Fujiwara Toru has been acting, pretending that he only follows Spencer and listens to him in everything, so he has gained the absolute trust of the CIA director.

As for what Spencer asked Fujiwara Toru to go to Japan, it is simply for money.

With the means of the CIA, there are indeed many non-book assets, but those money cannot be used, especially where Spencer is, he is being watched by all parties.

If the money is brought to the United States, there will definitely be trouble, so he needs a legitimate channel to make money.

Especially for what Spencer wants to do, the money must come from a clear source, otherwise there will inevitably be problems.

Because he wants to run for the president of the United States!

Election is a game of spending money, and there is definitely a lot of money to be used in public and in private.

This is why Spencer maintains a good relationship with those squid restorationists, because those squid chaebols are rich!

Fujiwara Toru’s task is to contact some chaebols in Japan as the Fujiwara family and let those chaebols donate political donations.

As a dog raised by America, there is no problem in letting the Japanese chaebols take the initiative to pay.

Fujiwara Toru couldn’t help but say,”Boss, you only need to say one word, and those Japanese chaebols will pay obediently.”

Spencer said slowly,”I can’t come forward for this matter, you can only do it, this is the rule of the game.”

Fujiwara Toru sighed softly, the political game is really troublesome.

This is also a factor in Fujiwara Toru’s adoption by Spencer.

When Fujiwara Toru was selected by the CIA, although Spencer was not yet the director, he was also a senior CIA official. It was very easy to investigate his identity with the CIA’s ability.

For thousands of years, Fujiwara Toru has had a huge influence in the Japanese political world, and even had an illegitimate son of the Fujiwara family, who once became the prime minister of Japan. This identity is also one of the reasons why Spencer adopted Fujiwara Toru.

From that time on, Spencer made plans for the future.

There was a joke on the Internet that a man pretended to be Bill Gates’ son-in-law and became the vice president of the World Bank.

Then he became Bill Gates’ son-in-law in turn as the vice president of the World Bank.

Although it was just a joke, Fujiwara Toru did use the identities of both parties to gain benefits for himself.

As an illegitimate child of the Fujiwara family, he became Spencer’s adopted son.

And with the relationship between Japan and America, his identity as the adopted son of the CIA director directly made the Fujiwara family recognize his legal status.

This was personally asked by the current old man of the Fujiwara family, and he scolded Fujiwara Toru’s biological father in this life for this.

As an adult, Fujiwara Toru does not have much affection for Spencer, the adoptive father who adopted him for a purpose, and the biological father who abandoned him since birth.

But not having a good impression does not mean that Fujiwara Toru will not borrow the power of both sides!

“I understand, Boss, I will complete the task perfectly.”

What else could Toru Fujiwara say? He could only say this.

Spencer said with satisfaction,”You are excellent and have never let me down. I believe in you, Toru.”

After a pause, the CIA director said again:

“……The woman you rescued yesterday, the Hollywood movie star Chris Wynyard, is actually Vermouth, a member of the Black Organization. Did you know about this?”

“I know, Boss.”

Fujiwara Toru replied.

I didn’t expect this shitty organization to be called the ‘Black Organization’.

“Well, I don’t care what happened between you and her, but this woman cannot be trusted. I received some intelligence and was interested in a certain drug that this organization was researching, so I will cooperate with them temporarily.”

“In the past, the CIA sent an agent named Ethan Bentang to work undercover in this organization.”

“Four years ago, he died because of something. Now his daughter Hondou Eikai is taking his place in the underworld.”

“Hondou Eikai is now using the alias Mizunashi Rena, and her codename in that organization is ‘Kil’. When you arrive in Neon, you will be responsible for contacting her.”

“Your mission is very simple, which is to find out what drug that organization is researching!”

Spencer gave the mission in a concise manner.

After finishing the communication with Spencer, Fujiwara Toru looked at the”black technology” extraction opportunity on his panel that had not been used yet, and after thinking about it, he did not draw it for the time being.

If the thing drawn is too big, it will be difficult to bring it to Japan at that time.

Just like his Porsche 911, he needs to repair it and have it shipped to Japan by sea.

In fact, he would rather have it shipped directly by air, but with his current level, the CIA probably won’t allow it. He directly used his mobile phone to buy a first-class ticket to Japan that would take off today.

The first task assigned by Spencer was not troublesome.

According to investigations, the Fujiwara family has found him a fiancée, Shinomiya Kaguya, the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya chaebol.

“Shinomiya Kaguya, interesting……”

Fujiwara Toru looked strange, and his impression of her in the anime flashed through his mind.

As for the drug Spencer wanted to investigate, Fujiwara Toru didn’t know whether it was APTX4869 or the first sample of this series of drugs,”Silver Bullet”.

But no matter which one it was, it couldn’t escape one person, that is,”Miyano Shiho”!

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