Baiyasha clapped his hands, and a shining card appeared in front of Luya.

Baiyasha smiled and said,"Take this and let us see your gift." Luya nodded and reached out to take the card.

Information began to appear on the card, and gradually, the text appeared: Luya, gift name [unknown].

Luya frowned, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he soon understood.

Spiral force is a force that is beyond the understanding of the box garden. Its essential level is higher than the box garden itself, so it naturally cannot be identified by the gift card.

Baiyasha on the other side looked at the card with a puzzled expression on his face.

She whispered,"It's so strange, the gift card and Laplace paper can't read Luya's information. This kid's ability should be some kind of enhanced gift." It's just an enhanced gift. Is there such a gift as Luya?

Thinking of this, Baiyasha smiled secretly, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

She could imagine that the future box garden would probably become more interesting

"Hehe, this is so interesting."Shiroyasha whispered to himself,"The future small garden will probably be very fun." Luya smiled and handed the gift card to Shiroyasha and Black Rabbit:"It seems that my gift cannot be identified."

Black Rabbit was even more confused, frowning, with doubts in her eyes:"What's going on? It's impossible, could there be something wrong with the gift card?"

She looked at the card in her hand, frowning, and seemed a little anxious.

Shiroyasha glanced at her, with a playful smile on his lips:"Stupid, how could there be a problem with the gift card? The most likely possibility is that this kid is very special. You really picked up a treasure."

Her tone was a little doting and teasing, and she patted Black Rabbit's shoulder gently.

Bai Yasha thought, if Canary was still there, Luya would probably be fully trained by Arcadia to become the next generation of"Arcadia" cadres.

A trace of regret flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly covered up.

Luya smiled indifferently, shrugged his shoulders, and a trace of relief flashed in his eyes:"Since it can't be identified, forget it."

He was worried that people would see the clues of spiral power, but now he doesn't have to worry.

He spread his hands, his movements were casual and natural.

Then, Luya's eyes turned to Bai Yasha, with a hint of challenge in his tone:"Lord Bai Yasha, wait until I am stronger, then I will challenge you again."

Bai Yasha covered his face and smiled, with a hint of appreciation and expectation in his eyes:"Oh, in that case, we will look forward to it."

Her laughter was crisp and pleasant, with a bit of playfulness.

As he spoke, Bai Yasha's eyes became deep, staring at Luya, and asked:"Luya, do you know what's going on now‘NONAME’As the leader of the community, you should know‘NONAME’Have you ever thought about recruiting new people?"

Lu Ya thought about it, frowned slightly, but soon his eyes became firm and he replied:"At present‘NONAME’It is not appropriate to recruit members."

"I will be stronger, so if you don't mind, Lord Bai Yasha, you can give me the position of class ruler of the East District."

Bai Yasha nodded with a smile, a hint of admiration and expectation in his eyes:"You are really brave to ask, so let's look forward to the day when you can grow up to be qualified to be the class ruler of the East District."

Class rulers, guardians of the order of the box garden, were established to promote the common growth of the lower communities. Their most important task is to be responsible for the division or transfer of land in the box garden city, and to test whether the lower-level rulers can be transferred to the highest level.

"Hey, is it possible?"

Kurou was surprised and happy. She had never thought that the community could restore its past glory.

"Nothing is impossible, because you have this kid."

Bai Yasha said with a smile, looking at Lu Ya jokingly,"This kid is much better than you think, Black Rabbit"

"In addition, since you have performed so well, I will provide you with some interesting information. Do you want to listen to it?"

As he said this, Bai Yasha's eyes fell on Lu Ya and Kuroto.

"What intelligence���"Luya's expression suddenly became interested, and his eyes showed some anticipation.

"Of course, it's the news about your former companions."

Shiroyasha's words made Black Rabbit excited all of a sudden, with tears in his eyes.

After hearing what Shiroyasha said, Luya quickly understood that the news she was talking about was the information about the former"Arkadia" cadre, the former Demon King Leticia.

Now, Leticia is in the community"Perseus", if there is a chance, they may not be unable to take Leticia back.

Box Garden, Outer Door 210538〇,"The"Nameless" community station.

After the"Thousand Eyes" identified the gift, Luya took the gift card and put the water god's sapling into it, and then he returned to the community with Black Rabbit and Snow White.

As the water god's sapling was placed, Black Rabbit was very happy and looked at the endless flow of water. His face was full of smiles:"The days of water shortage are over now."

The community also has a new partner, and there is news about Lady Leticia. Thinking of this, Black Rabbit's tears fell, and they were tears of excitement.

"Thank you, Luya."

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, with a grateful smile on her face.

"Well, now is just the beginning. If we want to revive the community, we have only taken the first step."

Lu Ya shook his head and chuckled,"What's more, I am‘NONAME’The leader, leading‘NONAME’To make it better is my mission."

Black Rabbit nodded, with a firm light in his eyes:"I believe that with Luya, the future of the community will definitely be better."

Her tone was full of trust and hope.

Snow White was surprised to see this, her mouth slightly opened, her eyes full of disbelief.‘NONAME’It's so dilapidated, but with such a powerful guy like Luya here, and with the care of Lord Shiroyasha, the Snow White community will thrive.

At this moment, Snow White's eyes looked at Luya with a little more trust.

The busy Black Rabbit and Snow White worked together to restore the community's past water channel, while Luya turned his attention to the chat group.

【High School - Rias: Can anyone help me? I'm in a bit of trouble. 】

The one asking for help is Rias from the high school world.

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