As soon as the morning class was over,

Bai Yu came to the service club as agreed.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that Kasumigaoka Utaha and Yukinoshita Yukino had already arrived.

"Thank you for the promotion."

Kasumigaoka Utaha's wine-red eyes flashed with gratitude.

Early in the morning, her editor called her and told her that she was enthusiastically recommended by a very popular manga artist.

Although the effect is still unknown, the editor said that it is very likely to bring a turnaround to her work that is about to be cancelled.

After knowing this, Kasumigaoka Utaha naturally knew that it was Bai Yu who did it.

She was also very grateful to this junior who helped her seriously.

"I have already agreed to this commission from Mr. Hiratsuka." Bai Yu chuckled and said nonchalantly


Kasumigaoka Utaha shook her head."Although it was Hiratsuka-sensei who asked you to do this, in the end, it was me who troubled you."

"I owe you a favor for this matter. If you have any requests, you can always ask me."

Of course, there is no ambiguity in these words, it is just a normal communication between classmates.

After this incident, Kasumigaoka Shiyu obviously has a very good impression of Baiyu and is grateful to him.

But it is not to the extent of having a good impression.

As the two have only known each other for less than a day, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's true nature will not be revealed in front of Baiyu, a stranger. She still looks like a cold senior sister.

Baiyu smiled slightly and didn't say any polite words.

This happened to be exactly what he thought. After all, he really needed Kasumigaoka Shiyu for the mission in the future. Of course he would not be polite about this favor, after all, he also exchanged favors with Eriri.

Baiyu would not do thankless things. Even a great beauty like Kasumigaoka Shiyu would not let him be a dog who paid for nothing.

"Now that you two have finished your discussion, let's get back to the commission itself."

Yukinoshita Yukino, who had been silent the whole time, interrupted the two people's discussion coldly.

But while she was talking, her cold eyes couldn't help but glared at Bai Yu in shame and anger.

Obviously, last night, after she went back, she investigated the matter of the notebook.

After knowing what the notebook was, Yukinoshita Yukino was so embarrassed that she naturally didn't have a good face for Bai Yu, the one who proposed the notebook.

She snorted in her heart.

Sure enough, high school boys are full of dirty things in their heads, even Bai Yu, a guy with excellent grades, is no exception.

"That's right."

Bai Yu smiled slightly and took the initiative to sit aside.

It's better to get the talisman reward as soon as possible.

As for the contemptuous look in Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes, he didn't care.

"Let me tell you first."

Yukinoshita Yukino cleared her throat and looked serious,"Last night, I carefully studied the work of my senior, and I have to say that it is indeed a very good and rare masterpiece for a newcomer."

With Yukinoshita Yukino's picky nature, she was able to say words of praise, which was enough to prove that Kasumigaoka Utaha's work was indeed excellent.

"But there are still some things that I think are not harmonious, such as the logic of the heroine's behavior, which I can't understand. Why did she develop a good impression of the male protagonist who bullied her after being bullied? Normal people would not do this, right?……"

"Also, the male lead obviously already has a girlfriend, but he flirts with the female lead. Is such a scumbag really suitable to be the male lead?……"


Yukinoshita Yukino turned on the serious mode and pointed out the shortcomings of this book without mercy.

After listening to Yukinoshita Yukino's criticism, Kasumigaoka Utaha frowned and became thoughtful.

She did agree with some of the points raised by Yukinoshita Yukino, but there were also some points that she disagreed with.

However, she was not dissatisfied with this. After all, Yukinoshita Yukino was just a reader, not an author. More importantly, she obviously didn't know much about light novels, and she criticized her book from the perspective of classic literature.

So it was understandable.

As a person seeking help, Kasumigaoka Utaha was very tolerant of Yukinoshita Yukino, the schoolmate who was helping her seriously.

Even if she disagreed, she would not say anything.

"That's all I have to say."After she finished speaking, Yukinoshita Yukino paused, then looked at Kasumigaoka Utaha apologetically,"If there is anything wrong with what I said, please forgive me, senior."

Obviously, she also knew that her words were a bit harsh.

Maybe it would anger this senior.

But as a perfectionist, Yukinoshita Yukino would not deliberately conceal her true thoughts and play some boring game of reading the air.

"The comments from the junior sister Yukinoshita are not groundless, many of them are indeed very true, I will keep them in mind."

Kasumigaoka Utaha simply thanked Yukinoshita Yukino. She still saw the other party's efforts. The thick dark circles around her eyes were proof that Kasumigaoka Utaha was not an ungrateful person. She was also grateful for the behavior of this junior sister.

Then, Yukinoshita Yukino and Kasumigaoka Utaha looked at Baiyu.

They wanted to hear what kind of evaluation Baiyu would come up with.

Whether it was Yukinoshita Yukino or Kasumigaoka Utaha, they would not underestimate Baiyu's ability, and they both wanted to hear what Baiyu's opinion was.

"I mainly talk about areas that can be improved, and some writing methods that are useful to seniors."

Bai Yu smiled faintly. What Yukinoshita Yukino said was already quite comprehensive, and he didn't want to repeat himself.

Instead, he planned to say something that could help Kasumigaoka Utaha.

So, he talked about some common and practical writing methods in his previous life.

Although those writing methods were already old routines when Bai Yu crossed over, they were still very novel in this world.

Only Bai Yu, who had not awakened his memory, was influenced by the soul and used them subconsciously. Apart from that, they have not appeared on the market yet.

As Bai Yu focused on slowly speaking out the many experiences accumulated in his mind, he didn't notice at all that Yukinoshita Yukino, who was listening Shino and Kasumigaoka Utaha's expressions gradually became frozen, and each of them showed shock in their eyes.

Obviously, many of the things that Bai Yu said were too shocking for these two people.

Both Kasumigaoka Utaha and Yukinoshita Yukino were literary girls who loved reading since childhood and were familiar with countless classic works from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad.

Their vision is not comparable to that of ordinary students, and is even not inferior to that of the vast majority of professionals engaged in literature.

Naturally, it can be heard that these seemingly simple remarks of Bai Yu are theories that are enough to set off a revolution in the current literary world. It is really hard to believe that this is a students who are still studying can come up with this.

Yukinoshita Yukino was once again shocked by Baiyu's talent. In front of the other party's unattainable talent, she felt that she, who always thought she was excellent, was simply insignificant and pitiful, just like those ordinary students she looked down upon. A deep sense of frustration once again surged in her heart, making her look confused.

On the other side, Kasumigaoka Utaha was also very shocked at first, and she also felt deep admiration for Baiyu. But the more she listened, the more strange it felt to her.

Because many of the things Baiyu said gave her a sense of déjà vu.

This sense of déjà vu made her... The mind was irritated.

However, at the moment when this irritation emerged, a light bulb suddenly lit up in Kasumigaoka Utaha's mind, and she suddenly knew why she felt irritated and why she felt familiar.

What Bai Yu said seemed to correspond to many plots in the dead eunuch's book!

Could it be that Bai Yu had also read the dead eunuch's book and was a loyal reader of the dead eunuch?

Kasumigaoka Utaha's eyes lit up, and suddenly she felt like she had met someone of the same kind. The look in her eyes when she looked at Bai Yu suddenly became much softer, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

It's such a pleasant surprise to find a companion who has the same hobbies as me.


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