Esdeath, wearing a white military uniform, looked at the official road in front of her. It seemed a little different from the last time she passed by here. You know, there were always a lot of refugees on this road before.

But now there is no refugee on this road except for passers-by.

【How could such a big change happen in just a few months? Could it be that the emperor did it?

Esdeath wondered.

"General, according to the latest intelligence from the Imperial Capital, this is caused by the new law that the Emperor issued a few days ago that made everyone equal."

Leva, one of the three beast warriors, saw Esdeath's confusion and explained.

"A new law that makes everyone equal? That's an interesting idea. It seems that the Emperor is quite interesting!"

"I can't wait to meet that interesting emperor."

Esdeath said with interest.

"It's really an amazing idea."

Riva continued with some admiration.

He was born a commoner, and because he was oppressed by the nobles and could not survive, he joined the army. This was one of the reasons why he refused to bribe Ernest. It was because he was born a commoner that he could deeply understand how amazing the law of equality for all amended by the emperor was.

"Speed up and get to the imperial capital before tomorrow."

Esdeath didn't say anything after hearing what Liva said, and directly said to the whole army

""Yes, General!"

More than 200,000 soldiers answered in unison.


On this day.

Esdeath's army finally arrived at the imperial capital. There is a huge difference between traveling alone and traveling as a group.

As Esdeath's army entered the city, both Esdeath and the soldiers deeply felt the changes in the entire imperial capital.

How to say it? It feels like the entire imperial capital has become inexplicably harmonious. Every resident's eyes are full of hope for the future, unlike in the past when everyone was like a zombie and full of despair for the future. In the royal garden of the Imperial Palace, Baiyin Yuxing, who was closing his eyes to think about his next plan, slowly opened his eyes when he heard the footsteps of someone coming in.

"Your Majesty, Esdeath has returned and is now outside the palace, demanding to see Your Majesty."

Baiyin Yuxing looked in the direction of the voice and saw General Bud half-kneeling on the ground in a solemn manner.

"Is Esdeath back? Although it was expected, she came back pretty fast!"

After hearing what General Bud said, Baiyin Yuxing was stunned for a moment, then he said to himself


Summon General Esdeath in the main hall.

"As you command."

Hei Tong nodded and walked out.

Now, in addition to protecting Bai Yin Yu Xing, Hei Tong also serves as his"secretary"."


Seeing the figures of Esdeath and the other four, General Bud and Hei Tong moved closer to Shirogane Yuxing, ready to guard against Esdeath's sudden attack at any time.

Shirogane Yuxing looked at the actions of General Bud and Hei Tong, smiled helplessly and said nothing.

Esdeath led the three beast warriors slowly into the huge palace. The smooth floor was covered with a gorgeous red carpet. When she looked up at Shirogane Yuxing sitting on the throne, Shirogane Yuxing smiled and looked at her, and the two looked at each other at this moment.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Esdeath's heartbeat started beating rapidly.

【Such a charming smile, and such a heartbeat, is this what it feels like to be in love? So interesting!

Esdeath raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a charming smile, half-knelt in front of Shirogane Yuxing, and said slowly:"Esdeath pays respect to His Majesty!"

After Esdeath knelt down, the three beast warriors behind her half-knelt on the ground one after another

"Liva meets His Majesty!"

"Niu greets His Majesty!"

"Daidas meets His Majesty!"

Seeing this scene, General Bud and Hei Tong, who were present, let down their guard by half.

And Baiyin Yuxing's smile became even bigger!

Because from Esdeath's performance, Baiyin Yuxing has confirmed one thing, that is, Esdeath did not have any bad thoughts about him because of Ernest's matter.

Before, Baiyin Yuxing had always been worried that Esdeath would rebel against him because of Ernest's matter. After all, her current position was helped a lot by Ernest.

Of course, it's not that Baiyin Yuxing is afraid of Esdeath, but Esdeath's strength and ability to use troops are unquestionable.

Esdeath is a very useful blade for Baiyin Yuxing. Baiyin Yuxing has long planned to tie Esdeath to the empire firmly. The most important point is that Baiyin Yuxing admires her very much.

Not only is Esdeath's good figure and stunning appearance, but also her unique style of doing things (although she is very cruel to the enemy and prisoners of war, but very generous to subordinates and civilians...), although she is a super sadist

【But why, she looked at me as if she wanted to eat me.】

Shirogane Miyuki looked at Esdeath's eyes as if she wanted to eat him, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Get up!"

Baiyin Yuxing suppressed the chill in his heart and smiled and spoke again.

""Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Esdeath responded, and then stood up with a smile on her face. At the same time, the three beast warriors also stood up.

Shirogane Miyuki looked at Esdeath's smile and the look in her eyes that wanted to eat him up. He was 99.9% sure that Esdeath had taken a fancy to him.

【But I seem to remember that Esdeath had several requirements for her love partner:

1. No matter what, the most important thing is to value the possibility of the future. I hope to train myself to become a general-level figure.

2. Have courage. Even if empty-handed, I can go hunting dangerous species with me.

3. Like me, I grew up in the border area instead of the imperial capital.

4. Younger than me, so that it is easier for me to dominate.

5. It is best to have a pure smile.

I think I meet some of these requirements! 】

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