Vermouth is not a woman who only complains. When she encounters a problem, she thinks about how to solve it.

Vermouth is also very clear that Fujiwara Toru, who has a CIA identity, is not free. He always has to complete the tasks assigned by the superiors.

She is the same in this regard. If”that gentleman” issues a task, she must also complete it.

“This play is very important, and the contract has been signed, but I can use my identity to request to go to Neon to shoot the final scenes.”

Vermouth’s surface identity is Chrissie Wynyard, an identity she is not prepared to give up, let alone give up.

So she still has to shoot when it’s time to shoot.

As for when she arrives in Neon, she can use the excuse that she is too tired from filming to take a break and stay there for a while.

She can even apply for tasks in Neon from the ‘Boss’ to complete, giving herself more reasons and excuses to stay.

Thinking of this, Vermouth also sent a message:”Wait for me in Neon, Boy~~ I’ll see you when I find time.”


Fujiwara Toru, who had already arrived at the airport, received Vermouth’s message. He laughed. This is the good thing about mature women: they have a strong sense of boundaries.

If she were a young girl who had just fallen in love, she might have a bad temper or even complain at this time, thinking that you didn’t want her anymore after getting her body.

But Vermouth wanted to care about him and then make time to find her.

As expected, even if there is no experience in love, mature women make people feel more comfortable.

After checking his passport and luggage, Fujiwara Toru boarded the first class cabin of the plane.

However, he did not fly directly to Japan, but first took a plane for several hours across the Atlantic Ocean to London, the capital of England.

London St. James’ Park, it is located at the corner of Downing Street, not far away is the famous 10 Downing Street and the Thames.

Fujiwara Toru sat on a bench, holding a newspaper in his hand and reading it with relish.

The newspaper was not a serious newspaper, but the English gossip newspaper”The Sun”, and he mainly read the half-naked models on it.

Not long after, an elegant, gentlemanly old man in a vest sat down next to him.

The old man also took out a newspaper, but the one he read was more serious. It was the most influential newspaper in England, The Daily Telegraph.

The old man stared at the newspaper and said with his lips moving,”MI6 has a task for you.”

Fujiwara Toru also stared at the half-naked beauty in the newspaper and said lightly,”I came here for this matter. Don’t talk nonsense, just say it directly.”

The old man was the director of MI6 in England. Fujiwara Toru also received a task from his adoptive father, saying that the CIA and MI6 were going to cooperate and there was something he needed to do.

Although the Internet is well developed now, there is a risk of leakage when sending files online.

Therefore, important confidential documents are still delivered manually, and Fujiwara Toru also came to England for this purpose.

“Mary Akai, formerly known as Mary Sera, is a senior agent of MI6. Seventeen years ago, her husband, also an MI6 agent, Akai Tsutomu, went missing in the United States.”

“After that, their eldest son went to America to join the FBI to investigate his father’s disappearance.”

The head of MI6 accidentally pushed a leather file from his chair to the side of Fujiwara Toru.

Fujiwara Toru took the file bag in his hand, his eyes still fixed on the newspaper, and said:”I met Akai Shuichi two days ago. He has strong business capabilities and is also well-known in the FBI.”

“He wanted to join the CIA, but was rejected.

The MI6 director laughed and said,”If you want to investigate your father’s disappearance, the best place is of course the CIA. The FBI doesn’t care about this information. He joined the FBI just because he had no choice.””

“His parents were both MI6 agents, so it was normal for him to be rejected from joining the CIA.”

No matter how good the relationship between America and England is, no matter how much intelligence is exchanged, they still have to be wary of each other.

“Akai Mary disappeared not long ago. She only left a message. According to the information we have obtained, she may have gone to Neon.”

“She is a senior agent who knows many secrets of MI6.”

The supervisor said calmly.

“MI6 suspected her of betrayal?”

Fujiwara Toru asked

“Well, it’s better to be safe than sorry. She was able to leave a message to MI6, which means she was not free, but she did not take the initiative to report her situation, which made MI6 suspicious.”

“You are the candidate that Spencer strongly recommended to me, and you are also well-known in MI6. I am relieved to give this task to you. I am afraid that there are her people in MI6, so I dare not use them.”

“When you go to Neon, investigate Akai Mary’s location and information. If she really betrays you, kill her.”

“That bag contains all of Akai Mary’s files.”

The head of MI6 said coldly.

This is the fate of an agent. If you are suspected of betrayal, you can only die.

“I see.”

Mari Akai, isn’t she just a prostitute? I remember she seemed to be staying in a hotel?

But there are too many hotels in Tokyo, so it’s troublesome to investigate. But it doesn’t matter, as long as we investigate Masumi Sera or that shogi family, we can find out her exact location.

“Since you want me to complete the task, you have to give me the task funds, right?”

Fujiwara Toru suddenly said at this time.

The supervisor’s face darkened and he said gloomily:”I will allocate funds to you through the Sixth Department.”

Fujiwara Toru smiled with satisfaction.

As long as the funds are in my hands, then it all belongs to me.

It is reasonable for me to spend 80,000 US dollars to buy a bag of screws!

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