Or let's put it this way, almost everyone in the empire knows that the Dark Guard is the organization that Baiyin Yuxing created to monitor the world. Baiyin Yuxing has no intention of hiding this organization at all. He wants everyone to know that the Dark Guard is his eyes. Your every move is under his eyes, so don't be too reckless.

This is also very effective. At least it makes those nobles dare not be so reckless, and makes the whole empire quieter. Although there are still many nobles in the empire who secretly cooperate with the revolutionary army in order to maintain their privileges and status, and they think that Baiyin Yuxing doesn't know, but they don't know that all their actions are under Baiyin Yuxing's eyes. It's just that

Baiyin Yuxing doesn't want to alert the enemy so quickly. He wants to make a big move, lure out all those who are hostile to him, and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to check them one by one!

Will watched Seleu and Kuroneko chatting happily, and thought about how Kuroneko looked disdainful when he went up to say hello before. He became completely withdrawn. Then he looked at Porus wearing a strange mask and staring at him fiercely, even though he couldn't see his face because of the mask.

【"Mom, I want to go home so badly. It's too scary here!"

Will said in tears.

Just when Will was getting more withdrawn, the door was gently pushed open again, and a well-mannered blond man came in. The blond man glanced at the four people in the room as soon as he entered the room, and said with a gentle smile.

"Hello everyone"

"It seems that I am the last one!"

Will was still immersed in autism. He glanced at the blond man and said weakly:"Hello, please give me your guidance. My name is Will."

"My name is Lan, and I hope you can give me your guidance."

Lan said with a smile.

When Will heard what Lan said, he ran to him with a look of surprise, held his hands with both hands and said:"Finally someone pays attention to me normally."

Suddenly the whole scene became full of gay love

""Yeah, yeah."

Lan pulled his hand away from Will without leaving a trace.

"Um, tea is ready for everyone."

After the four of them sat down, Borus came over with the brewed tea and placed a cup of brewed tea in front of each person.

"Sorry, I was the first one here, but I was so quiet."

"I'm shy and very nervous."

"I'm probably the oldest here, and I know this won't work."

"As both of us are Imperial Artifact Masters serving His Majesty, please let us get along well."

"I am Porus from the Burning Army."

Porus said shyly

【Is the personality and appearance totally incompatible? 】

Will complained in his mind

【The Burning Force, a special force that burns everything, whether human or otherwise? However, this character doesn't match the style of the Burning Force, but his appearance is quite suitable for the Burning Force.

Lan thought to himself after hearing that Borus was from the Burning Force.

At the same time, Shirogane Yuxing, who was practicing physical skills, heard the guard's report.

"The Imperial Instrument Masters are all here, they are coming pretty fast."

Each Imperial Instrument Master of the Empire has a special person to register them after they are recognized by the Imperial Instrument. After all, the Imperial Instrument is an important weapon to maintain the rule of the Empire. Although many Imperial Instruments have been lost one after another, the information of these Imperial Instrument Masters can be found as long as you want to check.

It is not surprising that they came so quickly.

"General Esdeath, let's go and see these imperial weapon users."

Baiyin Yuxing said with a smile to Esdeath who was not far away.

"As you command, my Lord."

Esdeath said with a smile on her face after hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said.

【Imperial weapon users? I hope to meet some interesting people. 】

After that, the two walked one after the other, chatting without saying a word, and soon came to the side hall where the imperial weapon users gathered.

After Shirogane Yuxing pushed open the door of a room in the side hall, five familiar faces, Hei Tong, Will, Lan, Porus, and Seleu Euphikitas, came into view.

All the members of the Imperial Hunters in the original work, except Dr. Shishang, were present.

Shirogane Yuxing came from modern society, so he naturally knew the horror and convenience of science. Therefore, he specially established the Royal Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Shishang was the first academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences. At this time, he was staring at the books that Shirogane Yuxing brought from modern society, so it was naturally impossible for him to gather here.

Of course, Shirogane Yuxing did not issue a call to Dr. Shishang, otherwise he would have come even if he didn't want to.

In Shirogane Yuxing's opinion, letting Dr. Shishang join the Hunters in the original work was a stupid move. You must know that his strongest point is his scientific research ability, not his combat effectiveness.

Here we have to say how far-sighted Shirogane Miyuki is, bringing all the precious knowledge in modern society to this world, allowing the scientists in this world to avoid many detours.

At the same time, Shirogane Miyuki also expects that the scientists in this world can invent more amazing technologies than modern society. After all, this world has dangerous species and metals unique to this world. The forty-eight imperial artifacts are a very good precedent. As long as scientists such as Dr. Fashion continue to study them, they will definitely develop technology far beyond modern society.

You must know that the forty-eight imperial artifacts in the world of Akame ga Kill are something that scientists in modern society can never make.

It's not that scientists in modern society are not capable enough, but that the background of the world is different. The most important point is that there are no supernatural creatures like dangerous species in modern society.

When Shirogane Miyuki and Esdeath walked into the room one after another, the five people who were originally sitting at the long table stood up and knelt on the ground to greet them.

"Meet His Majesty!"

Except for Hei Tong and Sai Yu, the other three seemed a little nervous. It was no wonder. After all, Shirogane Yuxing was the master of this country. Everything in this country existed for him. His words and deeds could determine a person's fate.

Besides, this was the first time the three of them had seen Shirogane Yuxing up close. Hei Tong, as Shirogane Yuxing's"secretary", naturally would not be nervous about him. As for Sai Yu, he was simply a die-hard fan of Shirogane Yuxing and believed that everything Shirogane Yuxing did was just, so naturally he would not be nervous either.

""Everyone, stand up!"

Baiyin Yuxing waved his hand and said with a smile.

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

Baiyin Yuxing looked at everyone who was still nervous and didn't say much. He had been the emperor for so long that he was used to it (so habit is really a terrible power). He smiled and walked to the main seat and sat down

"Don't be so nervous, you all can sit down...Esdeath, you can sit here too."


Everyone responded after hearing Baiyin Yuxing's words.

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