""Esdeath, have fun."

Baiyin Yuxing said with a smile to Esdeath who was standing beside him.

"It's okay."

Esdeath smiled.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I didn't capture those thieves alive, and I failed Your Majesty's expectations."

Will said to Baiyin Yuxing dejectedly. Except for Esdeath and Lan, the other members of Dawn were more or less unwilling to accept it.

"It's not your fault. You're already pretty good at fighting the Night Raid members one-on-one and even suppressing them."

Baiyin Yuxing comforted everyone.

"Boss, are you planning to abandon the Revolutionary Army and join the Empire?"

After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, Brand, who had been thinking, suddenly asked

"Just like Akame said, the ultimate goal of establishing our Night Raid is to make the people live a happy life, and the current empire has already done it, but those damn high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army have betrayed our original intention."

Najeshitan did not give a direct answer, but her decision was self-evident.

At this point, Najeshitan curiously asked the people around the Night Raid:"What is your choice?"

"Of course I will continue to follow you, Boss. The Revolutionary Army is nothing."

Lubbock quickly replied.

"I didn't expect those guys to join forces with the nobles. I will naturally not stay in the revolutionary army anymore."

Brand said with a heavy heart. Although he did not express his wishes clearly, his meaning was very clear.

"I will naturally follow the boss."

Marin smiled and said

"I just want to be with everyone."

Hill said to the Night Raid group innocently.

The others gave similar answers.

"You guys... you really don't have any feelings for the Revolutionary Army."

Hearing the answers from the Night Raid people, Najeshita felt a little

"It's normal. Who would pledge allegiance to the Revolutionary Army that cooperates with those disgusting nobles?"

Leone said with great disdain. She no longer had any good feelings towards the Revolutionary Army.

"That's right."

The people of Night Raid nearby agreed.

Baiyin Yuxing, who was sitting on the Supreme Throne, saw the expressions of the people of Night Raid and smiled slightly and said,"It seems that you have made a decision. So, how about it, will you submit to me or not?"

Najeshitan looked at Baiyin Yuxing seriously, with a firm determination in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, as long as you are willing to continue to work hard for everyone to live and work in peace and contentment, we will attack everyone at night and become your most loyal subordinates."

"A beautiful world where everyone lives and works in peace and contentment? It's a difficult task, but I agree."

Baiyin Yuxing felt Najeshitan's determination and nodded in agreement. The

Night Raid members looked at each other, knelt on one knee and said in unison:"We, the Night Raid members, are here to see Your Majesty!"

"Good, it seems you made a wise choice."

"Welcome to join my army and conquer the world for me!"

"Get up, don't be so restrained."

"Then from now on, Night Raid will be incorporated into the Special Operation Dawn that I founded."

Seeing the Night Raid people kneeling on one knee to pledge their allegiance to him, Shirogane Yuxing laughed and said


Najeshitan asked doubtfully.

"The special operations team founded by me, Liming, reports directly to me, and they are the first batch of members of Liming."

Shirayuki Yuxing pointed at Esdeath and others and said

""As you command, Your Majesty."

Najeshitan said with a smile

【Is it a similar unit to the Night Raid? That would be a good fit for our group.】


Because there was no assassination by Ye Xi, and the revolutionary army received the news of Ye Xi's betrayal, they also became more honest, and the entire empire officially entered a period of peaceful development.

It was precisely because of this peaceful development period of the empire that Esdeath was very manic, and she shouted every day that she wanted to suppress the revolutionary army, but Shirogane Yuxing ignored her and casually arranged her to patrol the streets.

Various farm tools created by the Royal Academy of Sciences were provided to the residents of the empire. These farm tools were not ordinary farm tools, but half of the imperial tools made by Dr. Fashion with dangerous materials. Shirogane Yuxing named them super farm tools.

In addition to helping people complete their work quickly, their work efficiency is more than ten times that of several people, and they also have a certain lethality.

In addition to farm tools, the Royal Academy of Sciences also created a variety of things that are beneficial to the development of the empire, including standard weapons with relatively large lethality and can be collected, which are also made of dangerous materials. Shirogane Yuxing specifically named these weapons as general tools, which means below the imperial tools and above the minister tools.

Baiyin Yuxing also selected 30,000 of the most elite soldiers from the entire country to use these equipment. He named this army, which could fight a hundred men at once, the Wushuang Army, which means unrivaled in the world.

This made Esdeath very jealous, and she shouted that she wanted to equip her army with them as well. So Esdeath really had nothing to say about her subordinates.

From then on, the entire empire entered a period of stable and rapid development.

Three months later

"Interesting, I haven't taken action against them yet, but I didn't expect them to jump out so quickly, which saved me a lot of trouble."

Sitting on the throne, Baiyin Yuxing listened to the secret guards reporting the news of the rebel army from all over the place, and his eyes were full of amusement.

""Lord Lan, how do you think I should deal with those rebels?"

Baiyin Yuxing asked Lan, who was standing in the team of civil officials below.

"I think these rebels must be quickly annihilated, but some of them can be recruited to increase the manpower of the empire."

Hearing Shirogane Yuxing's question, Lan stood out from the group of civil officials.

As for why Lan was among the civil officials, of course it was his wish. Speaking of it, since Lan became a civil official, Shirogane Yuxing felt that he was much more convenient to use than Grand Duke Jolly.

Since the Night Raid was merged into the Dawn, because the empire has recently fallen into a peaceful development period, there are no tasks, and the members of the Dawn are doing what they are interested in.

Saiyu became the captain of the Imperial Capital Guard and presided over her justice in the Imperial Capital. It was because of her absolute justice that the crime rate in the Imperial Capital plummeted, and the people of the Imperial Capital gave her a"friendly nickname" the Messenger of Justice.

Akahime, like Kurohime, closely protected Shirogane Yuxing. Of course, this was Akahime's own request. He is a very pure person and does not want to be sisters or something.……

Will and Brand rejoined the army and became generals of the Imperial Guards. Of course, this was the result of Shirogane Yuxing's intervention. Otherwise, how could these two people become generals as soon as they joined the army?

Hill, Leone, Myne, Chelsi, and Lubbock did not serve in the Empire, but lived their lives leisurely in the Imperial Capital. Najeshitan, like Lan, became a civil official to assist Shirogane Yuxing, working hard for the world in his heart where everyone lives and works in peace and contentment.

However, this is also what Shirogane Yuxing can't understand. You must know that Najeshitan, whether in the Empire or in the Revolutionary Army, exists as a military general, but now she has become a civil official.

Borus was ordered by Shirogane Yuxing to reorganize the Burning Force. Shirogane Yuxing made such an arrangement for a reason. Among the mass-produced standard weapons, there is a general that can spray flames, which is named Flame Launcher by Shirogane Yuxing.

Although it is only half the power of the Imperial Purgatory Summoned (Lubigand), it is also very terrifying to form an army, comparable to a natural disaster.

If the power of a single unit is not enough, then use quantity to make up for it. This has always been Baiyin Yuxing's idea.


Recently, there are fewer and fewer collections, flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards. Is my writing really that bad?

I beg for collections, monthly tickets, rewards, and flowers, so that I can have the confidence to continue writing.

Happy reading on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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