Baiqiu sat in a corner of the living room, clenching his hands, his knuckles slightly white.

His face showed a complex expression, both expectant and nervous.

Deep down, he was worried that his daughter, Himejima Akeno, would not want to see him.

After all, he failed to arrive in time to save Akeno's mother, and that past became an unhealed scar in his heart.

He was filled with pain and self-blame.

Baiqiu never thought that such an accident would happen, and he never expected that he would leave such a deep shadow in his daughter's heart.

For many years, he has been living in guilt for his daughter, hoping that one day he can make up for his mistakes.

Azazel, who was sitting next to him, noticed Baiqiu's nervousness, patted his shoulder gently, and comforted him:"It's all over, Baiqiu. Looking forward is the most important thing. This time, if you and your daughter can reconcile as before, it would be great."

Azazel's words were a faint consolation. He understood the pain in Baiqiu's heart and understood Akeno's anger and disappointment.

However, he knew that time was the best medicine, and this meeting might be an opportunity to repair their relationship.

Azazel looked out the window, as if he remembered something.

As the governor of the fallen angel central organization"God's Child Watcher", he had a great interest in the God-destroying artifacts, and had been committed to studying and collecting these artifacts, and even created artificial artifacts.

As his adopted son, Wally Lucifer was also the host of the God-destroying artifact"White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings".

During this period, Azazel noticed the traces of the Red Dragon Emperor's Cage in the human world, which aroused his great interest. The opposition between the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor has existed since ancient times, and now, the Red Dragon Emperor's Cage has appeared on the side of the devil, forcing Azazel to investigate it himself.

Just as Azazel was thinking, the door of the reception room was gently pushed open, and Rias and Luya walked in.

Azazel raised his head, his eyes fell on Luya, and a hint of surprise flashed in his expression.

He recognized Luya and knew that he was the host of the current Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig and the holder of the God-annihilating Tool"Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet"

"I didn't expect to see the host of the Red Dragon Emperor here." Azazel smiled slightly, with a bit of curiosity and appreciation in his tone.

""Master Azazel." Rias bowed slightly to show her courtesy.

Although her expression was calm, she was wary of Azazel's arrival.

After all, the visit of the Fallen Angel Governor was not an ordinary event, especially at such a delicate moment.

"This is Luya-kun," Rias introduced,"He is my brother's friend and the holder of this generation of God-annihilating Tool."

She was not surprised that Azazel could see this, and Luya's eyes fell on the fallen angel in front of him.

Luya nodded and greeted Azazel:"Sir Azazel, I have heard of your name for a long time."

Azazel looked at Luya and Rias with some confusion, thinking in his heart.

When did Sirzechs have such a friend? And he is a human.

He just wanted to come and see the host of the Red Dragon Emperor, but he didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

Just when he was curious, Luya smiled slightly, took the opportunity to put his arm around Rias's shoulders, and explained:"To be precise, I am Rias's fiancé."

As soon as these words came out, Rias's face suddenly flushed, but she did not deny it.

Azazel showed great interest in such a relationship:"Oh? It is surprising that there is such a relationship between the devil and the host of the Red Dragon Emperor."

Seeing this, Rias quickly changed the subject:"By the way, Master Azazel, is there anything special about Mr. Baiqiu coming this time?"

Azazel retracted his gaze and said with a serious expression:"Originally, I just wanted to learn about the host of the Red Dragon Emperor, but I didn't expect to meet him here with you demons. As for Baiqiu's matter……"

He paused and glanced at Baiqiu.

Baiqiu's face was full of anxiety at this time. When he heard Azazel mentioned him, he added:"There is a girl named Akeno in the Himejima family. Is she here?"

Rias nodded and said calmly:"Akeno is my servant now. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Baiqiu looked nervous after hearing this, and asked hurriedly:" did she become a devil's servant?"

Azazel motioned Baiqiu to calm down, and then introduced Rias:"Baiqiu is Akeno's father. He came here this time to see Akeno and care about her condition."

Rias looked at Baiqiu thoughtfully, and then replied:"Akeno's father? Akeno now doesn't seem to want to see Mr. Baiqiu."

Baiqiu's face turned pale in an instant, he lowered his head, with a hint of sadness in his voice:"She is still resentful of me……"

Seeing this, Luya interrupted and said,"If your purpose is just about Akeno, then I suggest you go back, two fallen angels."

Baiqiu became even more anxious when he heard what Rias said. He stood up and begged,"Please let me see Akeno, I just want to see her."

Luya glanced at Baiqiu and said firmly,"Akeno doesn't want to see you, so please don't embarrass her." As he spoke, Luya exuded a strong aura, making the atmosphere in the whole room instantly solemn.

Seeing this, Azazel gently patted Baiqiu's shoulder and comforted him,"Baiqiu, since Akeno doesn't want to see you, let's wait until the time is right. Don't let her be more disgusted." Baiqiu sighed helplessly, knowing that his rash coming might only make his daughter more disgusted. He could only temporarily give up the idea of seeing Akeno, and his unwillingness and loss were fully revealed in his expression.

Azazel turned to Rias and asked seriously:"Rias, will you take good care of Akeno?"

Rias nodded, and said firmly:"Akeno is my retainer, of course I will take good care of her, please rest assured."

Hearing Rias's promise, Azazel felt a little relieved, and Baiqiu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he could not see his daughter, at least he knew that she was safe under Rias' care.

Then, Azazel turned his gaze to Luya, with an inquiring light in his eyes:"Luya-kun, can you let me see the power of this generation of Sekiryuutei? I am very interested in your power."

"Governor of the Fallen Angels, do you want to fight me?"

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