji who fell to the ground and shook his head helplessly. He slapped Ying’s rebellious jade hand away, got up, picked up Chunji and put her on the sofa. He looked at Ying and said,”Didn’t I tell you? Why don’t you believe it?”

Ying shrugged and smiled:”Ah! Isn’t this curiosity? At first, I didn’t believe that someone could be so shy that they fainted, but now I believe it.”

Artemis looked at Chun Ji, who was lying on the sofa with steam coming out of her, and frowned slightly and said:”Ah Mo, the level of this child’s magic ‘Treasure Hammer’ has risen. The target of activation is limited to one person, and there must be a certain time interval between two activations, and it cannot be used on the caster himself. No wonder Ishtar hid her.”

Xiao Mo heard this and didn’t reply. He knew that although Chun Ji’s magic was strange, it also had many limitations.

Just when Xiao Mo was about to put the clothes that Ying had taken off back in order, he suddenly felt something pulling him tightly. He turned his head in confusion, only to see a group of life forms with bright eyes gathered behind him at some point, and they were staring at him with a look like a hungry wolf staring at its prey.

Ying was lying on Xiao Mo’s back. She seemed to smell something special and whispered:”Ah Mo, you smell so good now! Why didn’t I notice it before?”

Xiao Mo was confused, with a lot of question marks in his mind. He glanced at his status bar and his face suddenly changed. Oops, something bad happened!

He suddenly remembered what Fuluoru had warned him when he was in the nameless place.

At that time, Fuluoru seriously told him not to open the creative mode for no reason. Xiao Mo was curious and asked the reason at that time. Fuluoru explained that when he switched out of the creative mode, the transition of life would leave a fatal attractive fragrance.

This lingering fragrance is extremely tempting to life forms with insufficient status. Even Fuluoru himself would be vaguely attracted, not to mention other people.

Xiao Mo didn’t care too much at the time, but now it seems that he obviously underestimated the power of this fragrance.

Feeling the touch of countless hands around him, Xiao Mo sighed helplessly. He simply lay down and gave up struggling. Anyway, after a while This fragrance will dissipate, and then everything will return to normal.

As if sensing Xiaomo’s abandonment, those life forms began to become more unscrupulous. They swarmed up and buried Xiaomo completely, leaving nothing outside.

At this moment, Chun Ji woke up. She opened her eyes and saw the horrifying scene in front of her. Xiaomo was like meat on a chopping board, surrounded by a group of life forms and being eaten. Chun Ji was so scared that she almost fainted, but before she lost consciousness, she was attracted by the fragrance and joined in, trying to get a piece of”meat” from this group of”wolves”.

When she woke up for the second time, Chun Ji felt soft all over. She seemed to have had a very beautiful, self-evident dream.

But looking at the white people lying beside her, she was only slightly blocked by her tail.

“Wake up!”

Chun Ji heard the familiar voice and looked up to see Xiao Mo sitting on the sofa. Looking at the red marks on Xiao Mo’s body, she couldn’t help but think of her own crazy and confused appearance.

“”I’m sorry! Master Xiaomo, I really can’t control myself?”

Chunji immediately took the standard Far Eastern sitting position in front of Xiaomo. Xiaomo looked at the snow-white fox in front of him, pulled Chunji over, and let her sit on his lap.

He touched the fox’s head speechlessly and replied:”This is my problem, Chunji, you don’t have to blame yourself, and I won’t blame you.”

Chunji felt the warmth on her head. It was Master Xiaomo’s palm gently covering her head, bringing a sense of security. She couldn’t help but look up at Xiaomo’s sacred and majestic face, as if all the worries and troubles disappeared under his gaze.

However, when she noticed the current posture of herself and Master Xiaomo – she was sitting on his lap, hugged by him, this intimate contact instantly made her cheeks flush with a shy blush.

Xiaomo looked at Chunji’s confused and slightly shy look, and couldn’t help but chuckled:”It’s obviously like this, why are you still so shy?”

Chun Ji was even more at a loss for what to do with his laughter, and could only utter a faint cry of surprise:”Master Xiaomo……”

Xiao Mo reached out and pulled Chun Ji closer, letting her sit on his lap so that they were even closer. He stroked Chun Ji’s soft fox tail, gently rubbing it, feeling the smoothness and warmth.

At the same time, he patted Chun Ji’s raised buttocks, as if he was comforting a frightened little animal, which made Chun Ji even more shy.

“Don’t move, I will Ruarua’s tail, nothing else.”

Xiao Mo’s voice was low and gentle, like some kind of oath, ringing in Chun Ji’s ears.

In this intimate and slightly ambiguous atmosphere, Chun Ji felt as if she was completely immersed in the world of Lord Xiao Mo, and everything became so beautiful and peaceful.

Although she was still a little shy and uncomfortable with this kind of close contact, she felt an unprecedented sense of security and happiness in Lord Xiao Mo’s arms.

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