In chat group

【Passerby - Kasumigaoka Utaha: People... Humans, humans from another world, are all such monsters? 】

Kasumigaoka Utaha's cognition has been overturned a lot because of the existence of the chat group. She went from being skeptical at the beginning to being amazed now, and her inner shock is beyond words.

【Swordsman - Yuuki Asuna: Extraordinary, this is the power of another world, it's incredible.】

Asuna looked at the live broadcast on the screen, her heart full of yearning for the power of another world. Although she is already a top warrior in her own world, such a battle scene still makes her feel extremely shocked

【High School - Rias: Oh, don't forget, relying on the chat group, you can also gain power from other worlds.

Rias reminded the group members of the magic of the chat group. She has begun to think about how to use the resources of the chat group to enhance her own strength.

【Date - Tokisaki Kurumi: Yeah, that's true.

Tokisaki Kurumi recalled the fierce competition between Luya and Luo Hao in the group arena, and thought that if she could rely on the chat group, she might be able to kill the Origin Spirit one day.

【God Slayer - Luo Hao: Are all the humans in your world as powerful as you?

Luo Hao couldn't help but ask Lu Ya a question in Mount Lushan. She was very interested in this powerful human from the box garden world.

【Small Garden - Luya: This, I can only say that I am a special case. 】

Luya is not easy to explain about the spiral force, because in order to awaken the spiral force, generally one needs to be a spiral tribe. Luya is not only a human, but also has awakened the spiral force. In a sense, he can also be considered a spiral tribe.

High School World

"Is the battle over?" Akeno's eyes fell on Luya, worried about whether he was injured.

Luya nodded with a smile:"It's over. It was an interesting battle."

"It's a pity that I can't watch it."Zheno was a little regretful. She also learned a little about the information about the chat group through Rias's words, so she could only envy Luya and Rias for having their own secret communication.

【Passerby - Kasumigaoka Utaha: Hehehe, I want to become a master of light novels. It would be best if I could extract the abilities of the characters in the novels and add them to myself, so that I can also become a person with super powers. 】

Kasumigaoka Utaha is looking forward to one day being able to go one step further, not only to make her light novel writing ability even better, but also to become a person with super powers

【Sword - Yuuki Asuna: With the chat group, everything is possible.

Asuna is full of confidence in the chat group. With the chat group, Asuna feels that any dream can come true.

Luya's attention fell on the chat group, and suddenly, the chat group issued a prompt sound:

【Ding, chat group level lottery function updated, level lottery opened! 】

This surprised Luya, who didn't expect a new function to be opened so soon. The previous lottery pool could only be viewed, but now it can be redeemed. However, Luya found that the threshold for the lottery was not low. A primary ten-draw requires 10,000 points, an intermediate ten-draw requires 100,000 points, and an advanced ten-draw requires 1 million points.

"In this case, the points I got from completing the tasks before are not enough." Lu Ya muttered to himself. He checked his current points and found that he only had 1,000 points, which was only enough for one primary lottery.

"Let's try to see what we can draw first." Lu Ya made a decision

【Ding, the 1,000 points were drawn successfully. Congratulations on getting the reward: a devil fruit.】

"Devil Fruit?" Luya looked at the reward he got and couldn't help complaining,"It seems to be of no use to me."

Devil Fruit is a special fruit from the world of pirates. Eating it can grant certain super powers.

Devil Fruits are divided into three categories: natural, superhuman, and animal.

Although the devil fruit can give the eater powerful abilities, the side effect is that you can't swim. The extent of the ability depends on the strength of the ability user.

Luya thought about it. Although it is not very useful to him, maybe he can bring it back to the box world and give it to everyone in the box.

In a sense, this can also be regarded as a gift.

【Hakoniwa - Luya: I just won a good thing in the lottery, upload the picture (Devil Fruit)】

【God Slayer - Luo Hao: Devil Fruit? What is it?】

【Passerby - Kasumigaoka Utaha: It sounds very impressive】

【High School - Rias: Devil Fruit, a special fruit from the pirate world that can give the eater superpowers, but the side effect is that he can't swim】

【Sword—Yuuki Asuna: Wow, that’s really amazing!】

【Date - Tokisaki Kurumi: I'm so envious, but unfortunately I don't have enough points now to meet the requirements for opening the lottery.

Even for the primary lottery, it takes a thousand points to use it once, not to mention the primary lottery's ten consecutive draws.

Thinking of this, Tokisaki Kurumi was particularly depressed.

【Ding, Super God-Charming Su Xiaoli joins the chat group】

【Ding, Gensokyo—I am 17 years old and joined the chat group. 】

At the same time, a new prompt appeared in front of Luya.

"Su Xiaoli, are there new people in the Super God World? How interesting."Lure pursed his lips. The technology in the Super God World is quite advanced. For Luure, it is worth studying. As for the 'I am 17 years old this year', it is undoubtedly the old woman Yakumo Yukari who pretends to be young all the time. They are all familiar figures to Luure.

【Sandbox-Lure: Welcome new members to join the chat group】

【Super God - Charming Su Xiaoli: Where is this? How did I get here?】

【Gensokyo—I’m 17 years old now: Oh my, oh my, it’s such an interesting place】

【Passerby - Kasumigaoka Utaha: Welcome newcomers! This is a chat group that transcends time and space, where the strong from all worlds gather.】

【Sword Art - Yuuki Asuna: We can learn a lot of interesting things by communicating with each other. 】

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