Plop – as the last corpse fell, Gilenu leaned on the tree with his sword and slid down tiredly.

The moon above his head was gradually becoming full, emitting bright light, nourishing the dark earth.

“It’s night already……”

Gileno Tedrudia rubbed his rumbling stomach

“I’m so hungry.”

The bodies of soldiers from a certain country were all around her. Although she was a beastman among the demons, she didn’t like to eat such things.

At first, she came here with the ambition to make achievements in the strife zone.

In her opinion, such a chaotic place should need a strong swordsman.

However, the xenophobia in the strife zone was beyond her imagination. Almost all countries regarded strangers as spies and executed them on the spot.

This made her repeatedly hit a wall in her search for a job.

It’s not that no one tried to hire her, but either they disliked her as a fool who couldn’t communicate with words and drove her away rudely, or they coveted her body and were killed by her with a knife.

There were also people who could be called partners, but because of the existence of a certain man in the team, the girls hated his frivolous behavior, and finally the team that was finally gathered was disbanded again.

She became a wandering lone wolf again.

“Do you want to go home?”

For the first time, Gilenu had the idea of ​​going back to take a look.

“Forget it, they don’t want to see me.”

She is the daughter of the chieftain of the orcs, and she has a younger sister.

However, she was an out-and-out bastard in her hometown. Whenever she encountered something that made her unhappy, she would make a scene and would beat someone up to calm down.

And because she was very strong, she couldn’t stop, and even her younger sister suffered a tragic end many times.

Although Gileno now thinks that she has grown up a lot, she is still not welcomed by her family.

Gileno’s eyes were blank.

“Where am I going next?…….Is there really anyone in this world who needs me?……”

If she couldn’t even go back to her hometown, would there be any place for her?


Gilenu’s majestic animal ears stood up.

A sound of breaking through the air came!

Gilenu rolled sideways at an unimaginable speed, then took a stance of Iai, his tail swaying slightly, and put on a ferocious expression with gnashing teeth as if he was about to seize the opportunity, staring at the shadow deep in the forest.

“Who is it?”

A young man’s voice sounded behind him.

“As expected of the Sword King Gilena, his intuition is really sharp.

Gilena’s whole body tensed up, and her back felt cold for a moment.


How could someone sneak behind her without making a sound?

She felt that the swordsmanship she had practiced for more than ten years was just a joke!

Gilena slowly tightened her grip on the hilt of the sword, wanting to use that move, but it seemed as if the other party had seen through her and stopped her.

“Although I really want to see the secrets of the Sword God Style, I don’t want to do it now. Even if it’s a mad dog, it won’t attack a child casually.”


Gilenu shrugged his nose and sniffed hard. His pupils shrank suddenly, and his scalp tingled as he turned and jumped away.

“No, it’s a dragon?!!”

However, the moment he saw the other person’s figure, Gilena was stunned.

Because the one bathed in the moonlight was indeed a handsome black-haired boy.

Facing Gilena’s vigilance, Rhode didn’t care, and raised his hand leisurely and greeted with a smile.

“Hey, hello, I’ve been looking for you for a long time, Gilenu.

Gilenu narrowed his eyes vigilantly.

“I don’t know you!”

Rhodes immediately puffed out his chest proudly when he heard this.

“In fact, I am the current monarch of Arcadia. I heard that the Land of Strife has brought a powerful swordsman, so I came here to invite you to join me!”

Gilenu twitched his ears, and his tail swayed unconsciously. He looked at Rhode suspiciously, as if he was trying to judge the truth of his words.


Gilenu thought for a long time before he remembered this name.

“Ah, it’s that small country with only one town that’s barely worth looking at.”

Rhode’s shoulders slumped, and he put his hand weakly on his forehead.

“I inherited a country that was in a mess, but it’s not my fault.”

“Uh, wait, you’re really the King of Arcadia?”

“No one would pretend to be a monarch of another country in a conflict zone. That would be too much of a waste of time.”

“But this place is quite far from Arcadia, how did you find me?”

Rhode raised a finger casually.

“I spent a day running through the entire conflict zone. Although it was hard, it was worth it for Gilena.”


Gilena grumbled in a low voice.

She didn’t believe such nonsense.

But her tail wagged happily, and she gradually became less vigilant.

“What position are you going to invite me to take? I’m very expensive!”

Kilenu crossed her arms, her long gray hair was blown by the wind, and she looked at Rhodes with the momentum of a big sister.

As long as this guy really provides food and accommodation, I will agree to it.

It’s rare for someone to invite me….

But I am the Sword King after all, should I be more reserved?

“You can eat as much meat and food as you want. If you have any special requests, you can apply for extra food from me. The address is in the guest room of the palace, with a big soft bed. You will get a salary of 100 gold coins per month, and you can exchange magic items according to your achievements…….”

“Meet the Master!”

Rhodes hadn’t finished speaking yet.

Gilena hugged Rhodes’ legs with a tiger pounce, and couldn’t wait to promise her allegiance, as if she was afraid that Rhodes would go back on his word.

Rhodes tentatively reached out and pinched Gilena’s ears.

She didn’t resist and even arched her ears actively, and her tail even shook like a propeller. It was just like a puppy that found its owner.

Hey, hey, hey, you are a sword king with the posture of a sword emperor!

Gilena stared at Rhodes with eager eyes, and drooled continuously from the corners of her mouth.

Rhodes shook his head with a smile when he saw this, and simply used the Zhao Dao to really turn into a lot of delicious food.

The two began to have a picnic in the forest.

Gilena was startled by Rhodes’s move, but she only took a second look, but didn’t even ask, just enjoying the food.

Rhodes felt a little regretful, it was rare that he wanted to continue pretending.

After all, Gilena was a rare trustworthy person who could make him pretend.

Rhodes was not hungry, but just propped up his chin and smiled at Gilena’s wolfing down.

“Eat slowly, don’t choke. How long have you been hungry?…….”

“No……have no idea……”

“For someone with your power, it’s easy to find food, right?”

Kilenu didn’t answer, but just shook his head.

Rhode understood.

This is the so-called swordsman’s persistence.

Rhode conjured up food three more times, and only then did he fill the bottomless stomach of the beastman female warrior.

“I’m full. Let’s go back home. The king can’t leave the country for too long.”


“What position are you going to assign me? Actually, I was joking before. I am only good at swinging swords.”

“I lack a reliable and powerful captain of the palace guards.”

“…….Even if I’m stupid, I know this is an important job. Is it really okay for you to trust me, an outsider who is from the beast tribe?”

“I don’t trust outsiders, I just trust Gilenu.”

Gilenu didn’t respond, but raised his mouth slightly and his tail swayed.

“I don’t have a good temper.~”

“I am also willful sometimes.”

“I’m stupid, I might make a lot of mistakes.”

“It doesn’t matter, there aren’t many smart people in Arcadia nowadays.”

“snort…….You are just fooling me”

【Congratulations to the host for collecting the A-level character Gileno】

【Tags: Swordsman/Orc】

【Reward: Grade A Summoning Card]

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