“Sorry, I didn’t bring the registration form with me. The club recruitment is actually outside the auditorium. How about you wait here for me and I’ll get it now?”

Yukinoshita Haruno is a man of action. Now that he has achieved the desired result, he must quickly finalize it.

“There is no need for senior to make another trip. How about this, senior, leave me a Line message. I have some things to take care of here. When I’m done, how about I go to the club recruitment office to find you?”

As Fujiwara Toru said this, he had already taken out his cell phone.

Yukinoshita Haruno raised her eyebrows and said with a smile:”Fujiwara-san, you are not saying that something is an excuse, and you just want my Line message, right?”

“It’s true that I want to send a Line message, but it’s also true that I have something to do now.”

Fujiwara Toru looked behind Yukinoshita Haruno. His biological father and his wife had been waiting for a long time. Fujiwara Toru had actually discovered them a long time ago.

Yukinoshita Haruno took out her mobile phone generously and exchanged Line messages with Fujiwara Toru. She shook her phone and said,”Then it’s a deal, Fujiwara-san, don’t go back on your word.”

Having said that, Yukinoshita Haruno was ready to leave temporarily, but when she turned around and saw the two people behind her, she was stunned for a moment.

Because they were also acquaintances to Yukinoshita Haruno, she walked over with a perfect smile of a junior, and greeted them cordially,”Uncle, aunt.”

Fujiwara Yoshitaka nodded, and he signaled to his wife with his eyes.

Mrs. Fujiwara immediately understood what her husband meant. She took Yukinoshita Haruno’s hand, and asked about her well-being,”Haruno, aunt and you haven’t seen each other for a long time. Shall we go over there to chat?” Yukinoshita

Haruno looked at Fujiwara Yoshitaka, she seemed to be thinking about something, and said obediently,”Okay.”

As she said that, she let her aunt pull her away, but she saw her uncle walking towards Fujiwara Toru out of the corner of her eye.

After leaving the room backstage of the auditorium and coming to the corridor, Yukinoshita Haruno asked without waiting for her aunt to speak,”What is the relationship between Fujiwara-san and your uncle?”

“They are father and son by blood.”

Mrs. Fujiwara said with an unpleasant expression.

“Why haven’t I heard of this before?”

“This matter is more complicated”

“Really? Then I won’t ask.”

Yukinoshita Haruno also roughly guessed the reason. She would not say too much about such things to avoid embarrassing her aunt.

If her sister was here, she might really ask questions. Yukino is the kind of person who strives for truth and does not care about other people’s thoughts.

To put it nicely, it is called being eccentric. To put it bluntly, it is inflexible and lacks the ability to read people’s expressions. To be more precise, it is a bit of a middle school student.

Yukinoshita Haruno’s favorite thing to do is to”laugh at” her sister.

Haruno recalled the things about her family in her mind.

The Yukinoshita family is also in the Chiba area. It is considered a famous and prestigious family. Although it cannot be compared with those Chinese families that have been passed down for hundreds of years, it is also quite famous in the local area and has considerable assets.

Her grandfather has two daughters, namely her mother and aunt.

Because they are both women who need to inherit the family property, a family like Yukinoshita will undoubtedly choose to recruit a son-in-law.

Yukinoshita Haruno’s father married into the Yukinoshita family in this way, so the head of the family of this generation is her mother, and her father manages some of the family’s businesses.

For this kind of family, except for the heir, the remaining children are either ignored or not taken care of. Either you can have a free love relationship or you can have an arranged marriage.

Yukinoshita Haruno’s aunt was not forced by her father to have an arranged marriage, but gave her the right to freely love.

But no one expected that her aunt would have a romantic relationship with Fujiwara Yoshitaka, the second son of the Fujiwara family.

This not only completed the arranged marriage, but also was her true love. At that time, Haruno’s grandfather was very happy and thought that her aunt was very blessed.

But good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone. After her aunt got married, she had no children.

Children are very important for such a large family that needs to be inherited. Under no circumstances, her aunt and uncle went to the hospital for examination. The final result was that her aunt had no fertility at all!

This was a huge blow to both the Fujiwara family and the Yukinoshita family. It was normal for the two to divorce.

But at that time, Fujiwara Yoshitaka had already entered politics and was ready to climb to a high position. Divorce would have a bad impact on politics after all.

In addition, the two people in their student days were really in love, so they never chose to divorce.

But without an heir, this made her aunt’s situation in the Fujiwara family very bad. It is said that the old man of the Fujiwara family got really angry several times.

“Haruno…you, you know that Fujiwara Toru?”

Mrs. Fujiwara asked tremblingly, even with fear on her face.

Yukinoshita Haruno looked at the expectation in her aunt’s eyes, and she sighed in her heart.

The relationship between her aunt and her mother was not good, and it was not an exaggeration to say that they were enemies.

Because her mother was forced to find someone she didn’t like and take over the family business, while her aunt not only fell in love freely, but also married into a real wealthy family.

At that time, the young and hot-tempered aunt said many unpleasant words, and the two sisters became enemies from then on. When her mother mentioned her sister, her expression was resentful.

And Yukinoshita Haruno even guessed what her aunt wanted her to do.

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