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Tải ảnh: 0.340s Scan: 0.059sWhen the Yun Dynasty was first established, everything was renewed.

This was an unprecedented experience for the civil and military officials of Daheng. For example, whether a person was loyal or treacherous could be known by looking at the luck that emerged from him, which reduced the administrative pressure of the Ministry of Personnel a lot. As the saying goes, you must have real evidence to arrest someone, otherwise how can you convince the public.

As long as the luck on the person is black and gray, the Ministry of Revenue will order people to investigate this person to find out whether he has oppressed the innocent people, embezzled and accepted bribes, etc. After finding solid evidence, the Daheng Guard will go to arrest him.

This made the officials in various parts of Daheng not all honest officials, but most of them were. The other small part did not dare to oppress the innocent people, embezzled and accepted bribes, etc., and the politics in various parts of Daheng could be said to be clear.

The same is true for the cabinet and the other five departments.

After the opening of the Yun Dynasty, Daheng was protected by the world and no natural disasters fell on it, which made it develop steadily and rapidly for two years.

The imperial capital, four years after the Daheng Dynasty.

At this time, the entire Daheng Dynasty has become a different look. Countless towering skyscrapers have risen from the ground like giants. The originally backward buildings and slums have long been replaced by towering buildings.

Two years later, the Daheng Dynasty has almost conquered the entire world of Killing the Red Eyes. Even a large part of the territory that originally belonged to the dangerous species has been conquered by the Daheng Dynasty. Only a small part of the harsh environment has not been ruled by Daheng.

However, even if the world of Killing the Red Eyes has been conquered, Baiyin Yuxing did not kill the goose to get the eggs, and exterminated all the dangerous species that are dangerous to humans.

After all, dangerous species are the greatest wealth in the world of Killing the Red Eyes. Not only can they create powerful imperial tools, but they can also assist the cultivation of the people of Daheng.

Eating the meat of dangerous species can assist cultivation. This was accidentally discovered by someone after Daheng Tianbu Wu. Just like the fantasy novels that Baiyin Yuxing read in his previous life, dangerous species are like the magic beasts and mysterious beasts in fantasy novels, except that there are no things like inner elixir and mysterious elixir in the body. The more powerful dangerous species are eaten, the better the effect of assisting cultivation.

In order to make them a renewable resource and know when to hunt and how many of each type of dangerous species, Baiyin Yuxing sent people to investigate all the dangerous species in the world and determine their habits, places of residence, etc.

Some docile dangerous species were kept in captivity by the people of Daheng like livestock, and some dangerous species suitable for riding were tamed, which made the strength of the Daheng army stronger again.

Even Baiyin Yuxing tamed a super dangerous species, the Flame Dragon, as his mount.

However, when it comes to dragon-like dangerous species, Baiyin Yuxing sighed that as long as it is a creature related to dragons, it is not only powerful but also terrifyingly rare.

Baiyin Yuxing originally wanted to form a legion composed of dragons. When he saw the newly produced dangerous species distribution map and the dragon-type dangerous species that only had a few hundred, he put down the tempting idea that had just arisen in his mind.

The Daheng Dynasty has now completely abolished all taxes on civilians, and all taxes except commercial taxes have been temporarily abolished.

Since Baiyin Yuxing spread martial arts all over the world, the martial arts have flourished in Daheng. Stone tablets of martial arts and literature have been erected in the center of major cities in Daheng. Although the cultivation methods on them seem simple, they are also the most suitable for most people who have no cultivation foundation.

In the past, warriors were rarely seen in the world of Slash the Scarlet Eyes, but now warriors are everywhere in the entire Daheng.

Although ordinary Daheng people have learned the basic cultivation methods on the stone tablets, they are not good at killing. Of course, this is also the result of Baiyin Yuxing's arrangement. He deleted all the attack methods with great lethality and only engraved the cultivation methods, body techniques, and body training methods on the stone tablets.

Baiyin Yuxing just wants to make everyone in Daheng live longer, have the power to resist when facing danger, discover the cultivation talents among the people, and form combat effectiveness as soon as they are called up to join the army. The most important point is to improve the national fortune of Daheng.

According to the records of the Nine Heavens Emperor Records, the unified levels of the heavens and the worlds are divided into: transcendence, extraordinary, garrison, enemy country, star explosion, world destruction, single-dimensional universe, multi-dimensional universe, and transcendence.

Almost everyone in Daheng is now a master of the extraordinary level, and there are tens of thousands of masters at the garrison level with excellent qualifications.

In addition to martial arts and literature, Baiyin Yuxing has not forgotten to develop technology. As a time traveler, he certainly knows that the development of science in the later dynasties is even more terrifying than martial arts and literature.

If the way of cultivation is the power of an individual, then science is the power of many people.

Baiyin Yuxing still remembers the black technology that was created after science developed to another level, such as the dimensionality reduction weapon two-dimensional foil in the Three Body, the ultimate law weapon zeroer, and the telephone booth and devil's license in Doraemon.

As the saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

If Daheng wants to fully develop the way of cultivation and the way of science at the same time at this stage, it will only make Daheng a mess.

Therefore, the current Daheng Dynasty is mainly based on the most advantageous way of cultivation, supplemented by the way of science.

In order to enable Daheng to develop better and faster, Baiyin Yuxing has spent huge amounts of money in the past two years to establish countless different types of schools. Regardless of age, everyone can study for free for three years.

Martial arts, literature, physics, biology, chemistry, etc., all these knowledge can be learned according to one's own interests.

Since Baiyin Yuxing announced the news, the entire Daheng Dynasty has set off an unprecedented learning trend. Except for those poor students who get dizzy when they see a book, everyone has devoted themselves to learning day and night.

Unexpectedly, there are really a few scientific geniuses who are beyond Baiyin Yuxing's expectations. In just two years, they have integrated physics, chemistry, and biology, and independently developed technology that even he, a time traveler, was surprised.

It is precisely because of this learning trend that the current Daheng Dynasty has fully entered the modern era at an incredible speed. In addition to everyone having strong strength, others���It is completely similar to modern society.


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