"You've done a great job. Keep researching. I will approve any amount of research funding you need."

Baiyin Yuxing pretended to be calm. As a qualified emperor, he couldn't lose his composure in front of his subordinates. Even if he was surprised, he couldn't show it.

"I will definitely not let your majesty down."

Dr. Shishang was delighted when he heard that the research funds would be approved in any amount.

"Can we make imperial tools with extremely dangerous materials?"

Baiyin Yuxing only then thought of the main purpose of coming here and asked Dr. Fashion

"Making an Imperial Tool? The corpse of a dangerous species……"

Dr. Fashion thought for a moment and said,"It should be fine, but we still have to try it out to know. I can't guarantee that it will be successful now."

"Can't you guarantee it? That's it. I'll have someone send the corpse of the super dangerous species to me." Baiyin Yuxing said calmly.

After leaving the Royal Academy, Baiyin Yuxing took the two sisters, Chitong and Heitong, to the Dawn Station to find the Dawn members and ask them to hunt down the super dangerous species.

���When passing by the barracks, Baiyin Yuxing saw many soldiers preparing to go to war.


Arriving at the Dawn Station, Shirogane Yuxing saw Leone boxing alone.

Seeing Shirogane Yuxing approaching, Leone immediately stopped and saluted him, saying:"Your Majesty, I am sorry to have made such a fuss."

"No need to be polite." Shirogane Miyuki came to Leona and said with a smile:"Your physical skills look pretty good!"

"Of course, I was a famous night raider in the capital. If I didn't have this much strength, I would have died a million times."

Leone said indifferently.

"That's true, but it's a pity for a beauty like you to learn martial arts."

Baiyin Yuxing said with some regret.

"Really? But if I hadn't learned martial arts, I would have committed suicide a long time ago."

Leone suddenly said gloomily, as if he recalled some bad things in the past.

"That's true."

Baiyin Yuxing said with some sadness. In the old empire that was rotten to the core, if a beauty like Leone didn't have any skills, her fate could be imagined.

"Isn't the past all in the past? I can assure you now that the empire will only get better and better in the future."

Baiyin Yuxing comforted Leona.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, you are such a gentle person."

Leone wiped away the gloom in his eyes and smiled and thanked Baiyin Yuxing.

"Gentle? I don't think I'm gentle."

Baiyin Yuxing thought of the people he ordered to be killed, and said with some self-mockery


Leone asked Baiyin Yuxing with some confusion.

"Nothing, where are the others?"

Baiyin Yuxing shook his head, but he didn't notice that the two sisters Hei Tong and Chi Tong behind him were looking at him with distressed eyes.

【Your Majesty, he is carrying too much】

"They are all over there."

Leone pointed in a direction.

"Then come with me to find them. I have a mission for you."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Seeing that there were only a few members of Dawn present, he was stunned for a moment before he remembered that Lan and others who were working in the empire were busy with the afternoon expedition, so how could they come to the Dawn base.

Seeing Baiyin Yuxing's arrival, everyone present at Dawn saluted Baiyin Yuxing and said,"Greetings, Your Majesty."

"It seems that you have been too idle recently. I have a task for you to do. Help me hunt down extremely dangerous species and bring back their bodies. The more the better."

"I have an urgent need."

Baiyin Yuxing looked at the listless appearance of the crowd, smiled and gave the order

""Yes, Your Majesty!"

Except for Chi Tong and Hei Tong, all the people present at dawn said in unison.


The main forces to suppress the revolutionary army were the 100,000-man army led by Esdeath and the 10,000-man unparalleled army, with the Burning Army led by Borus as an auxiliary.

When Esdeath and the others were ready to go, Shirogane Yuxing personally went to the imperial capital to see them off.

Shirogane Yuxing looked at Esdeath and said,"General Esdeath, I am waiting for your good news."

Shirogane Yuxing believed that the army led by Esdeath would never lose the battle.

Not to mention Esdeath's absolutely invincible strength among humans in this world.

(In the original work, Natasha mentioned that if you want to defeat this woman, you need at least 50,000 elite soldiers and more than 10 imperial weapon users including Akame, but the actual combat power required is far more than this data.)

Just say the 10,000 unparalleled army composed entirely of general weapon users, and the Burning Army that burns everything to ashes, he really can't think of what power the rebels have to fight against the army led by Esdeath.

In this world of Akame no Mikoto, the only thing that can fight against the army led by Esdeath is the super dangerous species that is like a natural disaster.

And Shirogane Miyuki obviously doesn't think that the rebels can control the super dangerous species.

This time he didn't even send Dawn to carry out the decapitation operation, because it was completely unnecessary. Just let the army led by Esdeath push forward all the way, there is no need to go through so much trouble.

"I will soon suppress the rebels and return to your majesty's side."

Esdeath looked at Baiyin Yuxing with a seductive look.

"I am waiting for General Esdeath to return to my side."

Baiyin Yuxing responded with a smile. During this period, the relationship between Baiyin Yuxing and Esdeath has made rapid progress.

"And when I come back from suppressing the rebels, you must reward the soldiers who went on this expedition."

Esdeath seemed to have thought of something, smiled and said to Baiyin Yuxing

"Of course, no problem. Even if you don't mention it, I will treat these soldiers who fought for the empire well."

Baiyin Yuxing replied without any hesitation.

"But you are really good to your subordinates!"

She is a ruthless person who buried 400,000 people alive without blinking an eye, but she is very generous to her subordinates. This is also the main reason why she is invincible on the battlefield.

"Of course, if a general doesn't love his soldiers like his own sons, how can he let them fight for you on the battlefield!"

Esdeath said in a very calm tone, as if to say that isn't that what a general should do!

"I am here and can assure you that as long as you die fighting for the Empire, your family will be raised by the Empire."

Baiyin Yuxing said loudly to all the soldiers present.

"Long live His Majesty!"

"Long live His Majesty!"

"Long live His Majesty!"

After hearing Baiyin Yuxing's words, all the soldiers exclaimed to Baiyin Yuxing.

"Your Majesty is so generous!"

Esdeath said to Baiyin Yuxing with a smile on her face.

"This is what they deserve."

Shirogane Yuxing shook his head and watched Esdeath disappear with her army. Shirogane Yuxing then returned to the palace with the two sisters, Akame and Kurome.


I beg for collection, monthly tickets, rewards, and flowers, so that I can have the confidence to continue writing.

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